Your Midnights

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Hi everyone. Sorry, it's been a few days without an update. I hope this one will make up for it, though. I'm quite fond of it, if I do say so myself. It's some nice, pure fluff to make you smile. Leave a comment and vote if you wish. Thank youuuu xxx


December 31, 2025


After my show, I head back to my flat. It's weird to only have a matinee and not an evening show, but today is a special occasion.

When I'm back home, I find Patrick in the kitchen, cooking up some mac and cheese to bring to Taylor's big bash that she's throwing. I'm sort of terrified to go, if I'm being entirely honest. Though I do love Taylor, and her friends are all super sweet, I've yet to feel entirely comfortable around all of the big-name celebrities who she hangs out with. It's probably quite dumb, as Taylor is the most famous of all of them, but when there are so many famous people, it really is intimidating to me.

In spite of that, Patrick and I are still going to the party. We didn't have anything better to do tonight, really, and we figured that we could at least hang out with Joe, who is never really the most social person in the world at these parties. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll even make some new friends.

Soon, it is almost time to go over to Taylor's, so Patrick packages up the macaroni and we get changed. I know that I'm going to freeze during the small amount of walking that we must do, due to my fun and flirty, but skimpy, black, sequined dress.

"Love, don't get me wrong, you look totally hot, but you should be wearing tights with that," Patrick laughs.

"I shaved my legs for this. No turning back now," I inform him.

"How about a pair of leggings for the walk, and they can come off as soon as we get to Taylor's?"

"I'll be fine," I insist.

"No, you won't be," he laughs, "but it's up to you."

"I'm fine."

Patrick shakes his head as he adjusts his sports coat.

Soon, we are all ready to go, so we bundle ourselves up in our coats, then walk to the tube.

I have to admit, the cold is nippy on my bare legs, but I bite my lip and don't complain.

Maybe Taylor will let me borrow some leggings for the way home... not like her leggings would exactly fit me, but it's better than nothing.

When we get to Taylor's, I can hear the music playing before we even enter her flat. I laugh a little bit, knowing that the party is already in full swing. Taylor opens the door for us, and ushers us inside happily.

"Harper, you look freezing," Taylor points out. "Your legs are bare."

"I told her that she should be wearing something down there, but she wouldn't listen to me," Patrick remarks.

"Well, lucky for you, it's warm in here," Taylor tells me with a laugh. "Go ahead and help yourselves to any food that's on the table."

"Thank you," Patrick says. "I made some mac and cheese. Where should I put that?"

"That's so sweet of you!" Taylor exclaims. "Any spot that you can find, on the dining room table. After that, Joe is hanging around here somewhere, and I'm sure that he would appreciate some company."

We both laugh, thanking our hostess before running along on our way and leaving her to greet the other guests.

It isn't hard to find Joe, sitting on the couch and making small talk with Selena.

It's amazing how many A-listers dropped everything to fly to London for Tay's New Year's party.

Joe smiles at us. "Hey kids."

Selena gives a little wave as well.

"Happy New Year," Patrick says.

We sit down with Joe and talk to him for quite a while. Selena leaves only a few minutes after we sit down, but that's alright, becuase we know that she has plenty of friends here.

I also manage to make a little bit of conversation with some of Taylor's other friends.

After a rather enjoyable evening, with lots of good food, midnight rolls around. Everyone gathers around Taylor's telly to watch the countdown that's going on in Westminster. Every year, I'm amazed by the crowds that gather. It all seems like a lot of pomp and circumstance, but people seem to fall for it. The fireworks are pretty, I suppose.

It's special for Patrick and I, because it's our first New Year's Eve together, as a married couple. That's a crazy thought. It really does feel like we have been married forever, but it has only been a few days, in reality.

When the clock strikes midnight, signalling the start of a new year, Patrick snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me in, planting a passionate kiss on my lips. I gladly accept it, and kiss him right back. Our lips move together in rhythm for a glorious moment in time.

If it's supposed to be good luck to have a New Year's kiss, then Patrick and I are going to have an amazing year ahead of us.

Not too long after the clock strikes midnight, Patrick and I decide to get an Uber and head back home.

"Harper Alwyn, get over here," Taylor tells me before we leave.

I laugh, going over to her. I have to say, I do like hearing her call me 'Harper Alwyn.'

Taylor grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs, to her room. "Take a pair of leggings."

She tosses some black fabric at me. I barely manage to catch the leggings in my arms.

"You are literally a lifesaver," I laugh, slipping the leggings on. They don't really fit that well, as Taylor is a few inches taller than I am, but they're good enough.

"I didn't want you to get... like, frostbite," she laughs.

"I'll wash them and bring them back," I state. "Thank you so much."

"Not a problem," Taylor replies. "Dress more sensibly next time, love."

"I'll try."

I say goodbye to Taylor, then meet up with Patrick downstairs, where he announces that the Uber driver will be arriving in five minutes or so.

We meet the car at down the street, as to ensure Taylor's privacy, and we find ourselves back home before the clock strikes 2:00.

"Happy New Year, love," Patrick whispers to me as we are lying in bed.

"Happy New Year."

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