Chapter 15

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I was bruised and in pain my grace was fading and I missed the boys and Mary, Micheal was not giving up and I wasn't going to give in hours later I suddenly felt very sleepy I laid down on the ground and began to dream "I was in my room in the bunker I got off my bed and walked out of my room I walked to the kitchen and saw Sam and Dean along with Jack and Castiel "what's going on guys?" I asked "Allison what are still doing here?" Dean asked "um last time I checked I still live here" I said Sam got up and walked towards me "Allison we don't want you here anymore I'd rather  be in hell right now then be up here with you" Sam said with nothing but disappointment on his face "what?" I asked "you know Allison I wish I never went looking for you I should have just let Lucifur kill you" Castiel said my heart was slowly braking "why would you say that!" I asked in confusion "you mean absolutely nothing to me you may think that I see you as a sister but all I see you as is a disappointment!" Dean yelled "Allison I never loved you the only reason why I stayed with you was because I felt bad for you that you had no one you could relate to" Jack yelled and my heart finally broke I began crying I walked away and out of the bunker I was shocked to see that outside of the bunker was on fire then Mary walked up to me "this is all your fault you lost control of your powers and destroyed half of the world!" She yelled.

I woke up crying and then Michael walked in "Allison I will keep playing that scenario until you give in" "and I'll tell you right now I'm never going to give In" I said "you know the faster you cooperate the faster you get to see your boyfriend" "and what after you get what you want and I see my friends and family you'll kill me?" "You are a smart one you know" he said and walked out of the room. "Jack I miss you so much" I whispered "god I miss them all!" I shouted and then the  small window in the room burst open causing some of the wall to break I took this as my chance to escape I got up and I climbed through the window and began running to camp I knew I couldn't use my grace to teleport seeing as I was losing it slowly.

I stopped running and I placed my hands on my ears "Allison you won't escape I'll find you!" Michael kept on repeating in my head I dropped my hands and then started running again after a while I came to a stop I looked around at my surroundings and I knew that I was close by to camp instead of running I started to walk and eventually I arrived at camp I sighed in relief and I started to look for somebody that I know and I soon found Bobby "Bobby!" I shouted he turned around and looked at me "Allison?" He walked up to me and pulled me into a hug "Jack told me what happened are you okay" "I'm good I made it out of there alive so yeah where is Jack?" "Follow me" he said we began to walk I saw Jack with his back turned Bobby stopped and nodded I walked closer to Jack until I was a few feet away "Jack" I said he turned around and looked at me "A-A-Alison?" He stuttered I nodded he walked closer to me and brought me into a hug.

"I thought I lost you" he whispered "you'll never lose me" he then cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly he let me go and then grabbed my hand I then heard talking that sounded familiar but I didn't want move just in case it was a trap "Allison it's them" Jack said and then he and I began walking to the voices "Dean" Jack spoke Dean was sitting on a log and was looking down he then looked up and saw me he jumped up and brought me into a hug "god I thought Michael killed you" Dean muttered

"I missed you" I whispered "Allison?" A voice from behind me asked Dean let go of me and I turned around and saw Cas I was lost for words he was my dad and I don't what to say I just walked up to him and hugged him and he hugged back "You are alive" he said "yes" i responded "did hurt you?" Castiel asked "not badly" "I know that you are my dad" I said and I heard him sigh "I hope you know that I didn't tell you for the right reason" "yeah I know you didn't tell me because if you did Lucifur would have killed you" I said "and I know the grace I have currently was just a boost of energy" I said Castiel let go of me and stepped back he grabbed something out of his trench coat and gave it to me.

"This is your actual grace" he said Jack placed a hand on my shoulder I opened the small vial and swallowed the grace my eyes turned grey and my wings showed on the trees my eyes turned back to normal and then my wings disappeared "where's Mary?" I asked "right behind you" She said and I turned around and gave a small smile I hugged her and then I realised I haven't seen Sam "where's Sam?" I asked everyone's expression changed to sadness "Allison he died on the way over here" Dean said "what?" I whispered and I had a few tears sliding down my face Jack pulled me into a hug Sam was like my best friend and basically the only one I could relate to before I met Jack and now he was dead.

Bells rang and everyone started to walk towards something Jack, myself, Mary, Dean and Castiel followed them and we all saw a figure walk towards us "Sam" I said I saw then saw someone else come in I started to move but dean grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"Hello son" the one and only Lucifur said

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