Chapter 10

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Taehyung and I had just decided to buy a whole bunch of crap and just chill at his house.

I had told my mom I'd come back Sunday or Monday. Taehyung figured Friday night and Saturday morning should just be him and I too hang out and Saturday evening, he'd throw a party, because why wouldn't he.

My eyes widened almost comedically . The thought of the house being packed to the brim with needy teens. Taehyung chuckled and said, "I can just invite our friends if you want, we can all get to know eachother better. They really hit it off!"

I chuckled and nodded, relief washed over me


I can honestly say I never thought I'd be on Kim Taehyungs bed, on Kim Taehyungs ps4, while Kim Taehyung laughed and played around with me.

"OH JUNGKOOK," I flinch when Taehyung yells out of excitement, "my bad. But look come here!"

I push the uneasiness out with a breath. If this is a clean slate I have to trust Taehyung. So, I followed Taehyung to his closet where he pulled out a checkered skateboard.

"I just got it!"

"Do you know how to ride it?"

"Kinda...I watched a youtube video on it. I just know the simple stuff though. Here I'll show you," excitement was plastered on Taehyungs face. He set the skateboard down and shooed me away to go to the other side of the room. I walked over and lined my body up with his.

"Alright," he beckoned, "step one."
He put a finger up and smiled with a hand on the on his hip.
"You put your dominant leg, just like your hand, on the skateboard," he shook his dominant hand in the air. I chuckled at how cheeky he was being.
"Now you use your other foot to push yourself off," Taehyung said with concentration on his face. He lightly pushed off and gently glided across the wooden tile.

That was until he had looked up at me and lost balance. Taehyung had placed his back foot back just an inch.


The skateboard had flipped and slid from under Taehyung. I watched as Taehyung legs flailed In the air and he landed on his left butt cheek and elbow. And since he still had more momentum because his legs were still coming down, his body flipped Him side ways.

"Oh shit," I ran to Taehyung.

"Fuck, my elbow," Taehyung said but then looked at me.

Then he.

He bursted out in laughter. And soon enough I did too. I laughed so hard I grabbed my stomach and lied on the floor wiping some tears away.

Taehyung had somehow cuaght his breath and put a finger up.

"And that's how you skateboard."

After that I died some more.

Eventually I wiped the last tear and looked at Taehyung who was just smiling at me. I shyly smiled back.



"My elbow, leg and butt hurt."


I'm so petty. You know who you are. Still love ya though. 😩💦💕

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