Ain't We Proud

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Anyone know that musical reference in the title? Bonus points if you do! I'm so glad you all liked yesterday's update. This one's equally fun.
So here's the thing- I'm in tech week for my play this week, and shows are this coming weekend, so I'm not sure how much you'll all be seeing of me. I'll try my best to get updates posted but I can't promise anything. Sorry in advance xxx
Enjoy this chap- comment/vote xxx


February 9, 2026


I don't know a lot about the art of theatre. I will be the first to admit that. It doesn't take a genius to figure out, though, that Katherine is doing amazingly well during her debut.

I'm sure that she's nervous. Everybody is nervous in that sort of a situation. In spite of that fact, I can't tell that she has nerves, even one little bit. If I didn't know, I wouldn't be able to tell that this is Katherine's debut performance in Anastasia, much less her West End debut.

And Harper, of course, is doing just as amazing as she always does. She even seems to have a tiny bit of an extra confidence boost, having one of her absolute best friends up there on stage with her.

I can't help but think that I really hope that her dad will be able to come and see the show a few more times, or at least one more time, before he is too unwell. I'm going to have to see what we can do about that.

She's going to visit him tomorrow. She says that I don't have to go, but I know that I do, deep down. I'm going to have to take the afternoon off of work to make it happen, but I'm so worried about her. I know that she isn't taking any of this too well, and nobody will be able to tell how she's going to react tomorrow, seeing her father, who probably won't be around in a few weeks' time.

I'm so glad that she's having a good time tonight, though. She was all smiley for the day, knowing that Kath was going to perform, and after the show is over, the three of us are all going out for a drink.

The show progresses, and I've come to know it quite well, at this point. I know when the ballet scene, Katherine's big number, is coming up. I know what it is supposed to look like, and I have seen Hadley perform the part many times. Katherine, however, manages to bring an entirely new twist to the role, without even opening her mouth. I think that it just has to do with the fact that everyone has different natural body movements- the way that we walk, how high we can jump... Kath seems to fit the role perfectly, from that perspective.

By the time that the show is over, as the cast is taking their bows, I can tell that Kath is so proud of how she performed. She shares a hug with the other Romanov girls, then one with Harper. I manage to catch a picture of that moment, which I know both of them will be thrilled about.

As I'm standing at the stage door, waiting for my wife to come out with her friend, I text the picture to Taylor, who has decided that she needs to avoid any sort of photographs until the baby comes, and is already going slightly stir-crazy in her flat. I figure that this will put a smile on her face, at least.

Patrick: Look at these cuties. Both did amazingly, and I'm waiting for them to clean up so that we can go out for a celebration.

Taylor: Send my congratulations to Katherine. I'm glad that Harper jumped back in after being away for as long as she was, too. But I'm pretty sure that she could play that part in her sleep, at this point. Drink a wine for me tonight, alright?

Patrick: Will do, haha. How are you feeling?

Taylor: Still pretty gross, but it's fine. It'll be worth it.

Patrick: If there's anything that we can do, let us know.

Taylor: Thank you xx

I tuck my phone away, and I only have to wait another minute or so before Harper and the four older Romanov girls come out of the stage door, all whispering to each other and giggling. I love seeing their friendship.

As soon as Harper and I lock eyes, however, the girls are forgotten about, as she runs straight over to me and throws her arms around my neck.

"You were amazing, love!"

"I didn't know that you were coming to watch the show!" she giggles.

"I figured that I would get a last-minute ticket," I wink. "I couldn't miss Katherine's debut, now, could I?"

Harper giggles as Katherine walks up next to us, holding a big bouquet of flowers. Nessa is with Katherine, too, ready to congratulate Harper, as she has clearly already done that for Kath.

The two share a hug and some squeals, talking about who knows what.

"You were amazing, Kath. Seriously, congratulations," I say as Nessa and Harper are talking.

Kath gives me a huge smile. "Thanks, Patrick."

The four of us talk for a few more minutes, then Nessa announces that she needs to be on her way, as she has an early morning class tomorrow at University.

"Well, what do you say we head out for some drinks?" I say. "Come on."

The three of us walk away from the theatre, with both Harper and Katherine politely declining taking pictures at the stage door, for just this one occasion. I know that Harper has a very good reputation of loving the stage door, so she can't be blamed for wanting to take one day off. As for Katherine, well, she can build up her stage door reputation starting at tomorrow's shows.

"Oh, Taylor sends her congratulations to both of you," I remark as we are walking towards the bar.

"Oh," Katherine exclaims. "Thank her for me."

"Yeah, same," Harper smiles. "How is she doing?"

"Alright," I shrug. Of course, Kath doesn't know Taylor's secret yet, and won't until the rest of the world knows, so I can't go into too many details. Taylor and Joe are hoping to keep everything on the down low until the baby is actually born, which may be just about impossible, but if anybody could do it, it is those two.

Harper, Katherine, and I don't stay out for very long, and each of us only have one drink, as they both have a show tomorrow, and they're tired from tonight. It's already pretty late.

I call us an Uber to take us home after not too long. "Kath, do you just want to stay the night?" I ask. "I don't want you taking an Uber home by yourself, especially at this hour."

"If you wouldn't mind, that would be lovely," she replies. "Thank you so much."

"Oh, how fun!" Harper exclaims. "We can have a sleepover."

"Except both of us need to actually sleep," Katherine laughs.


Kath pulls out her phone. "Let me just make sure that Nessa and Emmie know that I'm safe, then we can be on our way."

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