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Hey kiddos. Quick talk before tonight's chapter... as you probably all know, I try my absolute harder to publish updates of this book almost every night.... as some of you know (idk if I've mentioned this before) I sing in a competitive choir group. It's actually an individual competition- all quite complicated. If you actually care then I'll explain it to you. Anyway, I advanced to the next level and rehearsals are getting intense, as there's not too much time to prepare for this festival. I have to prioritize that, as well as my regular schoolwork and dance, above writing... I'll still update whenever I can, of course, but I don't want to push myself, so if updates aren't as frequent for the next few weeks, thats why. Thank you all for understanding xxxx and now, on with the chapter! Enjoy/comment/vote pleaseeee xx


December 14, 2025


As Harper is out with Taylor, shopping for a dress, I also slip away from the flat to do my own part in wedding preparations, with the help of Joe.

Of course, neither Taylor nor Harper have any idea about what we are doing, but I've got to find Harper a perfect wedding gift. I want to surprise her with something meaningful with which to remember our special day.

"Did you have anything in mind?" Joe asks as we sit on the tube. "Even a price range, or something?"

"I mean, of course, I don't want to spend too much money, and I'm going to have to get her a Christmas gift as well, but I'd like to deal with that later. If I could keep this one under £100, then that would be nice, but if we find something perfect, then I could definitely go a bit over."

"Alright... that's reasonable," Joe nods. "Just a suggestion, Taylor still wears that 'J' necklace that I got her back when we first started dating on almost a daily basis... something about keeping me close to her heart. I don't know, it's a soppy chick thing, but would Harper like that?"

"She might," I nod. "I'm not so sure about jewelry though, just because we are already both getting wedding bands."

"You could get something customized with your anniversary date," he suggests to me. "If you pay extra to rush it, then it'll come by the wedding date."

"Oh," I perk up. "I like that idea. Maybe we could get a little ornament for our tree."

"That would be fun," Joe says. "Well within budget, but meaningful."

"Does Primark do that?" I ask. "I know that they do tee shirts, but I'm not sure what else they will customize."

"Honestly, I think that you'd be better off just ordering it off of the internet," Joe tells me. "Maybe Shutterfly?"

"I'd bet that they will do it," I state. "Well, it's really useful that we took money off of our Oyster cards for this trip... it seems like we are just turning around and going back."

"Let's go to my flat," Joe offers. "I'll help you with the design and we can have some tea."

"That sounds lovely," I smile. We get off at the next stop to change lines, thus assuring that we are on the proper line to take us to Joe's flat. "Have you heard anything from Taylor?"

"Only that Harper is picking out some nice dresses to try on, but they will probably be a while."

"Perfect. I don't want to worry her by being out when she gets home."

"I'll ask Tay to text me while they're altering her dress. With the London traffic being like it always is, her drive home will be pretty long as well. You'll have plenty of time to make it home on the tube."

"A well thought-out plan," I laugh. "Hopefully it can be well-executed as well."

Once we arrive at the Swift-Alwyn residence, I take a seat at the kitchen table and watch Joe heat up the electric kettle.

"What sort of tea would you fancy? I've got English breakfast, berry, peppermint, Taylor's 'singer's tea,' which I've not tried and can't describe, chai, or lemon."

"Oh man, that's a lot of options," I laugh. "How about some lemon?"

"I can make that happen," Joe replies, pulling a tea bag out of the box. "And now for the mug options..."

"I'm going to stop you right there," I laugh, "and just tell you to give me whatever mug you'd like."

"Gotcha," he replies, pulling two mugs out of the cupboard.

A few minutes later, I'm sitting with a mug of tea steeping in front of me and Joe's laptop on the table.

I pull up a photo from my phone which is a favourite of mine, as well as a favourite of Harper's. It's one of our engagement photos, taken in front of the Tower Bridge. "Joe... this one, or," I flip to another picture, "this one." Another picture loved by both Harper and I, the second option is one taken by Parliament, with the Elizabeth Tower in the background, and both of us huddled under an umbrella.

"Go with the first one," Joe tells me.

"That's what I was thinking, too."

I airdrop the image from my phone to his MacBook, and then, we upload the picture into Shutterfly.

I decide on keeping the text simple.

Harper & Patrick
23 December, 2025

"That's perfect, Patrick," Joe tells me. "She's really going to love it."

"I like it, but I feel bad that it isn't too elaborate."

"But it's sentimental, and that's the important part. You'll get her a nice piece of jewelry or something for Christmas, probably, and that's literally two days after you're married."

"True," I acknowledge. At that, I take a deep breath and hit 'order.'

After typing in my credit card information, I am notified that the gift will be arriving in a few days via post.

I'll just have to hide it from Harper, I guess.

Just as I finish the order, Joe gets a text from Taylor.

"Harper picked out her dress, and so they're starting in on the alterations. Finish up your tea, and then, I'd be on your way if I were you."

"Oh!" I exclaim with excitement. "Ask Taylor if she'll send a picture."

"Hey, I don't care if this isn't a real 'wedding,' that's still bad luck."

"Fine," I groan, with a laugh. I take the final few sips of my tea, then set the mug on the counter and thank Joe for his help before heading on my way.

I make it back to the flat not ten minutes before Harper.

"Hey love," I say, looking up from my book on the sofa, pretending to have been there the entire time.

"Hey," she smiles.

"How was dress shopping?"

Of course, I notice that she is holding a garment bag, but I don't ask about the contents of it.

"It was good," she replies, walking over to me and planting a quick kiss on my lips. "I'm excited."

"For what?"

"For... everything. I just can't wait to marry you."

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