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Um okay, just take this as a warning for the next few chapters... they're not really going to be full of sunshine and rainbows haha. Please read with caution. With that being said, they were a nice challenge to write so I hope you all enjoy them still, in a strange way. Comment/vote and try not to be too mad haha.


March 23, 2026


In spite of how lightly and timidly I tap on Taylor's door, she still hears me. "Harper, love," she gasps, pulling me straight into her arms for a hug.

Taylor gives the best hugs. It somehow makes everything seem okay for that short moment in time, when in reality, everything is far from okay.

"Come here," she tells me, leading me into her living room and setting me down on her sofa. In spite of how gross I know that Taylor feels, she pushes that aside to focus on me. "Can I get you anything? Do you need some water, maybe?"

I nod timidly. I'm sure that Taylor knows what's going on, as Patrick said that he would tell her that I was coming over.

"Your dad?" she asks, bringing the glass back into the room after a moment. I nod with sadness. "I'm so sorry."

"There's nothing that you could do," I tell her. She gives me a massive cuddle.

"I wish that you didn't have to go through this."

I don't say anything, instead resting my head on Taylor's shoulder and sitting next to her in silence as Dibbles, her cat, rubs against my feet. I know that Taylor is going to be such an amazing mum in not too long here. The two of us have grown to have a relationship that's just as close as real sisters would have, and I know that she's an incredibly caring and kind woman.

"Do you need to talk about it?" she asks.

"I don't know what there is to talk about," I sigh. "They think he's going to die within the next three days, Tay. How do I deal with that?"

"I wish that I could give you an answer," she frowns. "I just don't know, love. But I'm here if there's anything that I can do for you."

"Thanks, Tay."

"And your mum will be around to help you, too. And Patrick, of course. He's your husband. You've got to let your guard down with him and let him help you, sweetie. That's his job."

"I try to," I say, "but it's just hard."

"I know, you like to be strong. I'm the same way, but I started to learn when Joe and I got really serious that it's so good for a grown up relationship to be vulnerable and let each other see your emotions. I know that you've done it before, but I just want to remind you, okay?"

"Okay," I say, forcing a small smile. Or the closest thing to a smile that I can muster up right now.

"So, what do you say we get our mind off of things and watch some telly?" Taylor suggests.

"That sounds good," I reply, taking another sip of my water. Taylor flicks on the telly and selects Mamma Mia on Netflix- one of my favourites.

"Singing is encouraged," she winks at me, "if you feel the urge. If not, that's good too."

I'm not sure if I'll feel good enough to sing today. On a related note, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to muster up the strength to go out there and play Anya tonight. To tell a story about a girl who lost her entire family, when I'm going through what I am behind the scenes... it might not be easy. I also know that I have to do it, though. Dad wouldn't want me to skip this show because of him.

After what feels like an eternity at Taylor's, Patrick finally comes over to get me after work.

"Thank you so much for keeping her company," Patrick tells Taylor.

"Hey, no problem," Taylor smiles. "I'm bored, all cooped up in here anyway." She turns to me. "Good luck at the hospital, love. I'll be thinking of you."

"Thank you," I say, giving Taylor one last hug before I slip my fingers through Patrick's and we head out of her flat.

"How are you doing?" he asks me. "Honestly?"

"Okay," I shrug it off. "It's fine. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? Because you weren't fine when you rang me earlier today..."

I want so desperately to nod and be done with this conversation, but I think about what Taylor told me earlier today... about being an open book with Patrick.

"I'm not sure," I admit. "I'm just so scared. I've never lost a family member who I'm particularly close with before, hon." Sure, I've lost grandparents and other elderly relatives, but none of them played the huge role in my life that my parents have.

"Please, sweetie, don't be scared. That's not what he would want, and we both know it. It's natural to be anxious about this sort of thing, but don't let it take you over."

I know that he's right, but my anxiety only grows when we arrive at the hospital and walk down that tiled, white hallway, yet again.

"How about you go in by yourself?" Patrick suggests. "I'll wait outside, okay?"

"Okay," I sigh, dropping my hand and walking away from my husband, into the small room, where my dad's nearly lifeless body is on the bed, connected to more machines and monitors than I've ever seen in my whole life.

He seems to be awake, and slightly conscious, as he uses all of his strength to look at me when I walk in the room.

"Daddy," I whisper, running to his bedside with tears in my eyes. I grab his hand and drop down onto my knees. "Daddy, I love you so much."

I rest my head on his chest carefully, as to not displace any of the wires connected to him.

I stay there for... I'm not exactly sure how long. Mum is watching from the corner, but she stepped back from the bedside the moment that I walked in the room.

I know that, no matter how hard this is on me, it's harder on her. She's been in love with my dad since she was in her late twenties. He's been a part of her life for so long, and suddenly, he isn't going to be anymore.

I can't even imagine losing Patrick in that manner, and when we are only in our fifties, as my Mum is. Dad is a bit older, as he recently turned sixty, but it's still much too young for his life to be taken away from him.

Yet, I know that it will be within the next few days. I can't stand to think of that.

Right now, it's the knowing that hurts the most.

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