Chapter 14

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Jack and I left the campsite and we walked along the dirt ground cautious of our surroundings knowing that anyone or anything could attack at any time Jack and I walked to a fork in the road "right or left?" He asked "I say we go left" I said and Jack nodded and we took the left path and began walking a few hours later we ended up in a forest we saw a giant rock and sat down I rested my head on Jack's shoulder and let out a loud and long sigh "you okay?" He asked "yeah I suppose my grace hasn't fully kicked in" I said Jack wrapped his arm around my waist "they should kick in fully soon" he said I looked up at him "okay" I sighed Jack and I got up and continued to walk around, we heard rustling in the trees we looked up to the trees and saw that nothing was in there then hissing was heard and a few vamps appeared.

These ones are quick on their feet it held me by my neck and I turned my eyes to grey and touched the vamp's head and killed it Jack did the same to the vamp that attacked him and then soon a whole army of vampires came out from the bushes and began to attack Jack and I fought them as we fought a vampire bit me and Jack killed the one that attacked me and I continued to fight them with my powers with the help of Jack and within seconds they laid dead on the ground  Jack looked at me and walked over to me and cupped my face in his hands "your hurt" he said looking at my neck which had bite marks on it "at least I can't die from a vampire bite" Jack chuckled as my comment and he placed his right hand on the side of my neck which had the bites and left his left hand on my cheek out of the corner of my eye I saw the gold beam come from his hand and onto my neck once it was healed he moved his hands from my face "thank you Jack" I said and he smiled we continued to walk along the dirt we came to a place that had a lot of run down cars that I'm supposing had no life left in them" Jack and I walked around the cars avoiding the the glass on the ground.

Jack and I came across a small barn"should we go in?" Jack asked I nodded and we walked in the barn and it did not smell great "it spells like some has been recently killed" Jack said  "alright you look behind the hay stacks and I'll look around the top" i said and Jack began looking around the hay stacks i walked up the stairs and walked around the top it had puddles of old dried up blood and blood that has been drawn recently i walked around carefully making sure i don't step in the fresh blood and slip as i was walking around i saw bodies and that their eyes are burned out "Angels" i mumbled i turned around to go back the way i came but i didn't see a puddle of blood and slipped off the top section and i almost fell to the ground of the floor that Jack was on but i felt two arms catch me i had my eyes closed as i was falling and i opened them to see Jack had caught me he was had a concerned look in his eyes "are you okay Allison?" he asked worry covered his voice "y-y-yeah" i stuttered out he gently put me down back on my feet "what did you find up there?" Jack asked "people who have been killed  by angels" i said and Jack nodded "what did you find?" i asked

"nothing" jack sighed and I nodded the barn began to shake and Jack and I ran Jack grabbed me in his arms and crouched down on the ground and wrapping his wings around the both of us the sound of the barn crumbling was loud and powerful dust covered jack and i after the rumbling stopped Jack lifted his head up from my shoulder and looked around jack removed his wings from us he helped me up and we looked at the barn and saw the wood in pieces "we should go before something comes" he said "I agree" I said he took my hand and we began to run after what felt like forever we came to a stop and I began to dust myself off from all the dirt Jack did the same the leaves in the trees rustled in the wind then it stopped for a second then started up again but this time more powerful sending me flying into a tree I looked up and saw angels Jack was fighting them off I was losing conscious and I dropped my head to the ground and passed out.

I don't know how long but I woke up in a cave laying down with a jacket on me I sat up and looked around the cave and I saw somebody walk in as that person neared I saw it was Jack he ran up to me and sat by me "hey are you okay?" He asked "yeah uh jack how long was I out for?" "Two days" he said and I noticed his hair was wet "what happened?" I asked "angels came and knocked you out I fought them off I picked you up and looked around for a place were we could hide you were hurt pretty bad so I healed you" he said and he looked like he was about to cry "come here" I said holding my arms out he came into my arms "Allison I was so afraid that I was going to lose you" "Jack you will never lose me even if I do go I'll always come back."

I said he lifted his head from my shoulder and looked me in the eye he gave me a sad smile "I love you" he said "I love you more" I said he helped me up and put his arm around my waist "Allison can angels get hurt even with grace?" Jack asked "they can only get hurt if the grace they have isn't their own grace" Jack nodded "do you think that's why you aren't healing yourself?" Jack asked "I do I honestly think that Castiel kept it on him and Dean gave me just a boost of grace" I said Jack nodded he kept me in his arms "I think we should spend the day here then we go out tomorrow" he said "okay" I said he let go of me and then we both sat down Jack held my hand "sleep Jack you need it" he nodded and he leaned against the cave wall and closed his eyes I leaned on his shoulder and I soon fell asleep.

The next day jack and I were walking around the apocalypse world trying not to be seen I heard yelling it sounded familiar I began to run in the direction and as I got closer the voice belonged to Castiel "Cas!" I yelled "Allison stop!" Jack yelled when I reached the voice I looked around and saw nothing suddenly the world went dark, I woke up in a room that looked to familiar and that's when I realised I was in the room Mary,Jack and I were in when we first came here.

The door opened showing Michael "okay so here is how this is going to work you open the portal and I'll let you go" he said "screw you!" I yelled he threw me against a wall with a flick of his hand "I'll ask again" "and I'm going to keep saying no" he threw me again.

I knew I wouldn't be getting out of here any time soon so I just prepared myself for what was to come.

Jack Kline WingsWhere stories live. Discover now