Chapter 21

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That day, I had stabbed my step brother I'm the leg, almost choked the other to death and slashed my step fathers cheek open.

I couldn't remember any of this though.

I hadn't gotten in trouble with the law for any of it because of the obvious abuse scars my mother and I had.

However, after that day I vowed I'd never fight or physically hurt someone ever again unless I absolutely had too.

If I had to be a 'wimp', so be it. My conscious can't take it. I have morals and after seeing what my stepdad and brothers did to my mother and I, I don't think I can live with hurting someone like they did to us.

From that day in the hospital, I never fought back. I don't know my own strengths.

I've been good at controlling everything, and I mean everything. Keeping everything hidden.  And that's okay...until it becomes overwhelming...

And Taehyung is overwhelming. He had tricked me...made me feel exposed...perhaps safe, but...used me...

He is on a thin tightrope that I call 'kooks restraint'.


"What the fuck do you want," I scoff while looking out the window. Taehyung comes and stands in front of me, blocking my view of the window, "fuck out my way. I don't give a fuck if you saved me or not, I'd rather be dead than you thinking you deserve some kind of thanks."

Taehyung turns around and walks to the window. He brings his hand to his face and does a wiping motion.

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO CRY ABOUT TAEHYUNG," I yell. I swallow some tears. My head is still pounding from fainting.

"That," Taehyung starts and takes a deep breathe. He walks up to me and I cross my arms and look away. He goes for my hand but I hit him away. I feel my heart beat quickening and it's getting harder and harder to to keep back the tears. I look back at Taehyung and he's kneeling by my bed with his chin set on the support beam, tears falling onto my blankets. "...that...I might have lose you for good this time," he chokes out.

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