Man To Man Talk

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Hi everyone. I just wanted to tell you all that I love you. With that being said, I quite like this chapter and I hope you all do too. Enjoy/comment/vote xxx


November 25, 2026


"So, what's it like... being a dad?" I ask my older brother as he holds his daughter. The two of us have been left in charge of Audrie for the evening while Taylor is out at a meeting with a representative from her record label who has been sent to London. In spite of Taylor's initial thoughts that she would be taking a break from the music industry, she has been feeling so much lately, and her only way of dealing with that is putting it into some songs which she's quite proud of. She's looking into putting some of that onto, perhaps a short EP, as we speak.

"It's truly the most amazing feeling," Joe tells me. "I don't even know how to describe it... like, I helped to make this gorgeous little girl. Her blonde hair. Her blue eyes. She has my smile and she has Tay's nose. I just love her in a way that I truly didn't think was possible."

"She's such a sweetie," I smile as Audrie giggles at her daddy tickling her toes.

"Right now she is," Joe laughs. "In the middle of the night when she wants her mommy to feed her, not so much."

I laugh. "She's sweet enough to make Harper want one," I mutter.

"What's that?" Joe asks.

"Harper has been talking about starting to try for kids, once her show closes and she's back from New York. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the idea, but I'm also a little bit terrified. Perhaps we both are. We both think we are ready, but it's just... strange, you know? To think that, a year from now, we may have a baby in our arms, like Audrie is in your arms right now."

"That's amazing," Joe tells me. "Audrie really is the best thing that ever happened to me... well, her and Taylor both. I know it seems scary at first, but I'll tell you a secret... no matter how scared you are, your girl will be more scared. Especially the first time around. And, well... you aren't allowed to tell anyone this, okay... seriously."

"I promise," I nod, knowing that whatever Joe is about to tell me really is a secret.

"When Taylor first found out, she was sitting in that bathroom, holding the test in her hands, and tears falling down her face. She was shaking uncontrollably. We were trying for a kid, too. It wasn't unplanned in the slightest. A few days later, I caught her reading pregnancy horror stories on the internet, and I had to take her phone for a bit, just to get her to calm down. She was so worried about everything. I mean, I don't blame her. It's a lot for a woman's body to handle."

"Oh my gosh," I whisper. "I had no idea that she was so scared. Harper said that she was a bit apprehensive, but..."

"She was terrified."

"Do you think that it's a good idea for Harper to get pregnant?" I ask Joe. "Don't go repeating this, because she's so embarrassed about it, but she had a panic attack at the show the other day, when she was spontaneously thrown on as Odette. It had never happened before, but I've been so worried about her since it happened. And she's struggled with other things in the past but they were all singular incidents... but added up..."

"Have you thought about taking her to therapy?" Joe asks. "I don't like hearing that about her. Perhaps she would benefit from some professional help..."

"I have, but I don't want her to be upset with me."

"That's a tough one," Joe frowns. "I think that, if she truly wants the kid, like she says she does, then it's a good idea for you two, but I also think that she should get some help with everything  before you make that happen. I have been very close to taking Tay to a therapist, on many occasions, actually. Our wives are really quite similar, I think. Taylor is just so sweet, but she takes every little comment to heart and it can cause her to overthink and stress her out way too much."

"Harper does the same," I nod. "Of course, Tay has a lot more input coming at her from every direction. I don't know how she does it."

"She struggles," Joe admits. "I've seen her at her lowest, and it isn't pretty. She does an amazing job of putting out a facade to the world. They think that she's always put together and perfect, but she's not."

I frown. "That really does sound like Harper."

"If you two need anything throughout the process, just let Taylor and I know, alright? Honestly, Audrie is probably going to be our only one, so even her little baby clothes, if it ends up being a girl, we will pass along, as she will certainly outgrow them quite quickly. Look at how much bigger she has gotten already."

"You're the best," I tell Joe. "Of course, it won't be for quite some time still."

"Of course," he nods. "Other than that, how is Harper doing, with her show closing and all?"

"She's upset, but she's trying her hardest to savour the few performances that she does have left. This is her second to last two show day. After today, she only has three evening shows and one matinee left."

"God, it seems like not all that long ago that Taylor and I were showing up at the Piccadilly for her first performance. She's come a long way since then."

"She has," I agree.

"Listen, don't tell her this, but Taylor and I have tickets to her final performance. We are leaving Miss Audrie here with Mum and Dad."

"Seriously?" I ask Joe. "You two are too much."

"We needed a night out, really. Taylor can't wait, and I'm quite excited as well. We are just hoping that Audrie responds well to being away from us for a few hours."

"She's too little to actually understand that you will be gone," I tell Joe.

"I think you're right. If she won't calm down for Mum and Dad, though, Taylor and I will have to come home. That's mostly why we don't want Harper to know. We don't want her to be upset if it falls through. It'll be a nice surprise for her, though, as well."

"Absolutely," I nod. "She will be so happy, if you two end up coming."

"I'm glad," Joe tells me. "Hopefully we will be able to make it."

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