Chapter 1

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I let out a fugly laugh, "I did see that," I say between laughs. But when I look up I see Taehyung a few people ahead of me and can't help but quiet down.

Jimin continues talking but realizes my lack of response. He looks ahead and sees the back of Taehyungs head and sighs, "one of these days ima smack some sense into you."

"And if you do, I'll smack my dick right up your ass," I say maybe a little too loud. I look at
the ground when I notice people looking at me.

"My god you say some gay shit to be straight," Jimin said with fake annoyance laced in his voice.


Once we get to the lunch room we greet Namjoon and Yoongi, and start talking about random crap. Namjoon is a year ahead in the same classes as Tae, some smart ass class or whatever.
Yeah, surprising. Don't ask me how Tae got there.

Fine! Taehyung is actually really smart, like really smart. Everything about him is cool except for the fact that he hurts me and makes fun of me when he can.

I take another big sip of my sprite as I think about the things Taehyung has done to me.

1 year earlier
I headed to the bathroom after being annoyed by him for 5 minutes straight. He kept on throwing something at my head and I couldn't take it anymore.

I quickly got up and left, once I got permission of course. I went to the bathroom and just ran my hands under the water.
I hear the the bathroom door open and then a click sound.

I turn around and see Taehyung, so I beeline towards the door. However my wrist is caught and I'm slammed into the wall with a big oof.

I feel him scoff against my ear before saying, "heard you broke it off with that slut Jungkook."

"S-she's not a slut Taehyung," I said but felt the grip on my wrist grow tighter and I try to jerk it away but I slam my elbow into the wall.

"Shut up Jungkook," the grip got a little tighter, "I bet you fucked her any time you could and watched her slutty ass moan under you huh?"

I gulped. His whisper against my ear was so spine shivering.
Also,no, I had never once fucked Mia. Actually, I couldn't. The day before I broke up with her, she tried to but. I left.
I had no desire to fuck her.
Or any girl in that case.

"Huh Jungkook? I can't hear your slutty ass. Maybe you'd like to get pounded by me for your lil slutty desire."


Taehyung threw me into the wall and left. And when he did, I couldn't ignore the tightness I felt in my pants I hadn't felt that night with Mia.

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