Me and You / Freddie

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A/N- So I'm guessing that John's wedding thing was liked because it was requested to give Freddie and the reader a wedding. Enjoy __futeema__ sorry that it's short.

You took a deep breath in. It was time to walk down the aisle to your future husband. You weren't scared of marrying him. You were nervous about the people watching you. You tried to still your shakey hand.

"So many people." You muttered. "I don't know if I can walk out there."

John grabbed your wrist gently. "You can do this." You felt your breathing pick up. You began to mutter to yourself even more. "So many people," you whispered, "lots of people." You weren't sure if you could deal with this.

"John. I need to sit down." John's eyes widened and he led you to a back room and let you sit down. "C'mon, Y/N. You can't leave him out there like that."

You scoffed. "I want to marry him. I'm scared with all of these people, Deaky." John closed his eyes and put his hand to his forehead. Roger burst into the room with Brian right behind him.

"What's going on?" Roger asked, clearly confused. "You don't have cold feet, do you?"

"She's scared of all of the people." John muttered.

"Looks like you're going to have to un-invite some guests." Roger joked. Brian rolled his eyes and hit Roger's arm. Brian's hand popped up after a moment and he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"I've got it." He said, right before rushing out.

When he finally returned, he was holding a hand but you couldn't tell whose it was. "Hide the bride." Brian chuckled to himself. He wiped a fake tear. "Hide the bride. I kill myself." He said while laughing.

John rolled his eyes and took you behind a changing panel. "Just stay here." He whispered.

"Come on in." You heard Brian say to the unknown person.

"Where is she? Where's Y/N?" Your heart fluttered as Freddie asked for you frantically. "She's right behind that." Roger answered.

"Woah, woah buddy. You can't see her yet. Hence my hide the bride joke." Brian said as he held Freddie's arm after he tried to run to you.

"No. I want to see her. Y/N, are you alright?" Freddie asked with worry lacing his voice.

You took a deep breath. "I'm ok, Freddie."

"Pffft." You then heard a loud slap. "Abuse!" Roger yelled.

"Just let me go. I won't look at her." Freddie whispered to Brian. He reluctantly let go. Freddie ran to the panel but didn't go to the side you were on. He put his hand against the panel at the same time that you did yours.

John ushered the rest of the boys out of the room as they protested. Freddie reached his hand around the panel. You took his hand willingly. "Is it me?" Freddie whispered.

"No! No. It's me. I want to marry you, Freddie. I'm just scared of going in front of all of those people." You mumbled with shame.

Freddie squeezed your hand. "Today is about us, darling. You don't have to worry about them. When you get up to that altar, it's just me and you. Nobody else exists. Just me and you."

You took in a shakey breath. "Yeah. Just... just me and you." You whispered as your fear melted away. You brought Freddie's hand to your lips and kissed each knuckle. "I'm ready."

Freddie couldn't stop the smile that took over his face. "Ok. I'll meet you at the altar then, my darling." You chuckled. "I'll be wearing white." Freddie pulled your hand more to his side and kissed it. He then let it go. You listened as his footsteps faded.

————time skip brought to you by John being Freddie's best man————

The ceremony went by quickly. After your talk with Freddie, all of your nerves had disappeared. You were finally married to the love of your life.

It was the reception and John and Roger were as drunk as they could get at a wedding. Brian sat glumly with the keys to Roger's car in his pocket. He was the designated driver.

You were at your own small table with Freddie. You both sat silently so while much happened around you. You were taking it all in. Suddenly, a spotlight shined on you and Freddie. You were being called up
for the couples first dance as husband and wife.

Freddie smiled and took your hand reassuringly. "You'll be ok. It's just me and you." He whispered as you walked to the middle of the dance floor.

You weren't sure what you were expecting but when You Take My Breath Away began to play, tears filled your eyes. Freddie gripped you tightly in a loving embrace as you danced slowly. He sang the words quietly in your ear.

When the music finished, Freddie leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. Cheers filled the building as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I love you, Y/N Mercury."

"I love you too." You laughed as he kissed your cheek repeatedly.

"It's just me and you."

"Just me and you."

A/N- I'm sorry that it was bland. More chapters soon.

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