Chapter 19

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Taehyungs POV

"You fucking-you fucking," I can't insult him I jusr can't so, I'm glad when I feel a blow to my jaw to shut me up.

I deserve that, honestly I deserve to get my ass beat but...UGH I DONT KNOW.

I can't risk hurting Jungkook anymore, I just can't. I think I'm starting to love him and that can't fucking happen.

"FUCK YOU KIM FUCKING TAE FUCKING HYUNG," I hear Jungkook yell. Honestly I wasn't expecting this outburst, how come after all these years Jungkook has waited 'till now to put me in my place.

I stare off into the distance thinking of how disgusting I feel. For gods sake, I fucked a girl and I don't even like them!

What was I thinking. Did I really think that that would be the way to loose feelings. Of course I did, because I'm a dummy.

I hear Jungkook curse me out one more time and I know he has turned the corner. That's when I let the tears fall. Why can't I be straight or something and like a simple girl. Why did I have to bully my crush like a kindergartener, my god.

I've fucked up. Tear after year streams down my face and I feel my lashes stick together. I don't deserve him. I don't, therefore I must stop the problem now..

I walk back home and enter my empty house. I head to my room and Jungkooks cologne still lingers in the air. I curl up In my bed and cry my self to sleep, shaming myself in my head.

Your a dick
No one will like you
All you do is mess up
You don't deserve love

What is wrong with me.

I sit down at my new lunch table with all my friends and notice a certain red head isn't here.

I put my head in my palm idly and stare off into the distance.

"You good Tae," Yoongi ask and I just shrug to be truthful.

A couple minutes later I see the back of Jungkook as he sits down slowly as if he's keeping himself from bursting. He never turns to look at me but I can't help but stare at his beautiful frame and how his hair flys out in different directions which is really hot.

I listen to the conversation but I'm not really up to talking. My mind trails off to the glare Jungkook gave me in the hall way. Who knew he could be so scary. Maybe I did this the wrong way.

I shouldn't have been so rough. Maybe I should of told him the truth, he would understand.

I should of told him we shouldn't be friends or something cuz I suck or something but, still Jungkook wouldn't understand and would insist that he forgave me and we have a clean slate. But now, I royally fucked up. I have no chamce at all. I've made him hate me. I don't know what's better. Hurt him in the long run or, rip the bandage off and have him hate me.

I just don't fucking kno-


"Bless you"

"Bless you"

"Bless y-"

"WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP," Jungkook yells suddenly and I almost flinch. He looks at me and glared the very shit out of me.

Alright, he dragged it, "What the f-"

Jungkook stands up interrupting me and says he's 'this close'

He storms out and...I don't know, I followed him out of impulse.

I don't know what I'll say when I catch up, the truth, a lie? I don't know...but I just follow him.

I see him turn into the bathroom and I run after him. However a hand grabs my wrist.

"Oppa," Mina begins and follows with some dirty talk.

I honestly feel like I'll throw just because she's touching me and yesterdays events pile in my head.

Part of me feels bad for partially using her but, she's honestly a slut and fucks everyone. Surely she knew it was a one night stand?

"Uh, that was a one night thing Mija, please get off of me, I have to use the bathroom," I quickly pull my arm away and run into the bathroom.

When I walk in I see Jungkook smiling at ten floor as if he heard something funny. He begins to chuckle.

"....y-you went and fucked a slut after we had sex...YOU? the Kim Taehyung who was 'please daddy fill me up' two days ago," Jungkook says obviously trying to keep his cool but snaps,"YOU FUCKING SAID...,"his voice cracks a little, "YOU FUCKING LED ME ON!"

I feel my heart break. I step towards Jungkook my eyes filling with tears.


Jungkook heaves our more words but I start to notice he is losing balance as his eyes begin to water.

His breathing gets faster and then comes to a dramatic stop when he hisses in air and grabs his chest.

"JUNGKOOK!," I yell as see him fall to the floor in slow motion. I lunge for him and catch him and break the fall.

Sweat is pouring from his head.

His eyes flutter for a couple of seconds and close.


I lean him against the wall and push the lever for paper towels but nothing comes out. I rip off my my shirt and put cold water on it and dab Jungkooks face.

"HELP, SOMEONE FUCKING HELP," I yell and begin to cry.

My patience grows thin in a matter of seconds and I pick Jungkook up bridal style and put the cold shirt on his head. I storm out the bathroom with tears in my eyes into the hallway.

"CALL 911," I choke out loud sobs in the hallway while running to the nearest place with people.

A security guard outside the lunch room is startled when I turn the corner.

"What happened-I need medical assistance i. The cafeteria ASAP," the guard says into her walker talkie, "place him down, call 911!"

I place him down and run into the lunch room for my phone with tears streaming down my face.

The lunch room goes quiet but all that's in my head is...

Did I kill Jungkook?


I want to address a couple things.

1. I didn't use every quote Jungkook said because you already know what he said
2. I know that one second Taehyung went from moaning Jungkooks name and practically falling hardest and harder for him to scaring him off and having these thoughts displayed in the beginning of the chapter is quick but that's really how fast a negative thought can spread and take over, trust me, I know.

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"Love myself, love yourself...thankyou"

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