Bet / Freddie

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A/N- So I gave y'all a preview of this chapter a hot minute ago. I wanted this to be somewhat funny but like who knows at this point. Enjoy

It all started with a bet. And everybody knows that Freddie would never turn down a bet. That evil bastard, Roger, said that Freddie couldn't survive in the wild for 24 hours.

You immediately knew what was going to happen. Freddie insisted that you come with him. You really didn't want to. There was so many better things that you could be doing with your time. Like cleaning the entire house.

"If I die then I hope you know the blood is on your hands." You kept hearing that for days until you finally agreed to go out in the wilderness for 24 hours with him.

You packed a bag full of clothes and other items that you thought would be essential. Freddie showed up to your house a little bit early but you were ready. You didn't even speak to him as you got into your car. He climbed into the passenger side, silently.

"Y'know you should really try and learn to drive so we wouldn't have to use my car all of the time."

Freddie waved the idea off. "A waste of time, darling."

You rolled your eyes and began the drive to the designated area you would be staying. It was deep in the woods and it would take days to find you if something went wrong. When you told Freddie this he simply laughed and said with him around, nothing could possibly go astray.

It took a while but when you pulled up to the spot, a smile graced your face. You looked over to find Freddie asleep. You sighed, already knowing that you'd have to do most of the work to keep him and yourself alive.

You pressed your hand down on the horn and let it blare. Freddie shot up with a scream. He looked around for the danger, frantically. When he realized that everything was ok, he looked over to you with a frown.

"And what the hell was that for?"

"Just because." You said with a slight smirk.

Time-skip brought to you by Lap Of The Gods coming on and Roger's falsettos almost making me shit myself

"Are you almost done setting up the tent?" Freddie called over to you from the lawn chair he had brought.

"Yeah, yeah. Give me a second." You answered. "I have to pull the splinters out of my hand!"

Freddie didn't respond. He just sat back with a glass of champagne that he stored in one of his bags. You sighed when you finally finished putting up the tent. "Done!" You yelled, triumphantly.

You grabbed your sleeping bag and threw it in the tent. "Where's your sleeping bag, Fred?"

"Should be in the car." Freddie mumbled as he looked in the trunk. You heard quiet curses and stuff being moved around everywhere.

"Everything alright?"

He slammed the trunk and looked around in the backseat. "I forgot my damn sleeping bag."

You couldn't help the snort that you let out. "You brought champagne but you forgot a sleeping bag." Freddie didn't answer but kept rummaging through the car.

He came back over to you, empty handed. "Hope you like sleeping on the cold, hard ground."

Freddie simply laughed. "Oh no, darling. We'll be sharing a sleeping bag."

"Ha, no we won't."

After a long argument, you gave in. You always seemed to give in to what Freddie wanted. He just had to look at you with those eyes and you were done for. You had a crush on your best friend and no matter how much you tried to make it go away, it wouldn't.

It was getting late and cold, fast. You decided to make a fire. You gathered a bunch of sticks and pine cones and put them in a small pit. Freddie sat by the pit and didn't do anything.

"You think you can start a small fire? I just need to set up everything in the tent." You asked, hopefully. You really wanted to get all of your stuff out of the car before him so you could have dibs on where everything went.

Freddie rolled his eyes. "I'm not 5. Of course I can start a small fire."

"Alright." You mumbled as you walked back to the car. You sat in the drivers seat and contemplated driving away right then. You decided against it and gathered all of your stuff in your arms.

When you stepped out of the car, you could already feel some heat from the fire. That's odd, you thought to yourself. When you looked to the pit, you saw a big fire that was still growing and getting rather close to the tent. You threw all of your stuff at the car and ran up to Freddie who was standing there, astonished.

"Small fire! I said to start a small fire, Freddie! This is not a small fire!" You screeched.

"I don't know what went wrong!" Freddie yelled. "One minute I was proud of myself for being a nature person and the next, I dropped my fucking champagne in the fire!"

You tried to think of solution as fast as you could. You ran to the tent and grabbed your sleeping bag before throwing it out somewhere at the trees.

"Go get the water from the car!" Now you were happy that you had brought all of the water even though it almost seemed completely unnecessary. Freddie ran and got a few bottles and poured them on the fire. It dimmed but didn't go out. He got the rest of the water and emptied it on the fire.

It was only a simmer now. You threw dirt on it for good measure. You took deep breaths to calm yourself.

"When I first agreed to come out here with you, I thought we were going to die because we would be mauled by bears. Now I know it's because we're going to be dehydrated!" Freddie bit his lip while you screamed.

He put his hands on your shoulders, gently. "We'll be fine. It's just a couple of hours."

You felt your anger go away within seconds. "Yeah, we'll be ok." You sighed. "Freddie, I'm tired."

He nodded and took your hand. "Why's the sleeping bag all the way over here?" He asked as he let go of your hand and picked it up from beside a tree.

"I threw it over here so it wouldn't burn with the tent but the tent looks fine to me."

Freddie led you back to the tent and held it open for you to climb in. You rolled out the sleeping bag and snuggled into it. You shivered. "It's freezing."

Freddie chuckled. "I'm not building another fire, darling." He said as he climbed in. You sighed when you felt Freddie's body warmth.

"That's so much better." You smiled, softly.

Even though you both were encased in a small burrito, it was like you tried to stay as far as you could get from each other. It got more and more uncomfortable by the minute.

"I can't take it anymore." Freddie whispered as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. "I like this much more, darling."

Your legs entangled with his and you put your arms around Freddie. It was like you were hugging one another but this was so much more enjoyable. A blush took over your face. You wanted to tell Freddie about the crush you had on him but you were far too scared.

You mentally scolded yourself for a long time before working up the courage. You were really hoping he wasn't asleep because if he was then you were sure that you'd never tell him.

"Freddie.." You whispered.


"I-I really like you, Freddie." He didn't reply. You were about to pull away when he arms tightened around you.

"I really like you too, Y/N." You smiled so widely that your cheeks hurt. "Sorry for dragging you into this. I just wanted you here with me."

You chuckled. "It's ok. This will be a great story to tell the boys later." Freddie laughed and kissed your forehead gently. Even though you would've loved to stay awake and talk with him for hours, your eyes began to drift closed.

Freddie kissed your forehead one more time before whispering, "Sleep well, my love."

A/N- more chapters soon.

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