Chapter 5

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Taehyungs POV
~Fourth Grade~

I giggled as I chased Jungkook around the playground.
It was always rewarding to tag Jungkook because he was just so fast. I didn't mind if I hadn't caught him by the end of recess anyway.

I watched as his hair bobbed up and down. The recess bell rang and I stopped and caught my breath. Jungkook has walked up to me smiling brightly.

"Kookie, your really fast!"

He smiled triumphantly. I couldn't help but smile. He just was so cute, he reminded me of the bunny's I would beg my mom to buy me at the pet store.

As we walked back to the school, "Tae you almost caught me a couple times,"he paused and sighed, "Tae, is fifth grade hard?"

I looked at him and shook my head quickly, "no it's easy. Just as easy as fourth."

Jungkook groaned, "but fourth grade isn't easy."

"Oh. Well since I'm your hyung, I can help you when you need it."

Jungkook smiled and hugged me, "thank you hyung!"

I smiled and hugged him back.

Later that day I went home and told my parents all about Jungkook.

"Oh and he's so cute ," I giggled just thinking about him.

My parents smiled at each other but it was a sad smile.

"What's wrong guys?"

"Nothing tata. I think you like this Jungkook," my mom laughed. I thought over it a little.

"Yeah I guess I do," I giggled.

Present Day

As I stood over Jungkook, I looked over the features I could never stop admiring even after fifth grade.

As I told him my memories he just stood there looking right back into my eyes. Sympathy glazed over his eyes.

When I stop for a second, I realize Jungkook really hasn't changed since his Fourth grade years. Still kind and understanding.

If only I had understood the look my parents gave each other. They knew that I'd get picked on for liking another boy. They knew that if I told kook I liked him, he probably wouldn't want to talk to me anymore. They wanted me to fall and get back up. But that wasn't the case. I fell, and I broke.

They thought that I would have to learn the harsh reality by myself.

I don't blame them though

I sure did learn.

I learned that if I wanted to be normal, I'd have to hide the fact that I was gay.

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