Together, Wherever We Go

178 4 14

This is just some pure, happy fluff, and I quite like it xxx. I probably won't really be on wattpad for the next few weeks, but I'll try my absolute hardest to get an update in when I'm able to. I'll still respond to messages and such, so not a full on break, but probably not a lot of writing. I've got some fun things planned, so don't worry about me. I love you all lots. I hope you enjoy this chap- comment and vote if you wish xxx.


June 20, 2026


Two show days with Katherine in the cast are always fun. The two of us always push each other to be better artists, all the while sharing laughs and fun little backstage moments.

Today is no exception.

During the interval of our first show, she barges into my dressing room, without even knocking first. I nearly fall out of my chair as the door swings open.

"Katherine!" I gasp. "You scared me, child."

"Oh, you'll get over it," she rolls her eyes.

"Be glad that I wasn't like... naked in here."

"You don't get naked during the interval," Kath states matter-of-factly, rolling her eyes.

"Oh my god," I groan, laughing at my friend. "Well, what did you need? Steamer?"

"No, I wanted to take some SIP shots."

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask her with a laugh.

"You've never heard of SIPs?"


Kath gives me a cheeky smile. "We did them all the time at the Royal Ballet Theatre. SIP stands for 'Saturday Interval Pictures."

"If you did them all of the time at RBT, then why have we never done any here?"

"Emmie usually instigated them," she shrugs. "I just thought that it might be fun today. It randomly popped into my head."

"Alright. Can I just please get finished with my costume change first?"

"Of course," Kath replies. "That's more important. But then, we can do the pictures. Maybe Jenni will take them after she does your wig."

"Yeah, maybe... now, can you skedaddle so that I can get changed?" I have no idea how to subtly kick Kath out of my dressing room, so I have to be blunt about it.

Kath laughs, then suddenly shifts moods. "Okay, I know when I'm not wanted. God, bye Harper." She throws her face into her hands as she makes crying noises and dramatically runs out of my room. I roll my eyes and call for her to shut the door behind her, which she does.

I finish up with my makeup change, then pull off my robe and slip into my skirt and blazer combo for 'Paris Holds The Key (To Your Heart.)' Almost as soon as I'm done with that, I hear a knock on my door and know that it's Jenni, to help me with my first wig for the second act.

"Hey girl," Jenni smiles after I let her in. "How was the first act?"

"It was good," I shrug. "Nothing weird happened."

"Toby's doing well?"

"As always," I laugh. "He's amazing. I saw him in Les Mis, forever ago. It's so cool to get to work with him."

"That's good. He wasn't feeling top notch today, so I figured I'd make sure he wasn't dying out there."

"Probably a good thing," I laugh, "but you should not have told me that right before I have to go kiss him."

"He's pretty sure that it's just allergies," Jenni assures me. "Don't worry about it."

"Alright,"I reply. Soon, we are done with the wig.

"Is that all that you need?" Jenni asks.

"Oh," I laugh, "Kath wants to know if you will take 'SIP' pictures of us."

Jenni laughs. "I've been recruited?"

"Apparently," I reply. "Let me go next door and grab her."

I run out of the room, with the heels of my dance shoes clicking against the floor, and knock. Then, after hearing somebody call to come in, I stick my head in the Romanov girls' dressing room. "Kath?"

She turns around and smiles. "Coming."

Grabbing her phone off of her vanity table, she runs out of the dressing room and follows me next door, into my dressing room, where Jenni is waiting.

"Alright, what are we doing here?" Jenni asks.

"I'm wondering the same thing," I turn to Kath.

"Let's get a hugging picture," she suggests, so I nod and throw my arms around my friend, while Jenni snaps away.

"Okay, can we do some silly ones?" Katherine asks after a moment.

"Let's do it," I smile. Something possesses her to grab onto my shoulder with one hand and pull her leg into an extension with the other hand. "Alright, that's one way to do it," I laugh. "We have a ballerina over here."

Jenni smiles cheekily. "Come on Harper, let's see your extension."

"It's cute that you think I can even get close to doing one," I laugh. I awkwardly thrust my leg into the air in front of me and grab my foot with my hand. "This is all that you're going to get."

"I love this picture," Jenni laughs. "Send that to me when you get the chance."

"Will do," I giggle, dropping my foot to the ground. Kath and I capture a few more silly poses before we hear the tannoy crackle on.

"Please report to your places for the top of Act II."

"Well, we had better get going."

Kath and I both make our way to the stage for 'Paris' and before we know it, we are starting the number. While the dancing in this number is Kath's second favourite part of the show, following her Odette solo, of course, I still worry about it almost every day. While I do have it down, the troubles that it gave me while learning it cause me to be nervous every time that I do the dance.

It goes smoothly, though, and before I know it, I'm back in my dressing room for my break before 'In A Crowd Of Thousands.' I open up Instagram and make a new post, including the picture of Kath and I doing our extensions, as well as a sweet one of us sharing a hug.

@harper.elise13: SIPs with my girl @katherinebailey_ (who taught me what a SIP was today.)

She's onstage right now, doing the Neva Club scene, so I know that Kath won't see it right away, but she will when she gets her break.

Almost instantly, though, I get a comment on the picture from Nessa.


@nessa.v.13: YOU'RE SO CUTE

I laugh and thank Nessa, then 'like' the comments.

After that, I put my phone down and change my costume and wig for 'In A Crowd Of Thousands,' which is one of my favourite parts of the show. I also like to get a quick, five minute or so, steam in during my break, when I'm able to.

Today, as I'm steaming, I can't help but smile about how lucky I am to be able to be in this amazing show with my best friend. It really is a dream come true.

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