Positive / Roger

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A/N- Sorry for mistakes. I kind of just gave this a once over and then published 💀

You sat impatiently on the side of the bed. You knew that in a matter of minutes your whole life could change. It didn't bother you at all. You were just afraid of Roger's reaction.

The both of you had talked about kids before and you knew that he was open to the idea. It just seemed that things were getting hectic with him and Queen. You didn't know if he would have enough time for the baby. That is, if you were pregnant.

After about 10 minutes you knew that the answer to if you were pregnant or not was lying on the bathroom counter. You slowly made your way over to it. You looked at the pregnancy test that was laying face down. You took a deep breath and quickly picked it up.

Positive. You were pregnant. Your breathing began to pick up. Excitement raced through your body. There was no doubt in your mind that you loved your baby already.

Thoughts of how you were going to tell Roger began to plague your happiness. You knew that he would never leave you but you were still scared that he would be mad. There was just so much going on in your life at the moment that a baby might not be the best thing for him. Your heart rate skyrocketed when you heard the front door open.

"Honey, I'm home." Roger called out and then chuckled to himself. After you had gotten married Roger began to do that every time he came home. When he first started doing it he thought it was hysterical. Now it was just routine.

You locked yourself in the bathroom. You weren't ready to tell him yet. Roger's footsteps were getting closer and closer to your bedroom. "Y/N! Where are you?" You began to think of a response that would get him to go away for just a little while.

"I'm getting in the shower!" You called back. You then face palmed. You prepared yourself for a cheeky response that you knew was bound to come. "Want me to join you?" You could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"No! I'll just be a minute." You replied a bit to quickly. His footsteps began to go the other way and you heard him trudge down the stairs. For good measure you turned the water on as hot as it would go and jumped in.

The water was practically searing your skin but you didn't mind so much. After you finished showering you put on your comfiest clothing and tied your hair in a braid. (Sorry if your hair isn't long enough to do that) Then you made your way down the stairs.

Roger was lying on the couch half-asleep. Queen was working on a new album and it was taking a toll on all of the members. They all came home exhausted but they knew that it was well worth it.

You walked quietly to his side and kneeled down on your knees right by his head. He moved his head slowly to look up at you and smiled. You moved your hand up to put it on his cheek. He leaned into your touch and mumbled, "Hello, love."

Moments like that made you sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You only smiled and began to run your fingers through his blonde hair. He closed his eyes and let you massage his scalp gently. You knew he needed to relax. Knowing that he needed a break made you feel 10 times more anxious than you already were.

"I need to tell you something, Rog." You said quietly. You weren't even sure he heard you until he opened his eyes and looked up. Suddenly you could see a wave of fear go through Roger's eyes. He sat up quickly.

"Oh my god. You're leaving me, aren't you?" Roger began to ramble, "Why? What did I do? I swear I've never cheated on you. Please don't leave..."

You stared at Roger for a good minute. You couldn't believe he actually thought you were going to leave him. You gently put your hand back onto his cheek. "Roger, I'm pregnant." You simply said.

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