Chapter 11

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I grab Some ice and put it in a plastic bag for Taehyung and head up to his room. While passing through the corridor to his room, I see literally the cutest pictures ever. Baby tae, toddler Tae with his moms, and I come a picture and stare at a picture a little harder.

Hey, that's me. It's a picture of me in front of Taehyung and I's old school. He's a little taller and has a arm wrapped around my shoulder with a peace sign up as I look in the camera with pure happiness. I look like I had been laughing.

I can't remember when this picture was taken and I just stare at it. I can't help but feel I ruined that little kid staring back at me's, confidence. I had made fun of him being "gay". I had made him cold and untrue to himself for the next seven years of his life.

I feel a tear fall down my face. I know, I know it was fourth grade but...I feel so guilty.  Another hot tear trails down my cheek.

"Jungkook," I hear Taehyung say. I look towards his room door and he is standing right outside it. His eyebrows knit together when he sees my tears. I frantically wipe them away. And walk up to Taehyung and hand him the ice.

"I Uh...gotta use the bathroom."

"Oh okay, the door right there next to the stairs," Taehyung points to a door and I mutter a thanks and head towards it. Once I'm in, I lock the door and just let the tears that have welled up in my eyes out.

I cry as quiet as possible and eventually stop myself from sobbing. The guilt is washing over me like a waterfall. I look in the mirror and realize my eyes have turned puffy and red.

"Fuck," I whisper and splash cold water in my face.

I take a deep breath and unlock the door. When I open the door I take a left towards Taehyungs room, however I bump into Taehyung.

I go around him.

I know he knows I was crying.

"Jungkook," Taehyung says softly.

"Uh, Yeah."

"Why were you crying."

"I wasn't crying," I whisper and head to his room and sit at the foot of his bed. I just hope he drops it.

When he walks in, I refuse to look up. I hear the click of the door closing, Taehyung sighing, placing down the bag of ice and walking towards me.

"Uh, wanna watch read some cringey fanfiction or something," I ask trying to change the subject but I obviously fail.

"Jungkook why were you crying."

I go silent. I don't really wanna answer the question.

"I-I wasn't cryi-"

Taehyung grabs my chin. He looks me in the eye then he study's my face. I watch as his eyes trail over my face.

As he stands over me, I study his face too. His eyes are a little squinted in concentration. He's eyes brows are knitted. His lips are parted just a little as he looks at me.


I look back in his eyes.

"Why were you crying."

I feel my nose tingle, and my eyes water.

"B-because its all my fault," I start and Taehyung still just looks at me. A tear escapes its prison. "I ruined your innocence Taehyung, ITS NOT FAIR! You could of been happy if I never said anything. I deserved everything you di-"

"Jungkook...don't you dare finish that fucking sentence," Taehyung whispers fiercely.

However I didn't care. Guilt was overwhelming me and I couldn't take Taehyung acting like everything was okay when it wasn't. Like I hadn't messed up his childhood. Uugghhh!


"God damn it Jungkook," says heavily annoyed and pissed. He lets go of my chin and roughly pushed me down onto his bed.

"I don't give a flying fuck whatever the hell you said Jungkook! You were in fourth grade! I should of grew the fuck up and got over it! It's my own fucking fault," he said hovering over me. His hands were by my shoulders propping himself up.

I couldn't anymore.

"But-But-but ," I shook and sobbed, " I-if I d-d-d-did -n-n-n't s-say," I propped myself up my elbow and used my other hand to try and push him away but he wouldn't budge, "a-anything y-y-you wouldn't h-h-ave felt-t s-so-" My breathing became erratic. Words stumbled out my mouth between loud sobs. My eyes were closed shut.

Taehyung grabbed my wrist that I started to hitting and pushing him with. The grip was  gentle though but I couldn't more my arm anymore, "Jungkook," he interrupted me, "please don't cry, it hurts my heart. It hurts so bad please stop."

I opened my eyes from the sobbing and sniffed violently and hiccuped. A couple tears still dropping from my eyes. When I made eye contact with with him, he looked like he could cry.

More tears fell. I wasn't completely calm yet. I hiccuped and sniffed. I was slowly calming down though

My arm he held relaxed, but Taehyung never let go of it. Our eye contact never fell either.

He brought his other hand up and cupped my face. I hiccuped and sniffed again but more calm. He used his thumb too wipe any tears off my face.

He stared into my eyes as if he was looking for something, but the look was so soothing and soft.

He then slowly leaned me back, wrist still in his hand, gaze never leaving mine. I gently layed on the bed and Taehyungs hand and my wrist were placed near my head. His grip was like a gentle mother's; firm, protective, soft, gentle and loving all at once.

"Jungkook, Please don't be sad because of me anymore," Taehyung whispered before leaning in into my lips and gently kissing me. When he pulled back he looked me in my eyes, "please?"

I hiccuped again and sniffed. One tear slide out the corner of my eye.
If I opened my mouth to answer I would sound raspy so, I just answered by using my free arm to go behind his head and pull him closer.

And we kissed again. But this time it lasted for a much longer time as we ran our one free hand through eachothers scalp while the others two hands, intertwined.


I loved writing this chapter 😭
I hoped you liked it too❤️
Thanks for reading 😌

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