Chapter 12

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Jack,Mary and I were walking through the trees "Balthazar's army attacked but we were ready and then I killed him" jack said "and bobby?" Mary asked "well he'll be back in a few days with the people we saved" I said "thirty at least" I said we stopped walking and Jack looked at Mary "You're not happy? This is the third battle in a row that we've won" jack said "Jack I know I we're running out of space and supplies and now with all those new people I just don't know how we're going to take care of everyone" Mary said and then we heard rustling and Mary turned around fast on her feet and we saw Jakob "sorry didn't mean to startle you" Jakob said "what is it Jakob" "just got word from our eyes outside of Michael's fortress" "and?" Mary asked "they're saying the angels they're leaving" Jakob informed "why would they leave?" Jack asked.

Jakob walked away but before he did he gave me a death stare for some odd reason he hated me Jack saw the look he gave and grabbed my hand for comfort he leaned in and whispered in my ear "don't worry about him he's a jerk" I had a smile forming on my face "thank you Jack" I whispered back, we walked back to camp and sat around the camp fire with Jakob and a few other men and Jack did a scan of the fortress "it's all empty" Jack said "are you sure?" Mary asked "there are a few angels guarding the perimeter but inside they're gone" jack explained "what is going on?" Mary asked "maybe he's scared" Jack suggested "I've been fighting Michael the better part of eight years there is nothing he is scared of" Jakob said "he's scared of Allison and I we are winning" "Jack..." Mary was cut off by Jack "I think we should go see if Michael left anything behind something that can tell us where he's gone what he's planning" jack said "it could be a trap" Mary said "it's all right Allison and I will keep you safe" Jack looked at me and put a hand on my knee.

"I'll be right back" I said to jack and he nodded I walked through the trees and not to far from the camp after a bit I heard rustling in the bushes behind me I turned around and saw Jakob he had his gun in his hands "I thought you left us" he said "why would I do that? My boyfriend is here and Mary who happens to be like a mom to me is here" I said "why don't you lower your gun" I suggested "what it's not like it could hurt you" he smirked "was there a bad version of me that did something to you is that the reason why you hate me?" I asked "no there was no one like you here I just hate you because you in particular is the reason why I hate your kind you are just so annoying and you are just look like someone who'd pack up and leave and Jack well I like him he is fun but still I hate what he is and you are no fun" he said  "I'd never try and leave because that is just not who I am and I don't know how you find me annoying we hardly speak to each other" I said and then he shot me in my shoulder and then my knee then he came forward and started to kick and punch me I screamed causing a wave of power to come out of my mouth and flung Jakob back I fell to the ground I'm thinking the bullets had some sort of angel/Nephilim weakening liquid on them.

I tried to get up but I couldn't so I tried teleporting myself back to the camp which I did "Allison!" Jack yelled and came over to me along with Mary he picked me up and sat on a log and he then saw the wounds "who did this to you?!" Jack asked "Jakob" I grunted out "we need to get the bullets out" Mary said handing Jack a pair of tweezers he got the one out of my shoulder and then my knee he placed his hand on my forehead and healed the wounds and the bruises once that was done I hugged him and he rubbed my back and i began to cry a bit he pulled me closer into his arms Jakob came back with a cut on his forehead Jack let go of me and walked up to him "YOU HURT MY GIRLFRIEND!" He yelled "yeah well she deserved it" and Jack punched him over and over again until Mary held him back Jack walked back over to me while Mary dealt with Jakob.

"Thank you Jack for healing me and being the perfect boyfriend" I said "you are welcome" and he kissed my cheek, the next day we were checking out the church after half of the group checked out the building and said it was clear Mary spoke "Jakob take the others check the warding" Mary ordered and the group left and it was just Mary jack and I "god I really hate this place" Mary sighed "I second that" I said "look of here" Jack said and we walked over to the table that had a map and figurines on it "well those are Michael's armies" Mary said "why are they all over there?" Jack asked "I don't know" Mary sighed "look who we found in the dungeon" Jakob said holding a man "the prophet Kevin Tran" "He's a traitor" Jakob said throwing Kevin on the ground "I'm.... a....a prophet of the lord I.... I was severing god" Kevin stuttered.

"You serve Michael prophet here turned his back on his own kind" Jakob said "I didn't have a choice! I..... no you don't understand I never used to believe in anything well except science quantum mechanical unpredictability but then the end of the world happened and everyone around me my friends and my mom they all start to die but god chose me? What does that even mean Michael said he wanted to save the world but no kill it but he he's hurt so many people when I couldn't perfect the spell Michael he got mad and threw my in a dungeon and I was so scared but I fixed it but I couldn't do it anymore and then he..." Mary placed her hand on Kevin's arm "Kevin what spell? What's Michael planning?" Mary asked "There's a place in the south where the walls between the worlds are thin Michael is going to use a spell from the angel tablet to open a rift and then he's gonna..." "he'll invade our world" Jack said and his voice was breaking Mary and I both looked at Jack.

"Jack is right leaving his plans out like this it's too sloppy" Jakob said "or he doesn't care he's probably on the move as we speak" one of the men said "no I can go right now if I can surprise him I can kill him" "and I'll come with" I said "Jack Allison no" Mary said "no we can't just let him cross over" I said "I know but" Mary started "we know where he is" Jack said "do we? Michael could've left this map as bait Bobby's only a day out we should wait" Mary said "Mary's right Michael he never does anything without reason" Kevin said "I say we let the arch angel go let Michael be in the other world's problem for a change" "what the hell is wrong with you?! If that happens what happened here will happen there and then Michael will find world after world and destroy them until he's satisfied" I said "Jack Allison listen to me this is Michael we are talking about he's killed everyone that has ever stood strong against him we have to think this through I'm asking for a day please" Mary said "okay fine" jack and I said.

Mary came up to us "we know we said we'd wait but...." I started "you are going after Michael?" Mary asked "we have to" Jack said "you can't" Mary said "you don't think we can win?" Jack asked "we don't know how strong Michael is" Mary said "and he doesn't know how strong jack and I are" I said "I know you both have been winning all these fights and you want to take him on so bad I was just like you with hunting but I learned the hard way that thinking you can win all the time running in blind into every fight that's how you make mistakes and the people here...." Mary said "I'm doing it for them all right?" Jack said "you can't help them if you are dead! If you guys do this you could just get each other killed and imagine the pain if one of you stayed alive while the other one was dead!" "And I can't lose another child" Mary said tears where forming in Jack's eyes he put a hand on Mary's shoulder " you won't I will come back for all of you I promise" jack turned to me "Allison I don't want you to get hurt by Michael and I can't let you die" he said and I nodded "just please keep your promise and don't leave me like you did" "I promise you" he said and kissed my forehead "no" we all turned around to look at Kevin.

"Kevin?" Mary asked "you can't go" Kevin said showing us a sigil on his chest the men who had guns raised them up and they made a clicking sound "Michael he told me to wait for bobby for all of you to be here together but I can't he wanted you to see.." "whatever Michael said he was lying" I said "no! Michael says that when I get to heaven when he lets me into heaven I'll get to see my mom again" "I've been to heaven and what's there it's just memories nothing's real!" Mary said "I don't care! You don't understand you don't know the things that I've done...... I just want this to be over" Kevin began to cry as he spoke "your spell won't kill me or Allison" Jack said "Michael doesn't want to kill you he wants to break you both he said for me to tell you both that even if you win you still lose I'm sorry" "don't!" Mary said and Kevin hit the sigil making a massive blue light come out of his chest jack grabbed Mary and wrapped his wings around her and I wrapped my wings around myself knowing that the human side of me could be effected.

Once the blasted stopped I looked around and saw that everyone who was human was dead but Mary i looked over at jack and he looked at me sad eyes and then I looked at Mary who was passed out soon she woke I got up and walked to the table that had the map on it jack and Mary where behind me "this is my fault" jack said "Jack no it wasn't your fault we can fight and we can prepare but then sometimes things happen that we can never see come" Mary said "no I said I'd protect them but I failed" Jack said I turned around to face them "Jack you didn't fail you did all you could I didn't do a damn thing I didn't even grab someone to try and save them" I said "Allison the only person by you was Jakob and he hurt you he attacked you he didn't deserve to be saved after he hurt someone so beautiful and kind" Jack said.

And we walked back to camp ready to face everyone showing that we had no army left

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