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And here we have what is perhaps a slightly important chapter... you'll all see what I mean. I think some of you have been waiting on this one for quite some time now. I hope you enjoy- leave a comment and vote!


October 11, 2026


"Wow, hon, you look beautiful," I say to my wife as she walks up to our table at the restaurant. She's wearing a dark blue, long sleeved dress with a cheeky little cutout in the back, and black tights to keep her legs warm from the nippy autumn air.

"And you look quite handsome yourself," she replies, taking a seat in the chair across from me at our little table for two in the corner of the nice restaurant.

I've already ordered her a water, so she takes a sip of it, then starts looking at the menu.

Within the next few minutes, both of us place our orders with the waitress, then I look at Harper.

"So, how were Taylor and Audrie?"

"They're both healthy. Taylor's struggling a bit with the transition, I think, but that really does happen to everyone. Taylor took some alone time today while I watched Audrie, and she was just the sweetest little thing. I fed her, then she took a little nap, all snuggled up in my arms."

"That's the cutest," I smile. "She's taken a liking to you, then?"

"That's what Taylor says. She apparently has been quite fussy with anybody except her mum and dad, but she was a little sweetheart for me."

"Auntie Harper is going to be her favourite. I can already tell."

Harper giggles, then takes another sip of her water. "I think it's time, Patrick," she whispers.

I look at her. "What?"

"I mean, for our own. I'm ready."

I raise my eyebrows. This is so sudden. "Love, are you sure? I mean, you've spent the afternoon being infatuated with Taylor's little one, and I don't want that to lead you to make rash decisions..."

"No, Patrick, I really think I'm ready. I think we're ready. I've been feeling this for a couple of weeks now... I just wanted to make sure that I was really sure. I'm finishing up my run with Anastasia soon, and I've got nothing planned. I know that we are still so young, and that we have our entire lives ahead of us still, but right now... it just feels so right for me. That is, if it feels right for you."

I'm slightly taken aback by what she's saying, but I do agree with her. For some reason, we do feel ready.

"And you're sure about this? I don't want to pressure you into anything, lovie. It's your body that's going to be going through all of these changes that come with having a baby. I wish that I could take some of that off of you, but I can't. You know what you'd be getting into? It's a big responsibility, and I'll do what I can, but most of it will be on you..."

"I know," she nods. "I think I can do it."

"And you'd have to be on a break from performing for a bit."

"I know," she nods. "I can do that, too. You're bringing in more than enough money right now, and plus, my salary was never great anyway."

"You're positive? A kid is hard to undo, you know," I tease her.

"Yeah," she giggles. "I think we should start trying. Like, after I'm done with Anastasia, probably."

"Okay," I say. "We will have to start keeping track of when you're able to get pregnant and such," I warn her.

"I know. That's fine... Patrick?"


"You don't think it's foolish of us to want kids when we are still so young ourselves?"

"I don't," I tell her, "because I know that both of us are completely ready and we both want it so badly."

I reach across the table and give her hand a little squeeze. "I love you, sweetie."

"I love you too."

"We are in this together."

"You and me," she smiles.

We eventually move around to discussing other things over our nice dinner. The food is lovely, and we even have enough to take home leftovers for tomorrow's lunch, probably.

When we find ourselves back home, I notice just how beautiful the sunset is. "What do you say we hike up Parliament Hill and eat some dessert up there?" I suggest to wife. "I got one of those yummy chocolate bars that we like at Tesco today."

"Ooh," she smiles, "that sounds lovely."

We bundle up in some warm coats, as the temperature is dropping with the night falling upon us, then we walk, hand in hand, up the hill.

"Remember when we came here on our first date?" I ask her, once we are sitting on a bench at the top of the hill, looking out at the view of London.

"Of course I remember. That was one of the best days of my life," she says, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I think I knew, from that very moment, deep down inside of me, that we would be married someday."

"I think that I knew, too," she tells me. "You really are the best thing to ever happen to me, Patrick Alwyn."

"As you are, to me," I assure her. I pause, and then, "You know what we should do?"


"We should take a little holiday, just the two of us, over Christmas. Instead of doing presents and all. We can celebrate our anniversary, too. Maybe go somewhere beachy, where we can just kick back and relax. You'll be done with Anastasia and back from New York City at that point, too."

"That sounds absolutely perfect," she replies. I plant a little kiss on the top of her head, then pull the chocolate bar out of my pocket. I break off a little piece and give it to her.

"Yummy," she says as the sweet crosses her lips. "Tonight is just... so perfect. Thank you, hon."

"Hey, you deserve it," I tell her. "Only a few more weeks left in Anastasia, and you've been working so hard in the show for so long. Plus, I'll do just about anything to make you happy. You should know that."

She smiles at me. "You're the best husband in the whole wide world."

"And you're the absolute best wife that I could ever dream of."

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