Chapter 3

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Three weeks passed. Three weeks had passed since Kim Taehyung hurt or bulliedme. However, he did throw deadly glares my way which, confused the very shit out of me.

Why was he still glaring even after he said sorry?

However, that was much better than the flicks and squeezes that came my way on a daily basis.

That was until my moms book club.


"Jungkook honey, can you bring the vegetable tray in here," my mom said from the living room. I obliged and smiled at how happy my mom looked for her book club today.

One by one women came with smiles and the eventually started to chat while waiting for a couple other members. My mom was conversing when there was a knock on the door. I motioned for her to sit down and that I had the door.

I opened the door for a middle woman who was quite pretty. I smiled and said, "The rest of the group is in the living room to the left."

"Thank you," she smiled, "Tata maybe you can hang out with him, he looks your age."

She had turned around and I saw the familiar blonde hair bounce up when the owner looked up from his phone. Our eyes had met and we didn't know what to do, his mom had already went inside.

Part of me just wanted to slam the door in his face but, I didn't.

"Uhh..come in," I said while stepping to the side. As he walked in I couldn't help but admire his outfit choice. Black joggers, white Air Force ones, a white t-shirt and a black bomber jacket to top it off.

"Why don't you bring him to your room kookie, you have some cool games," my head shot up to stare at my mom. H-how could she?

"I'd like that," I heard the deep voice that belonged to the guy I feared most.

I gulped

Oh shit

I'm fucked

In my own house, really?

"Have fun tata," the other mother said as I slowly walked up the stairs to my room.

I walked to the end of the hall to my room.

"I can't believe I'm letting him in my room. The place I lay my head down in peace," I think. My hand hovers above the handle thinking about what I had done in my last life to deserve this.

"Are you gonna stand there for the next 4 hours or are you gonna open the door," Taehyung sighed.


"Well this isn't surprising. It's clean as fuck in here," Taehyung says plopping in my bed. I wince a little just thinking how I'm going to sleep there today.
He just stares at his phone. He leans back on one arm and starts biting his tongue. Just then his eyes land on mine but I wasn't paying attention because I was too busy in thought while staring at his tongue.

"Pictures last longer, and when I leave you can even get off to it," he says and I meet his gaze. I glare at him and stomp to my desk. I look at my phone and realize it's only on twenty.

"Shit," I say clicking my tongue. I plug in my phone. I head over to my ps4 and turn it on grabbing my controller. I sit at the end of my bed (reluctantly) next to Taehyung.

"Jungkook watch you language around me. I'm still your hyung, don't make me punish you," he says the last part in a deep whisper.

I snap my head in his direction. He's still leaning on that one arm so I have to look behind me a little.

I was about to say something about how I'd kick him out and this is my house but, I figured that wouldn't be smart so I just looked back at my TV to press the overwatch icon.

I'm deep in battle and have my headset on. I actually have one of my ears stuck out because.....I don't trust Taehyung.

"JIMIN! Gahhhh, get her get her!get her!....YEAH NAMJO- my god your such a mood killer," I said to my friends as we played.

A few minutes pass of more intense gameplay and I hear, "Jungkook to you left!"
I quickly jolt the joy stick to the left and kill the person who almost got me.

After the kill, I realize, that voice didn't come from the head set but, from behind me.

I turn around and blush,"thanks."

"Turn around before you get killed," Taehyung said pointing to the screen.

"Kook-Oh crap!-got him!-who was that," Jimin says though the headset.

" was...Taehyung.."


Both of the boys burst my ear drum, "my god! My fucking ear! God damn."

"He's in your house..wait isn't your ps4 In YOUR ROOM?!" Jimin yells the last part.

"Jimin grab a fucking Capri sun and calm the fuck down my guy- and now we are dead. I'll talk you guys later. BYE!" I yell for revenge and so I don't have to listen to their protests.

I put down my controller and look at Taehyung. He had a smirk but it was quickly wiped when I looked at him though. "I'm assuming you play, d-do you wanna play?"

He shook his head,"can you show me where the bathroom is though?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," I say heading to the door. However I'm turned around and I feel the familiar feeling off my back slamming into a solid surface.

"I told you if you curse again I'd have to punish you"

The picture above is something I drew. Please vote ⭐️ and add to your library 📚

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