Don't Even Know It

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Here's a really random filler chapter that I barely even remember writing lol. I hope you all caught up on the West End Live videos from today. If not, I'd encourage you to go do it! This is one of my favorite weekends of the whole year. I was at the festival last summer, but now I'm here at home, watching the performances on a screen :( anyway, probably no update tomorrow or Monday, but I'll try my hardest xxx. Love you all. You know the ropes- enjoy/comment/vote x


June 1, 2026


"Happy birthday, my love," I wake up to hear Harper saying. A smile forms on my face as I open up my eyes. "I made breakfast."

She must have gotten up an hour ago to make the food. It's only 7:00 now, as it's Monday and I've got to work today.

"Harper," I tell her, "you didn't have to do that. I told you, we are keeping my birthday low-key."

"So you thought," she smirks.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out after work," she tells me. "Now, I've been up and cooking, so eat."

"Oh, if you insist," I wink, sitting down in front of the plate of food which Harper has placed on the table. Though it's just a simple dish of just waffles and some fruit, it's absolutely delicious. "Geez, I've got to get you to cook for me more often."

She giggles. "I'm glad that you like it."

"You're the best."

"I've got some more surprises planned for today."

"Like what?"

"Nice try, mister. It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."

I groan. "Please?"

"Absolutely not. But you're sitting front row at Anastasia tonight. Your ticket is at will call. I'll tell you that much."

"Wow, front row?" I gasp. "That's intense."

"Front row is a really cool experience. I've only seen one show front row, and it was when I was sixteen or so, but it was great."

"Okay," I laugh. "Don't spit on me."

"No promises," she rolls her eyes, causing me to smile at her.

I finish up my breakfast, then know that I have to head to work, in spite of wanting to just stay with Harper, cuddled with her in front of the telly, all day. I run and get dressed, then gather up my things for work.

"What are your plans for today?" I ask her as I'm putting on my shoes.

"Not much," she shrugs. "I have a rehearsal with a new ensemble group that we are bringing into the show in a few weeks at 10:00, then I'm going to grab lunch with Kath and Ruby."

"That'll be fun," I tell her. "Have a nice day."

"You too." The two of us share a kiss before I sling my backpack over my shoulder

The day seems to drag along slowly. I can't even imagine what my wife has in store. It seems as though there's something crazy coming my way, and I have no idea what that might possibly be.

As I'm working with one of my afternoon clients, I seem to find out part of it, when my wife shows up at the clinic.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her, turning away from the older man for just a moment.

"I brought you something." She hands me a little brown and pink box, and I immediately know what that is.

"You got me a Hummingbird Bakery cupcake!" I exclaim, taking the box. "You are the best."

"I know," she winks, giving me a small and quick hug. "Enjoy that, and I'll see you at home after your day is done, alright?"

"You're amazing and I love you so much," I tell her. "I'll see you at home."

During my quick break between appointments, I scarf down the cupcake, which is incredibly satisfying. I can't believe that Harper would take the time to bring me my favourite treat at work. It's so kind of her.

After my day is done, I head back to the flat, where Harper seems to have put up some decorations. There is brightly-coloured bunting hanging around the room, and a banner that reads, "Happy Birthday!"

I smile, pulling her into a hug as soon as I walk in the door. "This looks lovely."

"Thanks," she tells me. "Come and sit down. I picked up takeaway Chinese food a few minutes ago."

"Don't you have to be off to the theatre soon?"

"It's fine. I don't have to be quite so early for my call time every day."

"But you like to be," I tell her. "I don't want to throw you off."

"It's fine. I can be quick at getting ready, I just don't like to."

I laugh. "That's valid." Harper serves up our takeaway, then the two of us sit down at the table together. "The cupcake was delicious today."

"I'm glad you liked it," she smiles. "I figured that you'd fancy that."

We chat while we are eating dinner, then it really is time for Harper to be off to the theatre.

"Are you coming with me now?"

"Sure," I tell her. "Let me go grab my things."

I shove my wallet and phone in the pocket of my khaki trousers, then leave with Harper. We take the tube into the city and I drop her off at the stage door.

"I'll see you after the show. Come to my dressing room."

"Will do," I reply.

After the show is over, I do just that. I only have to wait for a moment before Harper lets me in her dressing room. She appears to be almost done cleaning up from the show, too.

"Come on. We are going to go get some ice cream," she states after running a makeup wipe across her fair skin.

"You're too much," I tell her.

"There's that late-night place nearby... remember?"

I laugh. "That sounds fabulous."

It is only a few minutes before we are seated with ice cream. "I have some presents for you at home, but I wanted to give you one now, becuase I could easily fit this one in my backpack."

She pulls an envelope out of her backpack and hands it to me. Inside, are two tickets to a concert that I mentioned to her that I wanted to see, a few months back, but by the time that I actually went to purchase tickets, they were all sold out.

"No way!" I exclaim. "You are the best."

"That's the right concert, right?"

"Yeah. I love you."

I love you too."

At home, she gives me a few more small gifts, mostly clothes, CDs and DVDs, and then, I notice that she's starting to get very tired.

"How about we go to bed, love?"

"Only if you want to," she insists.

"No, it's fine. Let's be going."

"Alright," she agrees. I can tell that she's exhausted from the day. "Did you have a good birthday?"


A look of alarm crosses her face, before a cheeky smile forms on my lips.

"I had a great birthday."

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