Packing Up

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Hey kiddos :) I hope you've all had a good day! I've got some good, pure fluff for you all, so I hope you enjoy. Comment/vote xx love you all.


August 2, 2026


Boxes. They're everywhere, littering the flat. Harper and I are trying to pack up our lives and prepare for our move into our first real home. A forever home, not just a tiny flat.

It's not an easy task. Our things are scattered everywhere. Clothes are lying in piles on the floor, food is being slowly but surely eaten, and pictures are starting to be packaged up to be sure that they will be safely transported.

I can't believe that this is all happening. It feels quick in a way, but that's probably just becuase we bought the first house that we viewed.

At this point, I'm just excited for the entire process to be over. To get it all paid off and start the next chapter of our lives together.

The entire day that Harper has off is devoted to packing up everything. It's only the very beginning stages of packing, but with the busy week ahead of us, as every week is, it's good to get started now, when both of us have nothing going on.

Sometime in the afternoon, I get a text.

Finn: Hey dude! It's been too long. Do you want to go out and grab a drink tonight?

I look up from my phone. "Harper?" I say.

"What's up?"

"Finn just texted and asked if I wanted to go out tonight. Is it alright if I go?"

Finn, who played Enjolras in Les Mis while Harper was Cosette, was one of my best friends from my school days. He's the reason that the two of us ever met, in all honesty. Harper adores him, as well. Her entire cast at Les Mis was basically one big family.

"Of course. Tell him I say hi, too," she smiles. "Perhaps I'll see what the girls are doing tonight, and see if they want to hang out."

"That sounds good. Both of us deserve a break after all of this packing," I laugh.

"That's true," she replies. She walks over to her phone and types up a text, then a minute later, her screen lights up with a reply. Then, Harper groans.


"Kath and Nessa are going to see Emmie perform tonight."

"That's too bad," I frown. "Is there anyone else you could ask? If not, I'm sure I could see if you could come with Finn and I..."

"No, that won't be necessary," she replies. "Perhaps I could see if Harry and Megan are doing anything. I've not seen them in quite some time."

She sends a quick message to her former Les Mis cast mates, who are experiencing a lot of free time after ending their runs in the show back in June. Harper was devastated that she wasn't able to make their last show, but they understood. She was glad that she was able to catch one of their shows, back when we were invited for Leo's opening night after his recovery, but after taking off from Anastasia that evening, Harper didn't feel right taking off again, for the same reason of seeing Les Mis.

"Good news," she says after a moment. "Harry, Megan, and I are going out for a pint this evening."

"Perfect," I smile at her. "That'll be fun."

"I really shouldn't be drinking, considering that I've got a show tomorrow..."

"You'll be alright," I assure her. "You'll still have nearly twenty four hours to be nice to your voice."

"That's true," she giggles.

For dinner, I pick up some takeaway from a pizza place about a kilometer away from us, and we enjoy that, then wrap up with our packing for the day by making sure that there are paths with no clutter around our flat and clearing the bed for us to sleep on.

After that, both of us prepare to go out.

"Lovie?" I say to her.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you that you look absolutely gorgeous tonight, and you are always the most beautiful girl in the world to me."

She blushes. "Thanks, Patrick. What brought this on?"

"I just wanted you to know."

"You're my absolute favourite person in the whole world, you know that?"

"As you're mine." I walk over and wrap my arms around her, then plant a kiss on her lips.

"Stop!" she squeals, with her voice filled with laughter. "You're going to mess up my lipstick."

"Good. That's the best kind of kiss," I wink.

We share a few more moments with our lips connected. I let my fingers wander down her back, causing her to giggle a bit, pulling her lips off of mine.

"Well, I'll leave you with that," I tease. "I'd best be heading out to meet up with Finn. Have fun with your friends tonight."

"Thanks," she smiles. "Tell Finn I say hi. I love you."

"I love you too," I say, then throw my satchel over my shoulder and leave the flat. I know that Harper won't be too far behind me, but I am set to meet Finn half an hour before Harper is set to meet Harry and Megan.

It's lovely to see Finn again, after all this time. Catching up is nice. I learn that he's about to join the cast of a revival of Fiddler On The Roof as Motel, which he is thrilled about.

"Harper and I will have to come see that," I tell him. "I think she's done some singing from that show."

"Probably," he nods. "'Far From The Home I Love' would sound lovely in her voice." He pauses. "How is she, by the way?"

"Great. We are moving into our first proper home in a few days, so we are packing everything up."

"And she's still in Anastasia?"

"Until November," I nod.

"I'll have to see if I can catch one of her shows."

"If you want to come, then I'll join you. I can usually rush tickets and they'll give them to me for free, actually."

"That's really nice."

"Yeah," I tell him. "Les Mis is more of a classic show that's consistently sold out, whereas I believe that Anastasia usually plays to about 85% capacity on average. The company figures that, since those seats won't be sold anyway, about half an hour before the show, they'll open it up to family and friends of the cast."

"That's so nice of them," Finn smiles. "How many times have you seen the show?"

"I think that, by this point, I could probably play Dimitri. Not that they'd want me to."

Finn laughs. "That's amazing. You're so supportive of her."

"What can I say? I really love her. Thanks again for setting us up, dude."

"Hey, all I did was set it up. It's you two that kept it working, and I think that's amazing."

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