Chapter 5

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I had finally calmed down from crying and i went out to the bunker library to see Dean sitting on his laptop and just in time to see Sam with coffee and food "what..... what are you working on?" Sam asked Dean "Dead guy in Madison police say it was a home invasion but neighbor claims she saw the vic's dead wife leave the crime scene" Dean explained "let's check it out" Sam said "what are you ready to ditch Damien? What do you wanna do leave him in a ring of holy oil with some Netflix and a frozen pizza?" Dean asked "ha no actually I thought we'd bring him along" "uh hell no what adventures in babysitting the Antichrist? No thank you" dean sighed "Dean we can't hide him forever and you know just keeping him cooped up here isn't working" "yeh it is actually you wanna know why? Because as long as he's here he's not out there doing god knows what so what does this mean that your plan for bringing mom back isn't working? Because I'll say it again mom's dead Sam Lucifur ripped her freakin heart and the sooner you can wrap your head around that the sooner we can all move on" "so your saying you want to move on from mom" "right now I wanna kill some dead guy's dead wife" Dean said I spoke for the first time in this fight the boys were having "Dean Jack needs to get and get some air we all do and he needs to learn about the monsters out there he is a good kid Dean" I said "Fine!" He said.

Sam got up and walked to Jack's room once he knocked on the door he came in to Jack's room he closed the door with just a little gap to see and hear through I was walking past Jack's room to go to mine but I decided to listen in to what Sam and him were saying, Sam was sitting on the edge of Jack's bed "hey do you remember what I told what Dean, Allison and I do our day job?" Sam asked Jack "you kill monsters because you're the good guys" "right right we've got a case so.... thought you might want to come along" Sam explained "no" Jack said "Jack I really think this would be good for you, you know a change of scenery might...." Sam was cut off by Jack "Get my powers working again?" "Yeh maybe" Sam sighed "so I can be your interdenominational can opener? You are using me" "Jack when you born it ripped a hole in reality like a door from this world to another to a really bad bad place so Dean Cas and I we closed that door but our mom Mary she's trapped on the other side if we can get your powers back maybe we can open that door up maybe..." Sam sighed "you wanna save her" "yeah I do but if this doesn't work if that can't happen that's okay because I do care for you and i know Allison does as well but I should of told you and I'm sorry it's a lot and..." Sam explained "Dean can't even look at me he wants to kill me" Jack said "I won't let that happen and Allison definitely won't let that happen listen if there's one thing Dean respects it's effort so come along help us out let's go be the good guys" Sam said "Sam Allison is she okay? She's been having weird dreams" Jack asked Sam "yeah she's good" Sam said, I walked away and to my room to pack my stuff.

We got in the car I sat behind Dean and Jack sat behind Sam, once we arrived at a small house Jack read out the FBI badges "Agent Bonham, Agent Seger, Agent silvers, special Agent Anderson these are you?" Jack asked "yeh sometimes" Sam said "I thought lying was wrong" Jack said "all right here we go Victim Wes Bailey his wife Erica died six months ago heart thing out of the blue uh the question is why'd she come back from the dead and kill him" "people come back? "When a person dies and sometimes their soul can't move on...." I began to say but dean interrupt me "they are called ghosts and hanging around makes them go looney tunes they go crazy" Dean explained "yeh yeh question is since when do ghosts kill somebody and walk out the front door?" Sam asked "so maybe it's a revenant" "wait what's a revenant?" Jack asked "a revenant is more like a zombie" Sam explained yet again "Jack we are going to talk to the witness check out the crime scene" Sam said while getting out along with Dean Jack and I were about to get out but Dean stopped Jack "you stay sit you to Allison" and he walked away I sat back down in the car.

Jack looked hurt he then got out of the and he walked into the house I followed him in and I saw the blood stain in the carpet jack bent down to have a look at it and so did i "hey I told you to wait in the car" dean said "I'm trying to help" jack said "how is this helping out?!" Dean asked "Dean stop!" I said "Allison you were meant to make sure he doesn't do  anything stupid!" Dean voice became a bit louder "Dean calm down did you guys find anything?" Sam asked "just this" jack said pointing a the blood stain "oh great" Dean sighed Sam got out his EMF meter "okay so jack this is a EMF meter so ghosts spirts they put out electromagnetic interference if one's here this will tell us" Sam explained he turned it on "what's it saying" Jack asked "it means a ghost didn't kill the man" I said "it says it's a revenant we need to check out her grave" Dean sighed "come on" Sam said so Jack and I followed him, we arrived at the graveyard and stood at her grave "so you said you wanted to help so dig" dean threw Jack a shovel "and so can you" he threw me the other one so Jack and I began digging.

Jack Kline WingsWhere stories live. Discover now