Chapter 9

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In the middle of the lunch period Taehyung makes his first interaction with me. I feel a poke on my shoulder and turn to him with a smile.

Honestly this lunch period has been fun for me. I no longer have to fear anyone, I finally feel normal.

"Yeah," I smile. Taehyung visibly gulps.

"Can we go in the hall?"

I cant help but feel a little scared. Even though the other day Taehyung and I played overwatch together and had a grand old Time...I can't shake what has happened those previous days.

I reluctantly get up,however, and follow Taehyung into the hallway.

"Uh, look, I just am really sorry and yeah. So uh are you free after school...we can go get some food and go to my place. My moms and maddy are on a anniversary vacation and don't mind if I have friends over," Taehyung spots his words out quickly. His hand is on the back of his neck. "Oh yeah. Uh...I really wanna start over and be friends. If you don't well,,,ofc I understand, I was a prick. What I'm getting at is, you can stay over too, if you want, I just think it'd be cool you know. Catch up. And I promise I won't hu-"

"Sure," I cut him off and smile. He was talking so long I didn't know if it would stop.

Honestly I don't know if this is a smart idea.




For a night

God that's scary.

But, I feel like he really wants my trust and, I guess I should let him have a try.

"So its a clean slate Taehyung, for me and you," I say and he nods. We then head in to meet up with our friends.

"Taehyung, why's your face so red," Hoseok ask Taehyung.

"Shut up you product of pre cum"

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