Change In Plans

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And so we begin one of my favorite sections of the book... I think you will all see why I like this section, soon. I can't believe we are here. The book is almost over, but I guess now is as good of a time as any to share the news that there will be a third book in the series, and I've already started writing it! But more info on that later. Right now, enjoy this chap. Comment/vote if you'd fancy xxx


December 3, 2026


My friends and I all wake up at about 6:00 in the morning to the sound of my ringtone filling our hotel room. Embarrassed, I grab my phone and step out into the hallway to take the call. I figure that it's Patrick, but upon looking at the caller ID, it proves to be otherwise. It's a call from an unknown New York City number.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello, is this Harper Alwyn speaking?"


"This is Gabi Nelson, and I'm the director of the current revival of Les Miserables on Broadway. I have a sort of strange question."

"What's that...?"

"Two days ago, we had a fairly major cast change here at Les Miserables, and we got two new girls in tracks that understudy Cosette, however, neither of them have had their costumes made, nor have they had put-in rehearsals. Our regular Cosette, Annabelle, had her appendix burst a few hours ago, and we need to figure out how to keep the show going. We don't have any alumni Cosettes who are still young enough to come back and will fit into the costumes we have currently, nor will our understudies, as Annabelle is quite tall. One of our creatives had seen an Instagram post of yours from yesterday, in New York City. You're built very similarly to Annabelle and should fit into her costumes, as well as being very experienced in the role of Cosette... basically, long story short, how would you feel about making your Broadway debut tonight? We can give you a quick put-in this morning."

I nearly drop my phone. I'm completely overwhelmed with information, and don't know what to say, particularly.

"Um... yeah, sure," I stammer.

"I know, it's a lot to handle," Gabi laughs. "You're a life-saver, Harper. Could you be at the Imperial at... say, noon today? We can do a put-in, and then give you a break before you have to report for tonight's show at 8:00."

"Yeah, that'll be good. Thank you so much. I'm so honoured that you considered me for this."

"You know what they say. You never really leave Les Mis."

"I guess not," I laugh.

"I'll see you at noon."

"See you then." I reply, then we both hang up the phone.

When I go back into the hotel room, I expect my friends to be asleep again, but instead, the lights are on. Nessa is scrolling through her phone, and Kath is doing her makeup.

"Well?" Kath asks. "What was that all about? It had better be good. We are all awake now."

Still unsure of how to process all of the information that I've been given in that past few minutes, I flop down on the bed. "Change in plans," I say. "I'm making my Broadway debut tonight."

Nessa sets her phone down and looks at me. "What?"

"That was the director of the Les Mis revival, and they're having a casting emergency and need me to play Cosette until further notice."

"Harper!" Kath squeals. "That's fantastic!"

As she is attacking me with a hug, it finally sets in how cool this is.

"It's pretty exciting, I guess..." I admit, with a huge smile breaking onto my face. "Wait. I need to tell Patrick."

I pull out my phone and dial my husand's number.

Soon, I'm sent to voicemail. I receive the default, "sorry, I'm busy now," text. Groaning, I call again.

"I'm not going to stop calling that man until he picks up. He doesn't have long to get on a plane."

"Jesus Harper, what is it?" he eventually asks, picking up the phone on my third time dialing him. "I'm in the middle of an appointment."

"Patrick, you need to stop working right now and get on Taylor's plane to New York. I'm making my Broadway debut tonight."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"They needed somebody to come in and play Cosette, and they found out I was in New York. It's a long story. Just, get on that plane and be here by tonight's show."

"Oh my god. Okay, I'll do what I can. Bye, love."

A few moments later, I get a text from Taylor.

Taylor: I was told to tell you that Joe's coming out with Patrick, but I have to stay here with Audrie. They should be taking off in an hour. They're not packing bags- Patrick can borrow Joe's clothes at our flat in New York. Break all of the legs tonight, love. I'm so proud of you.

Harper: Thank you so much. I love you. Xxxx

Taylor: Love you too.

I throw my phone onto the mattress beside me, then flop back down.

"Okay, so what's the plan, then?" Kath asks.

"Just... you guys do what was planned. I have rehearsal this afternoon and shows until further notice. I might not even be going home on time, I guess. I want you guys to be there tonight, though."

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Nessa promises

"I'll tell them that I need four tickets at rehearsal and see what we can do about getting them."

"You're amazing," Kath tells me. "I'm a little jealous, honestly. Do you think that the New York City Ballet needs me for anything?"

"Probably not," Nessa laughs.

As my friends are getting ready, I realize that I don't have any rehearsal clothes.

"Does somebody want to go to Target with me this morning?" I ask.

"I love a good Target," Kath tells me. "I went to this one... I think it's near here... all of the time when I was in my summer intensive in New York."

"Great. It's a plan," I say. "I need clothes that I can move in for rehearsal."

The three of us finish getting ready for the day, and we are able to get an early start, since we were awake earlier than expected. We get bagels for breakfast, and then walk through the city like we own the place.

At Target, I pick up some clothes that I can wear for rehearsal, then head back to the hotel to prepare. Nessa and Katherine split away from me, as the three of us had some plans for today, and they still want to do them. They were pre-paid, and Nessa has to write on everything that we are scheduled to do.

I can't wait to see what this rehearsal brings.

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