Chapter 18

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Sam and I were teaching the survivors from the apocalypse world what was going on currently "so let me get this straight the ice caps are melting a movie where a girl goes all the way with a fish wins best picture and that damn fool idjit from the Apprentice is president" bobby said "yeah" Sam said "and you call where we come from apocalypse world?" Sam chuckled "good point sorry" his phone rang "excuse me" Sam said as he answered the phone "Dean" "alright Allison and I are on our way" "Allison let's get going" Sam said "alright."

Once we both arrived to the small warehouse by the lake Dean came up to us "All right gang's all here how many are inside" Sam said "I can hear three. Wait maybe four" Castiel said "alright we're talking werewolves which means..." "silver bullets" Jack said "that's right so you know the play let's do it" and we all began walking to the warehouse Castiel killed the werewolf who was trying to light a cigarette Sam kicked the door opened and the werewolves began to attack as Jack and I held them up with our powers Sam and Dean began to shoot them we dropped them on the ground and they were dead.

We got back to the bunker and I walked up to Maggie "hey how are you doing?" I asked "I'm good what about you?" She asked "good hey do you wanna go for a walk?" I asked "yeah sure" we walked outside but before we did I grabbed some umbrellas and then we started to walk "how are you finding it here?" I asked "it's nice I'm just happy I can finally live without the fear of Michael attacking" She said I heard something "Maggie stay where you are" I said she stopped walking I saw someone emerge from the distance "Maggie run back to the bunker now" she dropped the umbrella and began running after she was far enough away I turned back around and saw Lucifur with a blade in his hands.

He then began to attack me with the blade and I was becoming very weak he then hit me in the forehead and the world went dark.

Maggie's POV
Allison told me to run and I did and I felt really bad after I did I ran back to the bunker and looked for somebody I ran into Sam "Sam it's Allison" I said his face dropped to concern "what happened?" He asked "you need to follow me" Dean, Jack and Cas came and Sam said for them to follow once we arrived at were Allison got attacked I looked at Jack his face was full of sadness Allison's face was covered in scratches, bruises and blood Jack flew away Castiel walked away Sam picked her up and started to walk back to the bunker "what happened?" Dean asked "Allison and I went out for a walk and then Allison heard something she told me to run and I did but I wanted to run back to her but I didn't I didn't help her" I explained "hey it's alright Allison was trying t0 protect you and she did."

Allison's POV
I woke up in shock I looked around and then I saw Lucifur I jumped off the table in a fright I looked at jack who then disappeared Sam came in "what the hell happened?" Dean asked I sat down and Sam,Dean,Mary,Castiel and Bobby began talking Maggie sat across from me "Allison are you okay?" She asked "yeah I'm fine" I said shakily Sam came down and sat next to me "Allison did you see who it was?" He asked I nodded but before I could answer the lights flickered and there was loud banging on the bunker "mom bobby take Maggie though the garage" "what no" Mary said "mom!" "Please" "go go" Dean put me behind him the door was knocked of it's hinges and Michael appeared Sam and Dean began shooting him while Cas and I raised our angel blades he came down to us and Castiel tried to attack him but failed "you really think you could run from me?" Michael asked Sam went to attack but also failed Dean grabbed a blade and tried to attack but Michael started to choke him "how did you get here?" Dean asked "easy I made a deal"

"And now this world is mine I can save it purge it out of sin" I went to attack him but he used his powers and threw me against a table "yeh cause that recalled worked on your rock" dean said "I'm not perfect yes I made mistakes but second time's the charm and you Dean Winchester will be the first life I take in this world first soul I save some would consider that a honour" "well as Shakespeare once said eat me dick bag" Dean said and Michael began choking Dean more.

Jack Kline WingsWhere stories live. Discover now