Chapter 17

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Morning came and Dean was trying to get the bus to work and he did Sam walked up to me "come with me Allison" I followed Sam to jack "hey jack were are you going?" Sam asked "before I go there's something I have to do something I promised myself I'd do kill Michael" "Jack we can't right now and you promised me that you wouldn't leave me like you did again" I said "Allison I thought you of all people would understand" Jack said "Jack believe me right now I'd be running with you to kill him but we are low on time" Lucifur came "Jack with have to get all these people to the rift we'll close Michael in here" Sam said "no we have to kill him he's killed people he deserves to be punished" Jack said "yeah I got this see I think what Allison and Sam are trying to say in their own way is maybe you should give this a re think I mean I've been encouraging you to take Michael out but it ain't easy I tried it and if he catches you we're all gonna have to waste a lot of time rescuing you and that puts pretty much everyone in danger look I know you feel like you are doing the right thing but sometimes doing the right thing can go wrong."

"My father makes a valid point" Jack said "father" Lucifur whispered "good boy wanna come? Let's do this come on" Lucifur and Jack began walking away "kids I mean you just gotta you gotta know how to talk to them you know what i mean?" "God I wanna kill him so bad" I said "I know come on" Sam said, I sat in the Jeep with Sam, Dean Gabriel and Jack.

After a little bit of driving we made it to the rift "it's closing" Sam said "we are running out of time come on" Sam got out of the car the rift then became stronger "oh hell yeah!" Dean said "how's that possible?" Sam asked "Lucifur let's go!" Dean yelled Sam jack Dean and I took lead "Cas Ketch show them how it's done!" Dean yelled "follow me" Ketch said "mom bobby Charlie you're with them" Sam said Ketch and jack went through as I was guiding everybody "whoa whoa whoa hold up" Sam said holding back Lucifur "I want to be with my son" "we need you and Gabriel here if something goes wrong wasn't that the whole point of you being on the team?"

Mary, Bobby Charlie and Cas then went through the rift then a lot of the survivors went through it was just me, Dean Sam Lucifur and Gabriel left and we looked up in the sky to see angels bombing Michael appeared "ladies and gentlemen Lucifur you don't really want to try this again do you?" "Yeah I do" Lucifur and Michael fought after Michael got Lucifur on the ground he saw Gabriel "can it be? Gabriel?" Michael asked "go I can buy some time" "Gabriel don't" Sam said "all I did on earth was run I'm not running anymore go!" We watch Gabriel and Michael fight but Michael killed him "Gabe no!" Dean yelled "go go" Sam said and Dean went through the portal Lucifur got up and Sam and I held him back "Sam Allison what're you doing I'm hurt please" "how did you think this was going to end?" Sam let me take Lucifur as he jumped through the rift.

I punched and kicked him until he was a good enough distance away from the rift I looked at Michael and I then ran into the rift it closed on Michael as he tried to run through, we order pizza and everyone was chatting with each other I however was standing in a corner far from everyone else jack came up to me with two beers "Allison uh here" he said handing me one "thanks" "I uh just want to say I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you" Jack said "it all good jack I'm just glad you are okay" I said hugging him.

Bobby then said "I'd like to welcome our new brothers and sister Sam and Dean Winchester Jack Kline and Allison McDorth welcome to the family" I raised my bottle and then took a sip of it everyone also cheered "I also want to give a extra thanks to Allison, Jack and Mary for helping us protect the camp and the people even though I may of been a bit hard on them at the start I now call them family."

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