Chapter 2

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So yeah, now you know why I'm scared of him. He's really powerful and don't even ask how I got on his bad side.
I shake my head out my daze and continue to talk to my friends. I find myself being my self again. Laughing, joking and just having fun.

That was until Tae Fucking Hyung came right next to me and tapped me. I turned to him and he had theee devils smile on his face.

"Y-yes," I say internally face palming for the lame ass stutter.

"Jungkook is it true that your gay?"

I feel my face flush and everything around me goes still and silent.

How does he know?

I come back to reality and stare blankly at him.

"What? No! Why Taehyung?"

"I mean offering to slam you 2 inch punisher in your friends ass isn't the straightest thing to say," he said with a shrug.

I turn to Jimin and he looks like he's seen a ghost, his chopsticks in mid air. I turn back around, guilty that he was dragged into this.

"It was a joke you asshole," I say quietly, and rush out towards the exit.

As I run to my locker I can't ignore the steps behind me.

Please be jimin I pray in my head.

When I opened my locker it was shut and I was turned to have my back against it. I then received a quick blow to my stomach. I wince and open my eyes to see Taehyung.

He has never punched me before, and I almost punch back until I stop myself. It's usually him flicking my head or squeezing the shit out of my wrist but, never a real punch.

"Jungkook, be nice to your hyungs," he seethes out. He holds a strong gaze into my eyes.

"Stop it Taehyung," I say as I push him off.

He turns around and takes slow breaths.

I try to walk away carefully so he doesn't notice. I don't want this to escalate and get hurt.

"You better not"

I gulp nervously and stay where I was. I'm scared right now.

He's just pacing around, and I'm scared for getting something worse than a punch to the stomach.

Right as I was thinking that, he stops and looks at me. His face is so un readable that I tense up. He walks up to me once again and I flinch with every step and hold up my arms to cover my face.

"Please Taehyung. Don't hurt me, I didn't do anything," I whisper. However I'm pushed against the lockers again a little rougher. I close my eyes and brace my self.

However, Taehyung grabs my chin.

"I'm sorry," I feel every syllable against my ear. I open my eyes and Taehyungs are right in-front of mine.

He rubs the side of my face and repeats, "I'm sorry," one more time before running away. I watched as he turned the corner with my eyes wide while Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi turn into the hallway.

"Fuck, Jungkook. A teacher caught us running after you and gave us a hard time," Jimin panted out, "are you okay Jungkook?"

"Yeah, why was he running away," Namjoon asked.

I looked at my friends, " I d-don't know."

Wow this sucked,
I don't have much confidence in this 😕 idk if I'll continue for long, unless you guys wanna read it.

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