Home For The Holidays

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Hey kiddos! I'm starting to feel better, and was able to write tonight, so here's a nice little chapter to start off the week. I'm not looking forward to this week at all honestly. I start driver's ed tomorrow, which is gonna be horrid but I've been procrastinating it for MONTHS. oops haha. Anyway, here's some nice fluff for you- enjoy/comment/vote xxx


December 13, 2026


I'm at Taylor's birthday party when I get a call from Harper.

That's weird, I think to myself, stepping into the other room to answer her.

"Patrick," she says, breathlessly.

"What's up, lovie?"

"I just ran up two flights of stairs, but I wanted to let you know right away that I was just informed of my last day at Les Mis."

"Oh?" I ask, secretly thrilled. "When's that? When do I get to see you again?"

"Wednesday will be my last day, so could we arrange for me to be home on Thursday? The 17th?" I'll be back just in time for our anniversary and Christmas."

"You will be," I smile. It feels amazing, knowing finally that she'll be home for the holidays. "I'll go talk to Taylor right away about getting her plane."

"You're the best. Don't stress her out on her birthday, though. Just subtly mention it."

"Done," I tell my wife. "Now, you have a show to perform, don't you?"


"Go get ready for that. Maybe I can call you between your shows? I'm not sure if I'll still be at the party or not."

"No, it's okay," Harper insists. "Have fun tonight, and don't worry about me. I'll call you in the morning. Don't get completely drunk at the party."

I chuckle nervously. I won't be getting drunk for a long time after my 'bash' recently. If only she knew...

"Okay. Break a leg on your shows. I'll talk to you later. Love you, hon."

"Love you too," she replies. "Bye."

At that, I hear a click, and know that she's hung up to go prepare for the show.

I head back into the room with Taylor, and catch her in the corner, feeding her daughter.

"Do you want me to take over?" I offer. "It's your birthday. You shouldn't have to spend the whole night feeding your baby."

"You're the best," Taylor smiles, handing her little girl to me. Once I've got her positioned properly in my arms, I take the bottle from Taylor as well. "Was that Harper on the phone?"

"Yep. She got her final date for Les Mis, on Wednesday. She wants to come home on Thursday."

"I'll arrange for my plane to take her in the morning."

"You're the best," I tell my sister-in-law.

"It's nothing, really. Anything that makes Harper's life a little bit easier."

I chuckle. "Now, go enjoy your party. I'll take Audrie upstairs for bed once she's done with her bottle."

"That's amazing. You're wonderful, Patrick. Thanks a million."

"You're welcome," I smile, then watch Taylor walk off to go talk to some of her friends. I sit with Audrie for twenty more minutes or so, before she's done with her bottle and she's fallen asleep in my arms. I change my position that I'm holding her so that she's against my shoulder, then stand up and take her to the nursery.

Upstairs, it's all a bit quieter. The music that's playing downstairs is only noticeable from the floor's soft vibrations up here. She has a music box playing softly, and I smile as I place her into her crib, then look around the room. It's really an adorable little nursery. Someday, this room will be all redecorated and the walls will be lined with posters of bands, or pictures of Audrie and her friends, or however she wishes to redecorate it. It'll barely be recognizable as the same room.

But that's a long way off. Right now, I am going to savour my niece while she's still little, and wants to cuddle up in my arms while there's a party going on around her.

After I know that Audrie is soundly asleep, I rejoin the party, but it's weird for me. I'm not a naturally social person like Taylor is... really, I'm more of a wallflower. Especially without Harper here, I don't quite know what to do. I can't cling to Joe the entire time, as much as I'd like to do that.

I do manage to strike up a conversation with Taylor's mum and dad, who are so sweet. They insist on treating me like part of their family, which is amazing. I talk to Selena for a few minutes, and I speak with Joe a bit, as well.

Eventually, the party begins to draw to a close. I'm quite tired, as is everyone else, from a very fun night.

"Do you guys need any help cleaning everything up?" I ask Taylor.

"We will do it tomorrow. It's fine. Go home and get some rest, Patrick," she tells me.

"Okay," I smile at Taylor. "Happy Birthday, again."

"Thanks," she replies.

"Harper wishes that she could have been here as well."

"I know. We spoke earlier and she sent some lovely flowers. Please, if she brings it up, tell her that it's absolutely fine. She feels bad, but she's living out her dreams in New York. That's so much more important than this silly party."

I smile at Taylor. "I'll make sure to tell her you said so."

I exchange goodnights with both Taylor and Joe, then I leave their flat and manage to catch the tube back home, just before it shuts down for the evening.

Back at home, I take a quick shower, then go straight to bed. I think about Harper. She's probably done with her show by now, and she is either getting dinner somewhere, hanging out with her old or newfound friends, or relaxing back in the hotel. No matter which one it is, I hope that she's having a nice time. It may be selfish of me, but I want to have her back more than anything in the world. To hold her in my arms, and hear her steady breathing as I'm going to sleep. To wake up by her side and have to wiggle away from her grip, careful to not wake her up, as she will be angry if I do so.

I want to have her home with me more than anything in the world, and in just a few days, my wish will be granted.

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