Chapter 14

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I have a question, I like doing outfit and people descriptions so you can imagine the person better while your reading, do you guys mind that? Idk 😅


"So guys, I know your all a bunch of pussys...except you Jungkook, I'm scared of you," Taehyung started and everyone laughed, "so I have a challenge for everyone."

Taehyung walked into the closet of the living room and pulled out a plastic grocery bag. He walked back to the area where everyone was at and dumped the contents of the bag on the coffee table.

Dozens of vibrant colors of hair dye fell out the bag. Everyone eyes widened.

"You'r crazy Taehyung," Yoongi said looking at all the dyes on the table, "I'm not dying my fucking hair. I refuse to do any of those colors in my hair."

"Here's the thing, if you don't do it, you gotta make out with another guy who chose not to do it."

Jungkook eyes widen.

Taehyung shrugs, "it'll be fun. Who's in?"

"But, Jungkook, Namjoon and I all have dark hair. He gotta bleach our hair first," Hobi says.

Taehyung shrugs, "it's if your up to it, why, are you scared??"

"No you fucker," Hoseok deadpanned.

"Well I'm definitely not doing it,"Yoongi put his hands up.

"Ah, Yoongi I think you'd look nice with this pink color though," Jimin said holding up a dye smiling.

Yoongi was about  to say something rude to Jimin until he noticed the boy was being serious.

"Fine," Yoongi huffed and picked up the pink hair dye and rolled his eyes. "I want I new pair of noise cancellation headphones so I don't have to listen to you hoes then."

Taehyung laughed, "anyone else?"

Jimin shrugged and picked out the silver dye, "might as well, I don't see why not."

"Uhhh, I just got my hair dyed so ima have to past," Jin said.

"Taehyung come on man," Namjoon said, "can't their be another punishment?"

"Nope," Taehyung shook his head.

"Ughhhh, I can't do it, I will look dumb with those colors!"

"Hoseok? Jungkook?"

"Uhhh," Jungkook started.

"Don't worry, I'll make out with you if you don't wanna do your hair," Taehyung whispered and Jungkook quickly grabbed a red dye box.

"Now Hoseok," Tae nodded towards Hobi.

"I don't wanna kiss one of y'all musty hoes," he said grabbing a box that read ginger.

"Uhm Taehyung, you gotta do it too," Yoongi said, "or you can literally kiss my ass."

"I don't know if I would mind that," Taehyung said,

"Fucker, grab a color."

"Fine, Grandpa," Taehyung huffed and grabbed a box that had electric blue on it.

2 hours later

After helping everyone put their hair dye in, and asking if Namjoon and Jin were positive they'd past, it was time to blow dry his own hair for the final look.

Looking the the mirror a little surprised, Taehyung shrugged and came to the conclusion that he was still hot as fuck.

He walked in into the living room where everyone but Namjoon Jin and Yoongi admired their new hair color.

Yoongi hid under a couch pillow and groaned.

When Tae walked in they all told him how it fit him.

Namjoon started fidgeting, "uh I'll just take the lav-"

"Nope," everyone said.

"You two are the only ones who refused therefore you two gotta make out," Jimin said pointing at Jin and Namjoon.

Namjoon and Jin looked at eachother then at their beers which were barely touched. They both reached for them and began chugging them as if they were they last source of hydration left on earth. They also downed another bottle.

Jin looked really tipsy, and Namjoon seemed normal, until he started talking, "I wanna be a cowwwwbooyyy baby," he slurred.

They took half a bottle more until Taehyung refused them anymore.

"Alright, go on guys," Jungkook said, "even though you're cheating and getting drunk."

"Kook, this might get interesting though," Jimin hushed the aforementioned.

"Cum ere joon," Jin slurred towards joon pointing to a spot next to him.

Namjoon stumbled over, and plopped down. Immediately after so, Jin swung his leg over joons lap and met the over side of the couch. He sat down on Namjoons lap and grabbed his shirt to pull him foward, then his face and sloppily kissed Namjoon. They made out for a good 10 seconds until Jin pulled away. They just started heavily breathing until Namjoon pulled him in again and repeated.

The others gawk at how fast the two had just done it. They look at eachother with mouth wide open, even Yoongi had unburied his head to look.

When Jin pulled away this time he just collapsed of Joon and just you know, slept or something.
But he wasn't he just muttered, "that was hot," and rolled off of Namjoon, who looked messy with his brown hair in all directions and nodded eyes.

Everyone just tried to forget what happened and talked about something else.
They decided to put on a thriller and chill. However Jungkook had something else in mind.

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