Chapter 20

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I make the 911 call and my friends looked shocked.

"WHAT," Jimin yells and stands up,"TAEHYUNG WHAT THE FUCK- OH MY GOD! WHAT DID YOU DO!"

I sob, I'm not able to form words. I grab my sweater and run out to Jungkook.

The nurse is checking his pulse and looking at his eyes.

"Is he okay? Is he okay!"
I yell. The other guys had followed me and Jin takes me in for a hug.

"It'll be okay Taehyung," Jin hushes me, "put on your sweater and take deep breaths.

I put on my sweater and watch as the paramedics come in with stretchers and pick him up.

"I have to go!"

"You can't. It's school hours-" the nurse stops me as I follow the paramedics with Jungkook.

"Then come on guys we are leaving," I run out the door and hope the guys follow so we can ride to the hospital because if not, I'll fucking run.

Jungkooks POV

"Your such a lil bitch," my older step brother laughs.

"Yeah no wonder you dad fucking died," the other pushes my head to the ground.

"His mom is such a whiny fucker too. You know when dad hits her she fucking bruises up like a lil bitch too, maybe it runs in the blood. Jungkooks dad died from disappointment," the laugh loudly.

"D-Don't talk a-about my parents," I say.

"W-w-w-What was that bitch?"


Pain spreads across my stomach in the matter of seconds. I feel my back crack as someone kicks it.

"Don't talk to us like that little kid, we'll kill you," sungmin seethes next to my ear while pulling up my hair.

That was life. Wake up, walk my myself to school, get abused by Taehyung and then come home to this. Not to mention my step father, yeonmin, who beats my mom for no reason.

Doesn't do something right. Hit.

Talks to a male co worker. Hit.

Dinner wasn't to his likings. Hit.

My mom would go out with makeup covering all her scars and bruises everyday and if someone saw them, she'd make up a story to how they got there.

Yeonmin, however, never hit me. Actually he never even payed me mind, as if I wasn't even there. He hadn't even hit my mom in front of me but I knew when he did.

Her cry's for help to her whimpers were enough. While this happened, my step brothers held me down. We were held prisoners in our own home.

We had just been a happy family.

Me, mom, and dad...

That was until dads monsters caught up with him and he said his final good byes to us and...ended it.

So selfish


Was he?

I'd cry about how he could just leave me.

Was I not enough to make him happy?

But that wasn't the case. I learned years later my dad had severe depression that he couldn't handle in a note he wrote before his successful attempt of suicide.

Dear Jungkook,

Hello son. I know I'm gone right now and you might even hate me right now but know, I love you. I love you so much that I don't know if I should be able to be your father. I'll never be able to be the father I want to be. The voices in my head weigh me down son, and I'm weak. No father wants to be weak I his sons eyes. More importantly, your beautiful brown eyes. I love you and your mother and I'm sorry I have to go.
I'm sorry


"You should should kill yourself like your pathetic dad," one of my step brothers try to laugh until I lunge at him.

I grab at his neck and choke him. His brother try's to claw me off but I elbow him in his eye and he stumbles back. I continue to choke the other ad I watch the life drain out of him.

My mom and step dad barge in because of the commotion and pry me off of my victim.

I run downstairs to leave the house because I'm so overwhelmed but I hear, "YOUR STUPID SON ALMOST KILLED HIM!"

I hear a loud smack that follows.

"That's it," i seethe. I bring my 8th grade self to the kitchen and grab 2 knifes. I stomp up the stair and kick open the door. "If you don't get the fuck out of here with your lousy children, I will kill your sons in front of you and then pry your eyeballs out one at a time!"

"Yeah right," the other brother seethes,"your just the lil bitch you were yesterday, what makes you think we are scared now. You don't have enough guts to do anything."

I chuckle. Someone else had taken over my body. I was full of rage and I was ready to see blood shed.

"Come at me then"

He trudges foward and everything goes black.

I wake up the next day in a hospital bed.

I look to my right and see my mom.

I reach for my face and hiss when I feel my cheek all bruised up.

"Ah, your awake," a nurse smiles at me.

"W-What happened?"


My eyes flutter open and I'm nearly blinded by all the white that filled the room.


I see Jimin stand up and stand near my bed. My eye sight gets better and I look around and notice all my friends are sat around me, but not Taehyung.

I take in the scenery and realize I'm in the hospital.

I start breathing heavily.

"Jimin- I-I-I didn't mean to! Did I hurt someone! Where's Taehyung- is he okay," I panic starting to get out of bed.

"Jungkook! He's fine, lay down, please," Jimin lightly pushes me down.

Taehyung runs in, "is he awak-"

We make eye contact and my world stops. He looks distraught but un harmed.

"Get out," I say.

"Jungkook...Taehyung saved you," Yoongi says.


"Y-you need to talk to him...I'm sorry Kook...we'll be outside.


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