Meet the Family / Roger

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm really running out of inspiration. Can y'all comment or PM me ideas please?

This is a request from IveLOSTmYsHOe5

Let's just all pretend that Roger's parents never got a divorce. They're still a happy couple in this imagine.

"I'm not so sure about this," you mumbled.

"Well, I am. They're gonna love you. Stop worrying," Roger tried to comfort.

You appreciated his efforts but they didn't help at all. Roger was taking you to meet his parents. You were a nervous wreck. You kept your arms across your stomach the whole ride to his parents place.

"Who am I meeting again?"

"Just my Mum, my Dad, and my sister."

At least he didn't have a huge family. You were sure to have a heart attack if you had to meet more than 3 people at a time.

Your eyes widened as you pulled up to the house. Roger's parents and sister were all on the front porch waiting on you.

"Let's rock and roll."

"You sound like my dad," Roger muttered.

As you were getting out of the car, you weren't sure what went wrong but your foot slipped. You couldn't hold yourself up so you completely fell out of the car. Right in front of the whole fam-damily.

You could hear the quiet snickers from where you laid on the ground. Roger quickly rushed around to help you up.

"Are you ok?"

"If you mean physically then yeah. I'm fine. If you mean mentally then no. I'm not."

You tried your best to hide your grimace as you walked up to his family. You stuck out your hand so you could shake his mothers.

She glared at your hand and didn't offer hers up. You slowly put yours by your side.

What's her problem, you thought to yourself.

"I'm Michael. Please excuse Winifred." Roger's father said with a warm smile. You smiled back. You were about to introduce yourself when you were interrupted by Roger's younger sister grabbing your hand.

"Hi! I'm Claire!" Her bubbly personality brought your spirits up from the awkward meeting seconds before.

"I'm Y/N."

"We're going to be best friends," Claire said excitedly as she pulled you inside.

"That's what you say to all of his girlfriends," you heard Roger's mother mutter.

You tried not to let her comment get to you. You always thought that you were the good girl that made the bad boy finally act right and change his girl chasing ways. Maybe his mum didn't see you that way. And maybe you weren't that way.

Roger trailed behind you and Claire and sat next to you at the dinner table. The food was already all set out. Claire and Michael sat down but Winifred stood by your chair.

"Would you move to that seat right there," Winifred asked with her finger pointing to the chair farthest from Roger.

"Mum," Roger groaned.

"You know this is where I always sit and that seat over there is where we always put your friends."

You stood up. "It's fine." You moved without complaint.

Everybody served themselves their food and began to eat.

"Mum, the food is cold," Claire whined.

"It would've been warm if it hadn't of been for Roger and his friend being an hour late," Winifred sneered.

"Traffic," Roger mumbled but winked up at you.

You blushed at the thought of what made you both an hour late. Winifred seemed to catch on. She stood up with rage.

"Oh no! I don't think so!" She pushed away from the table and pointed, threateningly, at you. "You better not being doing anything with my son!"

Roger stood up fast. "Mum, I'm a grown man. I can do what I want." You stood up slowly and took a few steps back from the table.

"Not premarital, you can't," she retorted.

"That didn't apply to you and Dad!"

"Roger Meddows Taylor!"

Michael stood up and put his hand on Winifreds arm. "Honey, leave them be. Roger's an adult now. He can make his own decisions."

Roger gestured to Michael. "Exactly. Thank you."

"Roger, you will not be seeing this girl any longer if you're doing things with her," Winifred ordered.

"Say it, Mum! Sex! It's not a bad word," Roger yelled.

Winifred practically gagged in disgust.

You had continued to back away from the argument. You wanted no part of this but you could tell that you were the central cause of it.

"We're sick of you going through so many girls," Winifred muttered.

"Y/N, is different."

"No, she's not! You'll use her too and then be
on with the next girl by Thursday!"

"I love her!"

The room became silent. All eyes turned to you. Roger had never told you he loved you. You just weren't at that point yet. You knew you loved him, you were just waiting on Roger. But now, practically the whole neighborhood knew.

"I can't," you mumbled as you ran out of the house. All of the yelling and fighting was getting to you.
Roger chased after you and when you fell to your knees, he was there to catch you.

He rocked you back and forth and mumbled, "I love you," over and over again.

"Why doesn't she like me?"

Roger thought for a moment. "That's the thing, Y/N. She does like you. She doesn't want to see you get hurt. She thinks I'll leave you."

"Maybe she's right. Maybe we're not right for each other."

Roger held you tighter. "Don't say that! I love you! I'm a better person because of you!"

You sat silently in Rogers arms. He continued to rock you. "I'm not leaving until you order me away."

"Never," you mumbled, fiercely.

"Then I guess you're stuck with me. Screw what they think."

"Screw what they think," you whispered with a small smile.

A/N- I know it's been almost a month. I'm really sorry. I've been really sick lately and I'm just having an extremely hard time writing. I'm sorry it took so long IveLOSTmYsHOe5

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