Love Story

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Oh my goodness, it's here. This is the chapter that you've all been waiting for; I'm sure of it. I'm really proud of this one, honestly, so I hope that you all like it too. Don't forget to comment and vote! Without further ado, I present to you... the chapter in which it all changes. Enjoy!


December 23, 2025


As we stand in the room, with papers on the desk, I try to take deep breaths. I'm feeling so many emotions right now. Excitement, fear, and just sheer happiness. As I hold Patrick's hand in mine, I look over at Taylor, who is holding our rings on a little pillow. She gives me an encouraging smile as we make eye contact, then I turn back to Sylvia, who is preparing to begin.

"Well, let's not waste any more time, hm?" she asks. "Harper, Patrick, do you have vows written?"

Patrick and I nod, then he reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a piece of paper. As I don't have pockets, I turn to my mom. "Mom," I whisper, "could you grab the little piece of paper out of my purse?"

She nods, picking up the small bag from the bench, and hands me the note.

"I now invite you to join hands and exchange vows. Patrick?"

He turns to face me, and I suddenly find myself tearing up. I've been dreaming of this moment my entire life. I want nothing more right now than to smash my lips up against his, kiss him, and never break away.

Of course, I've got to wait a few minutes on that one.

"Alright," Patrick says, taking a deep breath and running his hand through his hair. I can tell that he's nervous, so I just squeeze his hand reassuringly.

He smiles a bit, then begins to read.

"Dear Harper," he takes a breath, "today is finally here. It's finally happening. I feel like we have been waiting for our entire lives, all of it leading up to this very day. When I envisioned it, from the moment I met you, I could never envision it with anyone else. That's how I knew that you were the one."

He stops speaking for a moment, then I give him a little smile, with tears brimming my eyes, threatening to spill out any moment. The emotions of the day have really caught up with me. I notice Elizabeth taking pictures of us, but ignore it, trying to stay in the moment instead of worrying about how I'll look in pictures later on.

Patrick briefly breaks eye contact with me, and turns to the small group of people watching us.

"I think that everyone who knows Harper would vouch for the fact that she loves Les Miserables," he turns back to me, "and it was that which brought us together. Victor Hugo, in his famous novel, said, 'To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing more.' That makes me the luckiest man in the world, Harper Elise. I've known how much I loved you since I first laid eyes on you from a distance, at the Queen's Theatre, on June 17 of last year. Maybe we have moved quickly in our relationship, compared to a many year courtship which is sometimes held as traditional, but something that I love about you is that you never conform to tradition. Why would we need to, when it just feels so right? So today, I stand here, in front of you, to take your hand in marriage, for the rest our our lives. In sickness and health, on good days and bad. I take you, Harper Kennedy, as my wife."

By the time that Patrick is done speaking, I have tears running down each of my cheeks. "I love you," I mouth.

"Harper," Sylvia prompts, so I unfold my piece of paper with the vows written on it, and look Patrick in the eyes as I begin to read.

"Dear Patrick," I stop and wipe a tear out of my eye, causing everyone to giggle. "I've dreamed about this day since I was a little girl. I would imagine what I wanted my husband to be like: sweet, funny, always good for cuddles. As I got older, it was somebody who would treat me like I was the only thing that mattered. Like I was special. I never knew what I wanted him to look like, or who I wanted him to be, until I met you. Then, I knew. My schoolgirl fantasies were suddenly my reality. I didn't know that I could love somebody as much as I love you. You've seen me at my highest, and at my lowest. You've been by my side for all of it. And I know that you're going to be by my side for the rest of my days, as well. Both good ones, and bad. Today, happens to be a good one. It's good, because today, I make a promise to you. I promise to laugh with you, and cry with you. To go to sleep every night in your arms, and to wake up in the same place. I promise that, for the rest of our lives, you will be not only my husband, but also my best friend."

Once we are done with our vows, silence falls over the room for just a moment. I look out and see even my dad tearing up. I've never seen him cry before. I feel Patrick squeeze my hand, and I look up, giving him a smile before smoothing out the skirt of my light pink shift dress.

Then, Sylvia beckons Taylor over with the rings.

"Please repeat after me. Harper, I give you this ring."

Patrick takes a breath. "Harper, I give you this ring."

"As a sign of our marriage."

Patrick repeats.

"With my body I honour you."

"With my body I honour you," he states.

"All that I am, I give to you."

He repeats Sylvia's words.

"And all that I have."

"And all that I have."

"I share with you."

He repeats, and as I hear Patrick speak those final words, he lifts my hand up and slips the ring onto it, right next to my engagement ring.

God, I just want to kiss him right now.

Of course, I have to go through the ring vows now.

"Patrick, I give you this ring..."

Before I know it, everything is over. Both of us have rings on our fingers.

"You may now kiss each other," Sylvia states, granting us the permission which we have both been waiting so long for.

We press our lips together and share a sweet, tender kiss.

Once we are done, everyone claps, causing both Patrick and I to blush. It's funny; I'm so used to receiving applause onstage from a thousand people, but for some reason I can't seem to handle my parents, my parents-in-law, Taylor, and Joe clapping for me.

Sylvia lays out the papers on the desk, and Patrick and I both go to sign the marriage certificate. After that, Taylor and Joe both sign off as witnesses.

And just like that, it's over.

"We're married," I whisper to Patrick in disbelief. "You're my husband."

"That's right, wifey," he tells me with a cheeky smile, to which I playfully slap him.

"You're ridiculous."

"But you love it."

"I really, really do."

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