Chapter 13

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As Jungkook and Taehyung piled up soda, chips and dips, vegetables and any food that looked appetizing at the moment. They just looked like two straight guys hanging out about to throw some crazy party.

While Jungkook wasn't looking Taehyung grabbed a whole bunch of different color hair dyes.


The two stopped at a coffee shop insisting that some coffee wouldn't kill them. When they were waiting in line, Taehyung had his hands nonchalantly places in his sweatpants pant pockets while looking up at the menu, while Jungkook had a hand in his pocket and the other leisurely swiping the screen of his phone.

Needless to say, these two were eye catching by themselves but together, they were breath taking. They looked straight out of a magazine for clothing.

When they had finally sat down, they comfortably started to talk to eachother. They loved how they're relationship was mending itself and their two personalities pretty much clicked.

Taehyung noticed how bubbly Jungkook was and was always full of smiles. He guessed he really never had the opportunity to see this side of him and regretted he hadn't seen more over these pass years.

Jungkook on the other hand, noticed how attentive Taehyung was and listened to what he said. A smile regularly rested on Taehyungs face that absolutely forced Jungkook to smile because he just couldn't resist. Taehyung was also silly and joked around making Jungkook laugh.

Taehyung took a sip of his sip of his coffee and his eyes rolled up in pleasure and a moan slipped at his mouth, and Jungkook burst out in laughter at the superficial reaction Taehyung exhibited.

Taehyung then started to laugh. And they once again caught their breath and smiled.

Right before they were gonna leave, a cute girl that looked around their age walked up to them. Neither Taehyung or Jungkook noticed her from school.

She wore a red tucked in shirt with a yellow jacket to go over it with black high waisted jeans paired with yellow low top mesh shoes. Her hair pooled out into a whole bunch of curls that some were dyed a dark blonde color that stood out against her dark brown hair. She had glasses that stood in front of her eyes that anxiously looked at the boys table.

"Uh...H-Hi, I'm Uh, Dany. Um my girlfriend over their um is annoying the hell out of me," she pointed behind her to a girl with shoulder length hair that poofed out because of all the different type of curls in her hair. She wore glasses also, rounded with gold touches, and looked around their age. She wore black sweats with a white T-shirt and white Air Force ones. She waved and got up, her hand going side to side quickly. "Well she wanted to know if-"

"Uh, actually I'll do it Dany," the other girl scratched her neck. "Uh, I know this is weird but...HOLY CRAP! bad..but holy crap your outfits are honestly making me hard right now."

"Ava," Dany hit the aforementioned in the arm.

"Uh Yeah, well I just wanted to say that. Like I'm honestly living for the look right now."

Taehyung and Jungkook gawked at the bold girl.

"I like you," Taehyung blurted out.

It was Jungkooks turn to hit the older.

"Not like that kook! I meant her personality," Taehyung laughed.

"Thanks," she laughed.

"No problem, and thanks for the compliment."

"Wanna exchange phone numbers?"


Taehyung handed the girl his phone and when she handed it back he read the contact name.

"Awkward AVAcodo? Awkward?"

She laughed, "well yeah."

She pulled her phone and said, "crap, gotta go. Uh Dany, can you go grab my jacket, then we can head out."
The girl who had originally walked over walked to the table they were at.

"I'm about to surprise the crap out of her, I bought her Calpurnia concert tickets."

"Ohhhh I know them," Jungkook said putting a finger up.

"Tell me about it, all she does is talk about one of the singers. Welp gotta go, hit me up, nice meeting you."

The girl walked up and handed Ava her her jacket and smiled and nodded to the boys.

"Let's go babe," Ava smiled at her girlfriend, and waved one more time at the boys. When they walked out. Taehyung turned to Jungkook.

"You ready," he asked.

"Yeah lets go babe," Jungkook winked and Taehyung rolled his eyes.


One by one the five other boys made their way to taehyungs house and it eventually got pretty crazy.

Namjoon  had got 2 cases of beer from his older cousin and brought it with him.

The boys only lightly took sips of them, not enough to get drunk so they also drank soda.

They just hung out really. They talked and joked around and laughed, just had a good time knowing eachother better and better. it was pretty easy to make friends with eachother becuase they had classes together sometimes and some of them were already friends so the day went by smoothly.

"So you're telling me" Namjoon began laughing, "that you, Park Jimin and Kim SeokJin, are doms. You guys have "subs" written on your face."

"Actually I don't have anything written on my face, I'm too handsome for that," Jin said seriously and everyone laughed.

"Yah, I am a dom, I'm straight after all," Jimin said and everyone just looked.

"Are you sure about that," Yoongi asked.

Jimin tried to force himself not to smile and replied, "yes."

Jungkook whispered in jimins ear, "smooth." And earned a hit in The arm.

I wanna get this out ASAP so yeah. I'm gonna continue it.

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