Feelings / Brian

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A/N- I thought it was fitting that the 39th chapter is one for Brian.

"Why don't you just take your broomstick and shove it?"

A costume party. You were an adult going to a costume party. But how could you resist when you knew that your best friend, Brian Harold May, would be there.

You had almost finished putting on your costume when you heard a knock on the door. You put on the other vampire fang before answering it.

"Y/N! You look great!" You laughed as soon as you saw Brian. He had a tall witches hat, a black cloak, and a broom.

"Thanks. You look handsome as always." Brian blushed slightly at your compliment. He quickly snapped out of his daze and grabbed your hand.

"I don't want to be late," Brian said as he pulled you along.

You got into Brian's car with a grin. You knew exactly how fun this was going to be. The party was at Freddie's place. He, of course, had planned the whole thing.

You smiled as you pulled up. Halloween decorations littered the property. Just as you were getting out of the car, Roger burst outside dressed in his werewolf costume.

"Y/N, it's so nice to see you after so long. Brian's been hogging you so often ever since he realized he lo-"

Brian quickly shoved Roger to the ground before he could finish. You didn't have time to think about what he said before John and Freddie came out.

You laughed loudly when you saw their costumes. Deaky was Frankenstein's monster. Freddie was in drag, dressed as Cleopatra.

"You guys look amazing!"

"So do you, darling," Freddie said as he took you into a bone crushing hug.

"Well, everybody inside," Freddie called out.

You looked around in awe at all of the decorations. Orange, purple, and black streamers were everywhere. Plastic bats and spiders hung on the walls. There was even a fog machine set up in a corner.

"This is amazing, Fred," You said as you looked around.

"Thank you, darling, but I can't take all of the credit. John set up all of the electrical things."

John nodded. "That was me."

You looked around again and realized you were missing two people. "Where's Brian and Roger?"

———————with Brian and Roger———————-

"You have to tell her."


Roger groaned. He put his hand to his forehead. "You can't just keep your feelings from her for forever."

"Oh yes I can and yes I will."

"If you don't tell her, I will," Roger warned.

"Fine. I will, calm down," Brian relented.



Roger laughed. "Yes, tonight. Either sometime before this party is over or I'll tell her you love her. Go on and choose."

"Ok. I'll tell her," Brian mumbled.

"Roger? Bri? What're you two still doing out here? Come inside," you said as you poked your head out of the door.

Brian perked up when he heard your voice. "We'll be inside in just a moment, dear."

You nodded and went back in to help with any last minute decorations.

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