Chapter 7

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Jungkooks Pov

I stared to slowly remember Taehyungs and I's relationship not everything, but like, playing with him. I remember when he started to be really distant.

It was a drastic change when I got in the middle school. That's where the most prominent memories come from.

Taehyung started to be really mean to me and I didn't know why.
He'd push me, knock down my books from my arm, call me names and just embarrass me in general.
He was one of the popular kids and had a lot of friends. On top of that, Taehyung was a year a head so it was hard to fight back so I just stopped. Other things came up that were more important than worrying about Taehyungs taunts anyway.

As you can see, it's been going on for a long time.

I understand now though. He's held the grudge for so long, I guess it just never went became routine.

I looked at him, "Taehyung....I'm really sorry. But you need to understand, that was fourth grade...I didn't even know what being gay was. I was young."

Third person POV
There was silence.

The thing is. While Taehyung told the story, he had left out all the parts of him liking the latter. He told Jungkook that he liked another boy and when he said the other boys smile was cute, Jungkook made the gay comment.

He continued to stare Jungkook in the eyes. He knew Jungkook was right. He should let go of the grudge now...he wants too...but he can't.


"You just don't understand! Jungkook you don't understand! I can't like you!"

Jungkook felt a little guilty. But the same time, he thought Taehyung meant as a friend when he said that.

"Taehyung...can I prove that my fourth grade self is can like me now! I'm different! This was like 8 or something years ago! We can be friends or at least acquaintances, no need not to like me."

"...Kook, I believe you know better. But you don't understand-"

"I'm gay though Taehyung"

The silence took over. Occasional laughter would erupt from down stairs.

Taehyung backed away from Jungkook and plopped on the bed.

"You still don't understand Jungkook..."

Jungkook was getting annoyed now. He hadn't told anyone but his mother about this. He felt he fully understood.

"What the hell Taehyung! How could I not understand! You and my mom are the only ones who know! I know how it feels to keep your feelings locked up until you wanna burst into tears!" He had walked up to Taehyung and stomp his foot at the last word.

Jungkook was on the verge of tears now. Taehyung was not happy though. He fisted the bed cover and looked up furiously at Jungkook.

He hated how jungkooks cheeks were cutely tinted red in anger.
He hated how the boy bite his lip nervously realizing that he had yelled at him.
He hated how his skin looked softer than a baby's.
He hated how jungkooks eyes sparkled wherever he was.
And he especially hated how Taehyung couldn't stop fucking liking Jungkook.
No matter how hard he tried.
He couldn't stop himself from beating himself up in his head every time he hurt Jungkook too.

He stood up and grabbed jungkooks hips one more time. He glared at him. A glare so full of hatred that Jungkook felt taehyungs eyes boring holes into his pupils.

"Maybe you won't get it, because I don't even get it!"

Taehyung shot his face in jungkooks, and kissed him.

It was gentle one.

One that screamed, "love me back"

But Jungkook stood frozen, not responding, and Taehyung slowly removes his lips.

"Your the boy I liked in that story Jungkook, and only god knows why I still fucking do...but I do," Taehyung growled in his deep voice.

Jungkook just stared at Taehyung. His breathing had sped up.

I knew I was Fucked.


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