Chapter 16

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Sam walked towards all of us he first hugged Mary and then Dean spoke "Sammy what happened?" "He brought me back" he said "it's what I do" Lucifur shrugged I was fighting the urge not to kill him I was standing in between Jack and Castiel "it is not what you- how did you get in here?" Castiel asked "VIP pass I'm with the band come on shouldn't you be thanking me? I gave Sammy and extra life besides what with little bro here being a hot mess I figured you need me so I'm here to join the team" he turned to jack "your name is Jack" "and yours is Lucifur" Jack said "no no no no you don't talk to him and you don't listen to him" Dean said walking over to Jack "um don't you think that's his choice" Lucifur said "no" Castiel said "are you trying to keep me from my son?" Lucifur asked "oh this is Kelly Kline's son he's nothing like you and you kept me away from my daughter" Castiel said.

"Don't say he's nothing like me I'm the only one who understands him this power he has? I'm powerful dangerous ruthless in the best sense though" Lucifur "no kill him" dean said "gladly" I said I stepped forward and raised my hand "Allison don't you think if you do that Jack will hate you for the rest of his life? I mean I am his father after all and what you're his friend? Girlfriend? He will hate you and you'll be invisible to him" Lucifur said "Allison do it you are strong enough" Dean yelled "stop it" Jack muttered "Allison now!" Dean yelled "stop it!" Jack yelled and then disappeared.

"Oh great! He does that when he's scared way to go dad" Dean yelled "I'll go look for him" Gabriel said and walked away I walked away from everyone and sat down on a rock not to far from the group "Allison are you okay?" Sam asked coming over to me "I could be a hell of a lot better" I said he sat down beside me "Sam it's a lot for me to take in Lucifur the man who ruined my life is standing right before Cas is my dad and I don't even know what to say to him" I explained "you could call him dad and Lucifur will get what's coming for him" Sam said "I missed you Sam" I said "I missed you too" Sam got up and then I did as well and hugged him "go speak to Castiel" Sam said and I nodded and walked towards Castiel who was with Lucifur.

Once I got to Castiel I stood next to him and folded my arms across my chest "there she is the girl who is related to Castiel!" Lucifur cheered "I'd keep your mouth shut if I was you" I said "come on Castiel are you going to let her talk to me like that she's your daughter after all" Lucifur said we all heard the sound of wings and Jack step forward "son" Lucifur said "it's jack" "Jack talking with Lucifur it's not a good idea" Castiel said.

"I'm not going to talk I'm going to listen" Jack explained and Castiel sighed "he's gonna listen" Lucifur whispered "wow I've been waiting for this moment for so long I just don't know what to say this dad thing is sort of new to me so um do you have any questions that you wanna ask don't let my status as a legend hold you back man just fire away" Lucifur said "why does everyone hate you?" Jack asked "huh wow he just got right to the point that's good that's good. Good question um so you've uh probably heard the stories right? Anything ugly happened any evil befalls the world it's my fault fake news" Lucifur explained,

"And that's not entirely true" Castiel said "I mean yes I have done things that I'm not entirely proud of I have led the occasional soul to ruin this is true but jack it's because humans are so messed up they are so willing to be led" "my mother was human and for a little bit so was my girlfriend" Jack said "your mother was a awesome lady incorruptible and I'm guessing Allison is your girlfriend she seems like a amazing girl the point is humans are not perfect they are hard-wired to fall and when they do they need a fall guy" Lucifur said while pointing to himself "that's a vast oversimplification" Castiel said "okay true or false Cas um for almost like ever I have been locked away in a cage" "yes" Castiel hesitated "true it's true so how did I do all this evil for all these centuries I wonder" Lucifur said.

"Who locked you up?" Jack asked "my dad because I told the truth see he loved humans so much he couldn't see their flaws and I told him about it and he got mad yeah he felt like I was personally dumping on his masterpiece and so he kicked me out. No time out no go in a corner you know anything like that just gone banished and yes as Cas says I have done some bad things I have my reasons and I just want the opportunity to get better doesn't everybody don't you?" Lucifur said Castiel walked away "then why did you take Allison away from Castiel? Seeing as you have your reasons" Jack asked.

"I uh did it because Castiel and I had a disagreement and I got someone to place a curse on him and it was that when he falls in love and then has a child I was to take her away from him" Lucifur explained "bull! I reckon that is not the truth" "you are right Allison Jack you picked wisely" I had enough and walked away to Sam, Dean, Mary and Cas "Allison?" Sam asked "I am just this close to killing him. Jack asked why he took me away from Cas and I just can't stand being near him" i said.

Dean, Cas, Sam and I walked down to jack and Lucifur "hey hey I told you no talking to and I told you no listening!" Dean yelled "Dean he's in chains" "his mouth isn't!" "Dean I need to know about my powers my family" Jack said "Jack we are your family we've been protecting you we've been honoring your mother's wishes we are your family" Castiel explained "Jack you have know idea who Lucifur really is" Sam tried explaining "and I never will unless I talk to him" "Jack" Dean said "Dean! He's my father!" Jack yelled he must have been annoyed because I was lifted off the ground and went flying into a tree.

I hit my head on a rock and I had blood on my head I got up and looked at Jack heart broken I then walked away, soon we all started to walk to base camp with everyone "we should arrive at base camp soon" Mary explained I was walking next to Sam "Sam going check out what Helter Skelter's saying to the damn kid?" Dean said "yeah" Sam said and then walked next to Jack "take it easy on jack he's been fighting a war he's trying so hard to prove himself but he's lost people friends it's gonna take a minute to get through it" Gabriel came running "angels!" He shouted and a group of angels came everyone raised their weapons they then turned to dust we all looked around and saw Lucifur with his hands in the air "oh yeah about the cuffs I knew they wouldn't hold me in this world long story short I didn't want your impotence to get awkward so I just went along you're welcome you're welcome right don't thank me at once see team player."

We got back to the base camp and I was talking with Gabriel "so the thing about Gabe the class clown" Gabriel turned around to look at Lucifur and Jack "and you are a assclown" Gabriel said "well I guess your time with Asmodeus didn't do you any good" Lucifur said "well my time with you was worse you recall" "I recall nothing I don't recall anything at all happy endings all good happy endings uh meet Gabriel your uncle" "hello" Jack said raising a hand "hello" Gabriel said while turning around and began walking "so I was just shaking up the old family tree for young Jack here you know talking about the good old days how tough pop was right G? I mean we butted heads a lot you know but in hindsight I think I should've given him some slack because he's a.........being a dad is tough" Lucifur said.

"Okay you think dad was the bad guy and you were a victim you are not a victim Allison is a victim that was just your excuse" Gabriel said "my excuse for what?" Lucifur asked "for it all Lucifur for it all" Gabriel said walking further away from jack and Lucifur and I walked with him, "Allison I'd stick around me or your dad Sam and Dean or Mary because Lucifur is just going to try and get under your skin" Gabriel said "okay" I said "you're annoyed that Jack is hanging out with him aren't you?" "Of course I am Lucifur took me away from my family and now he's trying to convince jack that he's good it's ridiculous" I said.

I was with Sam and dean hiding in the warehouse they were keeping Ketch and Charlie in I was helping Sam and dean fight off the angels once we killed them all I helped Sam untie Charlie Sam hugged her "uh sorry" he said and Charlie hit him we all began walking out and we walked back to camp I was standing by Castiel as Sam and Dean talked with bobby "we did a vote to see who was idjit enough to go off to this other earth with you" "yeah any takers?" Sam asked "everyone including me for whatever reason I got a good feeling about you two" bobby walked off and Castiel and I walked closer to Sam and Dean "dean that's great but how the hell are we gonna do this we only have a few hours left" "yeah no I know I've no.." Dean looked at a bus.

"Hey bobby tell me about that bus."

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