Chapter 6

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"Jungkook, your smile is so cute," I giggle as we eat lunch.

"Tae your gay," Jungkook laughed.

My heart sunk. Why was he laughing. Was there something wrong with me calling his smile cute.


"Hey Tata, how was school," my mom asked.

"Fine I guess," I said as I clicked my seatbelt in, "where's maddy?"

"She is still at the office, she will be back for dinner," my mom turned back and smiled.


At the dinner table I picked at my food. My parents looked at each other concerned.

"Tata, eat your salad baby. You wanna be a big boy when you grow up right," my maddy said. I sighed and looked at my moms.

"Is there something wrong with being gay," I asked.

Maddy and mom looked at each other. Some how I felt they knew this was coming.

"Why Tae, what happend," my mom asked me.

"I told Jungkook his smile was cute but then he laughed and called me gay. Why did he laugh. It wasn't a joke." I sniffed.

My Maddy walked over to me and put me on her lap.

"Tae baby. It's not a joke. When your mother and I started dating, we got weird looks and people told us we should find ourselves men to cook for or something. Your still young, and so is kookie. He doesn't understand yet. Tata, being gay...isn't exactly...uh...normal in society yet."

"D-does that mean people will make fun of me if I like Jungkook."

My maddy and mom looked at each other. I could only see hurt in their eyes.

"Yes. But Tata, love is love, and if you love someone, you love them and nothing should get in your way of loving them."

Okay so if you don't understand, Taehyung has lgbtq+ parents. Maddy is one mom and mom is the other. His parents aren't up for lying to Taehyung so tell him the truth. So no, they aren't bad parents for telling him this, they are being 100% truthful because Taehyung needs to understand this.

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