Time To Dance

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Heeeeyyy a reference to The Prom in the title in honor of TONY WEEK!! Ahh! What shows/actors are you all rooting for? I'm loving The Prom this season, and real talk- is it too late for Samantha Barks to win? (Tea.) anyway, we are back with our regularly scheduled fluff now. This is really one of my favorite chapters so I hope you all enjoy. Don't forget to comment/vote!


March 30, 2026


After the funeral, Harper and I have a nice time visiting with her family. It's nice to get to meet some of them for the first time, as I've not met a lot of Harper's extended family.

Soon, though, the day ends. The next day, it's time for Harper and I to go back to London.

Then, it's Monday, and she's set to be back in Anastasia. Though she's still hurting, I know that she's doing much better. Well enough to get back to the show, as the matter of fact. Her first performance back goes wonderfully.

On Tuesday, I have a special request for Harper. One that catches her a bit off guard.

"Will you come to work with me today?" I ask.

"What?" she replies, raising her eyebrows and fidgeting with her fingers.

"It's just... I've got little Leo scheduled in today, and he's set to start performing in Les Mis again on April third, so we are going to start focusing in on movements that he will need onstage in his performance... he's basically healed up and ready to start integrating the use of his injury back into his life."

"So I fit into this... how?"

"Well, you just know more about dancing and theatrical moving than I do, so I thought that you might be able to give a few opinions."

"Well, I can try," she laughs. "I've got nothing better to do today."

"Thanks, love. Leo will be thrilled to see you, as well. He keeps telling me that he misses you."

She giggles. "I miss him, as well."

"I'm going to go and take care of my first few appointments, and perhaps we could meet up at my lunch break and then go back for Leo's appointment. It's my first after lunch."

"That sounds lovely," Harper tells me. "Text me, alright?"

"Will do."

After saying goodbye to my wife, I leave the flat and make my way to the clinic.

My first few clients' appointments go very smoothly, and then, I text Harper to meet me at Pret A Manger for lunch. Fifteen minutes later, she shows up. We both order sandwiches and enjoy them together, then walk back to my clinic.

When Leo shows up for his appointment, his face absolutely lights up upon seeing my wife.

"Miss Harper!" he squeals. She smiles and runs over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

"Hey, buddy. How are you?"


"I hear that you got your ankle all messed up."

"But I'm okay. I get to start performing again in a week."

"So I hear. That's so exciting! And guess what?"

"What?" Leo asks.

"I came to help Dr. Patrick with your appointment today."

"Wow!" Leo exclaims. "Miss Harper, is it true that you're married to Dr. Patrick?"

"I am," she tells the little boy.

I can't help but watch their interactions, and my heart melts as I do so. I always knew that Harper loved the little kids backstage at Les Mis, but I don't think I ever realized just how sweet of a relationship she had with them until now.

"So, Leo," I say to the little boy eventually, "I think that we should get working so that I can promise you'll be good to go back on that stage when you're scheduled, alright? I thought that we could do some dance-specific activities today, and that's why Miss Harper is here to help."

A big smile breaks onto his face; Leo seems to be quite keen on this idea.

Harper and I work together, trying to find some exercises that are going to be right for the little boy to exercise his ankle.

"I did a lot of ankle strengthening exercises when I was younger and about to dance en pointe for the first time," she suggests. "I could bring back a few of those."

"That sounds good," I say, so Harper sits down on the bench next to Leo and starts to show him how to write the alphabet with his toes, and she's calling it the 'ankle alphabet.'

It seems like a good exercise, and I honestly take note of it, because it seems like it would be helpful in many instances, not just in a dancer's case.

Pretty soon, Leo's session is over.

"How are you feeling about your debut?" I ask him.

"Good," he smiles.

"Can you come back for one more session? Last one, I promise. I've just gotta test you to clear you to perform again."

"Okay," Leo says. "Miss Harper?"

"Yeah?" she asks.

"Will you come to my first performance back?"

Harper laughs. "Buddy, I'm not sure if I'll be able to. I have an Anastasia performance that night, too."

"Oh," is all that Leo says, but his tone says everything. He's devastated and really wants Miss Harper to see him perform.

"I'll tell you what, buddy. I'll talk to my director and see what I can do about getting that night off. I can't promise anything, but I'll text your mummy when I have a definite answer, and Dr. Patrick will definitely come to watch you, okay?"

I snort upon Harper volunteering me, but I truly would love to go see Leo's first show back onstage.

"Okay," he says, and his smile indicates that he's content with that answer.

Harper turns to Leo's mum. "Just give me like... three days to talk to Luke."

"That's fine. The show doesn't usually sell out until about an hour before showtime, as you know."

"Thank you so much," Harper smiles.

Harper and I both say goodbye to Leo and his mum, then they head out to schedule his final appointment and move on with their day.

"That was so fun," Harper smiles. "Thank you so much for letting me come over and say hi to Leo."

"He adores you," I tell her, "and you're so good with him. Oh my goodness."

"Thanks," she smiles. "You are too."

"Makes me want one of our own."

"Patrick Alwyn, not yet," Harper giggles. "We have discussed this. We can talk about it when I'm done with Anastasia, but seriously, we are young. We have all of the time in the world."

"I know," I tell her, "but I can't help but fantasize about it. Someday."

"Someday," she nods. "I promise."

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