Current Relationship Status

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Hey kiddos :) You've all been anticipating this chapter, I think, so I'm pretty excited to share it. I hope you all enjoy- comment and vote if you wish xxx thanks for reading!


November 22, 2026


When I get a text from Katherine asking me to come over on our day off, I'm not quite sure why, but of course, I tell her that I will. I'm not busy, and I've got no reason to say no.

It turns out that Nessa and Emmie are both out, and Kath just wanted somebody to keep her company.

"You already see me eight times a week," I tease. "Why would you want to see me again?"

"Because you're an amazing person," Kath replies. "Anyway, Nessa will be back around mid afternoon, and Emmie is out for the entire day. She had some family members come to the show yesterday, so she's showing them around London. All of her favourite little places that the tourists don't necessarily see, you know?"

"That sounds like so much fun for her," I say. "Well, I'm more than happy to keep you company... on one condition."

"Oh?" Kath raises an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"I want you to tell me all about this boy that seems to make you smile and blush so much." I giggle as I observe her cheeks turning a bright pink colour.

"What about him?"

"Literally anything. What's your current relationship status?"

"Don't go spreading this around, promise?" Kath asks. "Nessa doesn't know yet... but we talked it out a few days ago, and I think that we are going to try it out. See what happens if we are a real and official couple."

"So you're dating?" I ask her. "Oh, Kath, that's amazing news. But... you're going to tell Nessa, right?"


"Hiding a relationship never works out well. I learned when I made you and Ness boiling mad at me by keeping it secret with Patrick."

"That's true," she replies. "I'm going to tell Nessa. I am, I promise. I'm just waiting for the right time. Same with Emmie."

"If I were you, I'd do it today. At least for Nessa."

"Will you help me tell her? I'm sort of scared."

"What?" I ask her. "Why?"

"I don't know. It's stupid, really. It just didn't go so well with James, and I don't want anybody to worry about me..."

"You're a big girl," I insist. "We all know that you can make big girl decisions like these, and quite frankly, live with the big girl consequences if they don't turn out well. You've done it with James, and you're going to live with the consequences even more when you return to the Royal Ballet Theatre. It'll be good to have this boy around when you're going through that, honestly."

"Colin," she mutters. "His name is Colin."

"Well, then if... Colin... makes you happy, then I'm happy for you, and everyone else will be as well. Now, tell me about him. What does he do for a living, where is he from... that sort."

"Okay, um, he was born in Manchester like me, but moved to London about a year ago. His mum is Irish but his dad is American. He just began medical school, working to be a general physician, and he's working as a barista in the Theatre Cafe to help pay his bills until then."

"Wait, seriously?" I ask. "Why have we never seen him before?"

"He just got hired there about two months ago, and he works at the location that isn't on Shaftesbury Avenue, where we usually go."

"Got it," I reply. "That would be such a fun job, I think."

"He loves it," she replies.

"That's so good. Now, when am I going to get to meet him?"

"Soon, maybe. I think he's going to come to our closing show... Colin, Emmie, and Nessa will be my guests that night."

"Oh, good... but, love... that means that you're going to have to tell Nessa sooner, rather than later."

"I will do it today. I'll tell Emmie, too."

"Good," I tell her. "They're going to be thrilled for you, really."

"I hope so."

Kath and I spend the rest of the day just being silly and letting loose. We sing some musical theatre karaoke, enjoy a cuppa, and watch a silly show on the telly.

Soon, Nessa comes back.

"Harper, I didn't expect to see you here," she admits.

"I just came over to see you guys," I reply.

"How are you feeling about Anastasia closing?" Nessa asks.

"Well, probably about the same as Kath is. I'm completely devastated, if I'm being honest, but I also know that life will move on and I'll hopefully get another professional job, at some point. I'm taking a bit of a break after it's done, though. Patrick and I have talked it out, and we think that's what's best."

"That'll be good for you," Nessa agrees. "I don't want you to overwork yourself."

I giggle. "I'm alright. Thanks, though."

At that, I look at Kath and raise my eyebrows. She gets the message, and sighs, then takes a deep breath and speaks up. "Ness, we need to talk about something..."

"Oh god, what?"

"No, it's good. I've just got something that you need to know about."

"Okay... what's up?" Nessa asks, sitting down on the sofa.

"Well, gosh, I don't really know how to say this..."

"Just say it," I urge Kath.

"Okay. I'm dating someone."

"Oh?" Nessa asks. "Is that all?"

"Well, yeah..."

"That's great news," Nessa smiles. "What's his name?"

"His name is Colin. The two of us go way back to secondary school."

"That's cool," Nessa nods. "When do I get to meet him?"

"Saturday, probably. He's going to be sitting with you at the show."

"Cool. Just, make sure that he doesn't judge me when I cry the whole time."

"He won't," Kath laughs.

"See, Kath, you built that up in your mind way too much. It wasn't that bad."

"I really suspected it, anyway," Nessa laughs.

"Okay, both of you, shut up!" Kath squeals through her blushing and giggles. "Anyway, that's my news. He's fabulous and I think I love him. That's all."

"I'm really happy for you, Kath," I tell her, giving her a little side hug. She thanks me.

I hang out with Nessa and Kath for a bit longer before I decide that I should go back to Patrick, as the two of us are going to cook dinner together.

"Have a nice evening, you two," I tell my friends. "Kath... tell Emmie the news."

"I will," she promises. "It won't be as scary this time."

"That's the spirit," I laugh, then leaving my friends' flat and walking down the street, back to my house, where Patrick is waiting.

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