Chapter 10

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"I was in a ware house all alone or so I thought I heard noises and then the hooded figure jumped in front of me I screamed a bit "Allison do you want to know about your past what you truely are and what you are truely for? Confront Sam and Dean ask them for the truth otherwise you'll be sent to hell and forced to watch those you care about die" the figure touched my forehead and I watched Sam get kill by a demon Cas got stabbed Lucifur Dean got shot by Ketch and I watched Jack get killed by me" I woke up screaming and my door burst open and I saw Sam he looked worried he sat on my bed and pulled me into a hug and I started to cry "shhhh it will be okay" he cooed he started to rock me back and forth "it was just a dream" I soon calmed and he let go of me.

A hour passed and Sam and I were in the library "any word from Cas?" Dean asked walking in as he hung up his phone "yeah uh he's says he's still looking for jack working a lead in Tucson" Sam explained and Dean's phone rang he showed us it was Jody "hey Jody" we all said "hey guys I got something for you friend of mine from Bismarck PD called with a lead he said that a local artist was found dead with his eyes burned out" "sounds angely" dean said "yeah that's what I thought expect there was a witness the victim's girlfriend she pegged someone at the scene she gave the police a description I think it's your boy."

We drove off to Bismarck North Dakota we all went to the victim's house "that's him he said his name was Jack and that he was a buyer" "some freaky stuff here Derek had quite the imagination" dean said "he hated that word" "what freaky?" Sam asked "imagination he liked to think of his art more as reportage" she explained "reportage from where?" I asked "from the places he'd visit Derek was a dreamwalker" she said "Sam" Dean said and we both looked to see a painting.

Dean got coffees as Sam and I waited in the car Dean got in and sat in the front "thank you" I said while grabbing one "so the lore on dreamwalking is pretty inconsistent there are stories about it across numerous Native...." "Sam we going to talk about it?" Dean asked "what?" Sam asked "you saw the painting" "yeah" "well so Jack gave up on us and he's looking for daddy" "Dean we don't know that" I said "do we a guy is dead look I hate this too but we've gotta be prepared" "to kill him" Sam said "look this isn't an I told you so okay I actually like the kid I do but we're in worst case scenario land here" "yeah but dean we need more information I mean we gotta figure out what jack wanted how dreamwalking even works" Sam said "okay let's go to a reservation let's talk to the chief or a tribal leader" "or we talk to a dreamwalker" Sam said.

"I've been hacking into Derek's emails he's been corresponding with another dreamwalker for months a girl named Kaia Nieves he had been trying to coach her to teach her to control her powers" Sam said "alright where is she?" Dean asked and we drove off to were she was "so Kaia never never knew her father her mother died in a accident when she was twelve then her aunt took her in and then she died of cancer" I explained "damn" "yeah" "been on her ever since until her OD and arrest" we walked out to the back of the centre and saw Jack with a girl who I'm thinking is Kaia "Jack!" Sam yelled and "Sam?" Jack asked and Kaia kicked him and then punched him and she ran away "she hit me!" "Yeah good" dean said "no she's getting away she can't..." he began "no hey! We're not letting you near her until you tell us what's going on" Dean said "no I need her!" Jack yelled "you need her like you needed Derek?" Sam asked "yes" Jack said "you don't I'm doing this for you" Jack said "you killed Derek for us?" Dean asked "Derek's dead?" Jack asked "wait hold on a second tell us what happened everything" Sam said "I left to get a grip on my powers I wanted to prove to you that I'm good to do one good thing so I did the thing you wanted most I experimented opening doors to other worlds I could almost did it I could get right to the edge but I couldn't see I could only feel around in the dark I needed eyes a seer."

"A dreamwalker" Sam said "so I researched like you taught me that's how I found Derek I didn't know if it would work but it did he dreamwalked and I joined him in Apocalypse world I could see what he saw and I saw her" "her?" Sam asked "your mother she's alive" "what?" Dean asked "but she's in danger" "what does that mean? What kind of danger?" Sam asked I was standing by the door we came through and I walked forward by Sam and Jack saw me "Allison?" He stuttered "hey Jack" "um it easier if I show you" he said Jack placed his hands on the boys foreheads "Allison put you hand on my shoulder" he said and as I did I saw the image it was horrible tears slid down my face he took his hands away and I took my hand off his shoulder "I was so close to her but I couldn't touch her but Derek wasn't strong enough to hold the connection" "you didn't burn him out?" Sam asked "no I stopped Derek wasn't strong enough but he told me Kaia was she's the key."

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