Chapter 11

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I was with Jack and we were at a ice skating centre and we had it all too are selfs "I love you Allison" he said "I love you too" and we joint hands and skated around the lights went out and I saw red glowing eyes Jack put me behind him and the red eyes belonged  to Lucifur "Jack and Allison I want you to join me you both have powers that are extraordinary and I want you to join me and help me save the world and then destroy it" he smirked "we will never join you" Jack said and Lucifur snapped his fingers and Jack fell to the ground "I know you love my son so you should watch him die a slow death" and Lucifur disappeared I fell to the ground and put Jack's head in my lap he was hugging his chest "Allison it hurts my chest" he said "it will be okay I'll help you I'll make a deal" "Allison no don't I'm not worth it" he said tears were running down his face "no jack you are worth it I can't go on without yo" I said "yes you can you are the strongest person I know you can do it" "please jack don't leave me" I said "I won't but you could use your powers" he said his breath slowing down "Jack i don't if they even work" I said "you won't even know until you try now use your god damn powers!" He yelled but then it came to me none of this was real I looked down at Jack "you are not Jack" I dropped him into the ice and he had a devilish smile and began laughing "Jack would never talk to me like that" I said

I ended up back at the Apocalypse world and there were two men in front of me "well this didn't work" one of them said and I was thrown across the room and I started getting punched and kicked until I was knocked out the next time I woke up was when I was being thrown in a room and I looked around and I saw Mary "Allison?" She asked asked "Hey Mary" I said and she pulled me into a hug once we pulled away Jack was thrown in and Jack looked around and he saw us  he sat by me and put a hand on my knee she looked at Jack "I've seen you before" she said "your sons Sam and Dean they sent us" Jack said "are they here?" Mary asked "no" Jack said "thank god" Mary mumbled "my name is Jack" "Jack? Your mother was Kelly Kline?" Mary said "you knew my mother?" Jack asked "I was around when you where born but then she uh...." "died I know" "you should be six months old" "I am sort of" Jack said "Jack Allison how did you get here?" "I opened a door" Jack said "to another world? You can do that?" Mary asked "Sam, Dean and Allison..... we were coming to save you but something went wrong and now it's just Allison and I and Michael I tried to fight him he was in my head he wants me to use my powers and I don't know why"  "I do you said he was in your head  well he's in my head too and I saw everything he's gonna bring a army to our world and just..." "he wants me to open the door?" "But i won't he can't make me I don't care how much he hurts me" Jack said "he's not gonna hurt you Jack he's gonna hurt me and Allison why do you think he brought you here so that we would meet so we would talk and the when he comes back if you don't do what he wants he's going to kill me and Allison" Mary said.

"He has been in my head too he wants me to use my powers he wants to use me to open a door" I said and Mary looked at me "you got your powers?" Mary asked "yes when we were coming to save you we were being attacked by angels and Dean gave me a vile of grace" I explained she nodded and got up and walked towards a window "Allison I know a lot I know what happened to you and I know what you are" she said "your mother she was a Nephilim her name was Beth McDorth and your father he was a angel and your father is Castiel" Mary said "what Cas he's my dad?" I asked "yes your mom she died when you were two she was killed by a hooded figure Castiel looked after you until you were five but one night you were taken by the hooded figure Castiel couldn't save you if he tried to save you he'd be dead right now when you were twelve the hooded figure took your grace  when you were in one of your foster homes and then a year after that Castiel found the hooded figure and grabbed your grace and then when you were sixteen and captured by demons and you were taken back to the bunker he knew it was you straight away but didn't say anything because that day when you were twelve the hooded figure placed a spell on you and it goes away when you turn eighteen which has happened the spell was that until you turn eighteen you won't be able to have your grace or have any knowledge about your past" I nodded "so is that why I've been having dreams? Is that why I've been seeing him? And how come before I even had my grace I could hear the angel radio?" I asked "yes that is why the dreams it's the figure trying to take you again and I don't know why you heard the angel radio before you got your grace."

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