Chapter 6

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I was laying on my bed reading my favourite book, Sam knocked on my door "come in" I said putting my book down "hey so Dean and I are going on a hunt and we are leaving you and Jack here" "okay" I said "we are going to put extra warding on the bunker as well" I nodded "I'll call if anything happens and you call if anything happens alright" "okay Sam everything will be good" he nodded and walked out of my room, I walked out to the library and saw Sam and dean leaving I decided to go check on Jack I knocked on his door and he answered it "hey so don't know if you know but Dean and Sam went to go on a hunt together so it will just be you and me" "cool do you want to watch movies?" He asked "yeah sure" I walked in and sat on his bed and we watched Star Wars the force awakens after the movie finished I made some popcorn and Jack wanted to watch a romantic movie so I got one of mine I put it in the computer and we began to watch 27 dress.

"I liked that movie" Jack said taking some popcorn "I'll be back I'm just grabbing a drink" I said hopping off his bed "okay" he smiled I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water I heard whispers it was painful I dropped the glass and covered my ears "Allison" the voice sang three more times "Sam and Dean want nothing to do with you they are only using and they are hiding the truth from you once the truth comes things will happen people will turn on you things will come after you only for you to die in the end" I looked up and saw the hooded figure and I screamed and fell back wards and moved to a wall tears were running down my face and I was still covering my ears I felt a hand on my arm and I looked up to see Jack I put my hands down into my lap and Jack brought me into a hug "it's okay Allison" he whispered in my ear once we pulled away he helped me up and lead me to his room he grabbed some tissues and handed them to me I wiped my eyes with it and soon I calmed down "what happened?" He asked "the hooded figure from my dreams appeared and I heard this painful voice in my head" I explained "it's okay I won't let it hurt you" He said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

Soon it was dinner time and I made myself and jack burgers, we ate them while watching the first pirates of the Caribbean once we finished the burgers I got a phone call from Sam "is everything good?" I asked Sam on the other ended he asked me and Jack to do some research on a old cottage "alright bye" I said "hey so Jack we are going to do some research for Sam and Dean" "okay" he nodded he grabbed his computer and we walked to the library and began doing research on the meadows house after about five hours I called Sam and explained everything to him I hung up and closed my computer "we are all done Jack good job" I smiled at the end "I'm going to go to bed" i said to Jack "alright see you tomorrow" Jack said I nodded and walked to my room and laid down on my bed closing my eyes and letting sleep take me and it wasn't so pleasant.

This time i had another horrible dream
I was walking around the bunker and past the kitchen and I saw Sam, Jack and Dean talking "Allison shouldn't know if she does she will be in danger" Sam said "yes but it's for her own good" dean said then the hooded figure appeared and Sam dean and jack got ready to fight but the hooded figure killed Sam and Dean with the snap of his fingers "Allison so good to see you" the hooded figure's voice was deep and unrecognisable he grabbed jack in a head lock I tried to move but couldn't "watch the person who means most to you die" it taunted it killed jack and then disappeared I ran over to Jack's body "I'm so sorry Jack I'll get you back" I cried and that's when I realised I had romantic feelings for Jack.

I woke up in shock I was sweaty and hot i took a quick shower and then walked to the library and saw Jack was still awake "hey Jack" I said "hey" I sat down next to him "what are you looking at?" I asked "just some lore about demons" he said "okay" I nodded he closed his laptop and looked at me "Allison I've been watching a lot of movies lately and I was wondering why do they kiss after they said they like each other?" He asked "well in the movies and sometimes in reality when someone says they like someone in a romantic way and that person feels the same they kiss or hug because they are happy they get to be together" I explained he nodded "I hugged you does that mean we are together?" He asked "no I was hurting and you hugged me which can be comforting if someone is sad or hurt or they hug because they are happy about something" he nodded "Allison I think I like you in a romantic way whenever I'm around you I have this nice feeling in my stomach and my heart beats fast and you make me smile" jack informed me "you do?" I asked he nodded "same" I said he smiled and that smiled got passed on to me "Allison would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked "I'd love too" we moved our faces closer to each other's only inches a part and soon we were kissing it was short but sweet.

Once we pulled apart jack had a huge smile on his face "I liked that" he said "so did I" we both decided to get some sleep and soon it was morning I walked to the library and soon jack came in "Hey Allison" "hey Jack" he grabbed my hand and we sat down at the table "I'm going to make some coffee" I said he nodded and let go of my hand and I went to grab some coffee i put it in a mug and walked to the library I sat down at the table again and my phone rang I answered it and it was Sam "hey Sam" "Hey Allison Jack called me and said he was worried about you" Sam explained "yeh um yesterday This painful voice was in my head and it said Sam and Dean want nothing to do with you they are only using and they are hiding the truth from you once the truth comes things will happen people will turned on you things will come after you only for you to die in the ended" I looked up and saw the hooded figure and I screamed and then when I was sleeping I had a bad dream and I explained the dream to him "okay it will be okay I will explain everything later" he said "okay see you soon" I said and hung up

Soon Sam and Dean arrived with someone I thought I'd never see again

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