Valentine's Day / Queen

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A/N- Here is a Valentine's Day preference. This won't be as long as normal chapters because I have to try and work with 4 people.

Freddie- He was ecstatic the whole day. He only wanted to make you happy. Freddie insisted on giving you the best. You hadn't been together long but he already knew that he loved you. He wouldn't tell you where he was taking you but he was dropping hint after hint. You couldn't pick up on what any of it meant. You could hear him singing quietly to himself, "Hey boy, where'd you get it from? Hey boy, where did you go?" You finally understood when you met up with him at The Ritz at 9 precisely.

Brian- He was an absolute gentleman. He made sure the whole day was centered around your happiness. Whatever you wanted to do, he was up for it. You finally decided to pack a picnic. You went to an empty field. Brian spread out the blanket and fed you your favorite foods. You stayed out late and stargazed with him. He would point out constellations and tell you their meanings. It was heartfelt and that was the night that Brian realized he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life.

Roger- He was one of those people who had a hard time showing how he felt. He didn't know how to tell people his feelings. Roger was completely and irrevocably in love with you. You and Roger were best friends though. He didn't want to ruin that. You hated this day of the year. You always went to the same spot, the huge maple tree in the park. Roger knew you would be there. When he saw you, he sat for awhile and watched, trying to think of what to say. When he finally came up with enough courage, he walked straight up to you and blurted out, "I love you, Y/N."

John- You and John had been married for 3 years. You had spent a number of Valentine's Days with each other. You decided you wanted to surprise him because he did so much for you. While he was out you made a large pillow fort. You fixed a plate of cheese on toast just for him. Then you got into your most comfortable clothes and laid out John's, too. You waited for him to come home and when he did tears filled his eyes. He was so happy that you did all of that for him. After you both were changed, you spent hours in your fort cuddling and talking.

A/N- I hope you liked it. Happy Valentine's Day. I take requests. ❤️

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