Far Too Long / Brian

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A/N- This was requested to be a fem-reader sort of thing. MarvelFan839 I'm sorry this took me so long. I wrote it a while ago. I just couldn't work up the motivation to edit this.

There were 3 things that Brian knew he couldn't tell Y\N. The first thing was that he was the one who broke her favorite coffee mug. He wanted to live. The second was that he was the one who sent flowers to her house everyday. The third was that he was in love with her.

There was no way he could tell her that. It could potentially ruin their friendship. She might hate him if she knew about his love for her. They might never speak again. He had to be around her. Even if it was only on a friendly basis. All of those things ran through Brian's head whenever he considered telling Y\N about his feelings.

Every single night before bed, she was his last thought. She was in every dream. When he woke up, he thought of her. He couldn't get away from her no matter how hard he tried. She was always there.

Brian loved so much about her. He couldn't even explain his love for her. He thought she was so beautiful. The way her H\C locks cascaded down her shoulders gave him the urge to run his fingers through them. When her E\C eyes met his, he could always feel his breath hitch. He knew it was cliche but every time she walked into the room his heart would start to pound and butterflies came to his stomach. More like damn birds when she got close to him.

He honestly thought she was hilarious. She could give the most terrible situation a bright side. She was the most caring person he'd ever met. A lot of people couldn't get through to her soft side. She had a hard wall up that most people wouldn't even try to knock down. But if you did get through, you could see that she was very vulnerable.

Brian loved that Y\N was independent. She didn't truly need anybody. She could manage on her own. Of course she wanted people around even though she would deny it if you asked her. That's why if you hurt her, she'd drop you easily. Because you weren't vital to her.

Brian loved that about her. Brian loved everything about her. Every little flaw. Everything. He couldn't live without her. Brian had been through a lot when he met her. He thought he was immune to pain. He was so wrong.

He realized there was only one thing that could hurt him. Y\N. Nothing but Y\N could hurt him. One sentence. Three words. It could either break or make him. It could be "I hate you." If it was, Brian was sure he would die of sorrow. If it was "I love you." Brian would need to hear her say it everyday. After one time hearing her say it, he would need it all the time.

Brian couldn't hold his love for Y\N much longer. Keeping it from her broke him a little everyday. He had to tell her. He had been actively avoiding her because he was sick with worry. He knew that she could tell he was avoiding her.

Brian finally got the courage to tell her. He saw Y\N walking to the kitchen that was in the back of the studio Queen was recording in and grabbed her arm. She yelped as Brian pulled her to the side in an empty hallway. She quickly turned and twisted his arm down. If Y\N would have put a little more pressure then his arm would have snapped. When she realized it was Brian, she let go.

"I'm sorry, Brian. You scared the hell out of me. Don't do that again." Y\N warned.

Brian held his arm. That really hurt, he thought to himself. "I-I need to t-talk to you." He stuttered. Y\N looked at him confused. Brian was usually a straight forward kind of person.

She only nodded. Brian took a deep breath. He wasn't sure that he was ready for this. Yes, he wanted her to know. He wasn't sure that he was ready for rejection. Y\N stayed patient with Brian. She stood silently and waited for him to continue.

"Alright... Alright." Brian muttered to himself. "I-I love you! I've loved you for so long and I can't make it stop." He blurted out fast. Y\N stood still. She made no noise. She only stood and stared straight at Brian.

After another painful moment of complete silence from her, Brian watched as tears filled her eyes. Fear raced through him as she began to cry. He grabbed her upper arm and said, "Y\N... Are you ok? I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm so sorry. I'll leave." Before he could walk away, Y\N pulled herself into Brian's arms.

He hesitantly wrapped them around her. She wiped her tears away and looked up at him. "Brian, I love you too. Why'd you take so long to tell me?" She laughed. Brian stared down with shock. Soon he began to laugh, too.

After a few minutes, their laughter stopped. They were both immensely happy. Brian looked into Y\N's eyes and found love radiating from them. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Y\N hesitated for a moment before responding. They realized they'd waited far too long to confess to each other.

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