Chapter 8

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Jungkooks POV

Taehyung had explained to me the phenomenons that had happened to me.

In sixth grade he wanted pay back pretty much and to look cool.

That time when he cornered me in the bathroom, he was jealous. He was happy I broke up with Mia but still knew that he wouldn't have a chance with me.

And three weeks ago kinda brought up the occurrence of fourth grade. He said me cursing him out for just asking if I was gay really flicked a switch. However when he punched me for the first time, he couldn't believe himself and apologized and ran away.

Taehyung looked at me again.
"Uh..kook I really am sorry...I should of just let my feelings die down, instead of bullying you...I also felt you held my biggest secret in a way"

I was shocked. Quite shocked to get this all at once. I had made Taehyung feel this way, even if it was in fourth grade, I made him feel that way. All this time I had probably hurt him the most.

"Taehyung, your secret is safe with me. Tae, I'm pretty sure if you had just talked to me in the beginning and told me not to joke like that, I wouldn't have. Obviously I know not to joke like that but..yeah..," I chuckle at the end awkwardly.

"So Jungkook, I guess..I guess I'll stop bothering you now. We can be strangers after this," he smiled sadly at me.

If Taehyung had said that yesterday or even 2 hours ago, I would of happily agreed. However it just didn't feel right. If me and Taehyung were friends before, m-maybe we can again.

"How about we just start over," I say smiling at him, "I'd rather be your friend any way. Like the good old days, minus tag, I think we are a little too big to run around a playground and still look sane."

Taehyung laughed and agreed, "Uh Jungkook...I actually do wanna play."

"Wh- huh?"

"Overwatch...I'm kinda a beast at it," Taehyung shrugged.

"Oh we'll see about that!" I smile and grab the controller.

Taehyungs POV

After Jungkook beats my ass in overwatch, beating me with five more whole kills, I feel fifth grade coming back.

Jungkook beats me, but I just don't care. The smile etched on his face while he plays is addictive to look at. When he concentrates he pokes his cheek with his tongue which is extremely hot. And best of all while I'm playing, his laughter next to me makes my stomach churn and my heart flip. Therefore it's not entirely my fault I lost.

The rest of the time I'm with Jungkook, I'm all smiles.

Unfortunately my mom text me and informs me we are leaving soon and to come down.

"Aww man."
"What's up"
"Gotta go," I frown.
"We have to hang out more Taehyung! Your fun. Let me walk you down," Jungkook gets up.

"Wait...tomorrow, our friends and us should sit altogether?"

Jungkook nods eagerly, "of course, It'll be fun!"

I smile and head downstairs with Jungkook and I bid my goodbyes.

I practically hop to the car, once I enter the car

My mom suddenly says, "Your welcome."

"Thank you-" I stop once I realize I don't actually know what exactly I'm thanking her for, "uhh...what for exactly?"

"Ohhh nothing, just letting my son release his inner gay with the only boy he'd let it out with."

I choke on the air. When I catch my breath I mutter, " didn't"

She smirked while still looking at the road. She then flipped her hair, "oh, but she did."

Damn, my mom is one bad bitch. I roll my eyes and laugh. "Thank you"

Jungkooks POV
"OMG, you poor baby! I can't believe this monster. I was about snap on his stupid ass! I was getting so tired of him bullying you," the boy that told me to call him Jin said to me while cutting off any oxygen flow to my lungs with a hug. He then snapped his head towards Taehyung and glared at him.

Taehyung awkwardly scratched his neck.

This feeling was so different. To be honest, I had feared Taehyungs two best friends as well as him just because they were always around him. Turns out Jin is like my second mom and Hobi is like the older brother I always wanted.

Taehyung is still reluctant to talk and barely says anything when everyone sits down at the lunch table. He is sat right next to me.

All I know is

This may be the most interesting lunch period of my life or the most dull.

Longer chapter 😋
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