Promise / Roger

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A/N- Sorry that it's been so long but I'm back. This is kind of short and literally has no storyline. Sorry.

You slammed the door to your car shut and ran inside of the studio. You took a deep breath and walked calmly into the room where the boys were. "Nice of you to show up." Your husband called out.

"Shut up, Roger."

Freddie, John, and Brian snickered as Roger rolled his eyes.

You were Queen's healthcare assistant. You went everywhere that they went. Any tour, any concert, and even recording sessions. You had to make sure that they were ok at all times. If they did get hurt in some way, you were there to patch them up.

With the job, came friendships. You became very close with all of them. But one especially, the childish drummer you married a few years back.

Today was just supposed to be the normal sort of thing. You did some vocal checks with Freddie. You took a look at John's fingers because he said they were bothering him a bit. You made sure that Brian had gained the few pounds that you told him he needed.

Now Roger was the hardest to deal with. He always thought that he was fine and would almost never admit that there was something wrong with him.

Today, you were doing an eye check on him. Anybody that knew Roger, knew that he was blind as a bat. Anytime that you asked him to move his head slightly, he would flinch and then try and play it off. Something was clearly hurting him.

After a while of playing it off, you could see that he was in real pain. You huffed and sat back. Roger relaxed his shoulders with a sigh.

"Take off your shirt, Roger."

"Y/N, there are children present."

"We're older than you." Brian said with a small glare.

"Freddie can't even color in the lines."

Freddie looked up with a scoff. "Says the one with handwriting that might as well be chicken scratch."

Roger tried to stand up to say something back to Freddie but he all he could do was fall back in his chair with a wince. John stood up with worry written on his face. "What's wrong with him?"

You gently lifted the hem of Roger's shirt and pulled it off. "That's what I'm about to figure out."

Roger was doing his best to keep his breathing in check. Everything in his back and neck was hurting and he didn't understand why.

You circled around the chair that Roger was sitting in and looked at his shoulders with confusion. Everything looked normal. No bruises or anything. It had to have been his muscles.

You leaned down and gently whispered, "I need you to sit up a bit, Rog. I'm gonna figure out what's wrong, ok?"

Roger nodded but regretted it right as he did it. "It's definitely your muscles."

"This is freaking me out. Can you fix him?" Brian practically pleaded.

"Calm down. Your boyfriend will back to normal momentarily."

"Oh please. I could do much better than him. I have you, don't I?" Roger joked through the pain.

Brian rolled his eyes. "You wish you could do better than me." He muttered.

You probed Roger's neck and shoulders. Within seconds, you found exactly what you were expecting. Knots and sores all over his back. You groaned in exasperation.

"You're a real idiot. If you just would've told me that you were hurting, then I could've fixed this."

"But I didn't want to worry you." Roger mumbled.

"Roger, it's literally my job to worry about you. You have to tell me about this stuff."

You began to massage the knots out of his back but no matter how gentle you tried to be, it still hurt him. He whimpered quietly and tried to hold everything in.

The boys had left a while ago to get lunch and you were still making your way across Roger's shoulders.

"Y'know, knots are caused by stress... what's been on your mind? Why is it this bad?"

Roger stayed silent for a moment. His thoughts were running wild. His stress was about you but how was he supposed to just tell you that. It wasn't your fault. It was his own anxiety. For some reason, he felt like you were going to leave him. He thought that it was inevitable and that he deserved to be left.

You frowned and stopped working on Roger's back. You grabbed the stool that was a few feet away and pulled it over to sit down next to him. You took his hand in yours and squeezed it softly. Roger let out a shakey breath.

"I don't want you to leave me." He whispered.

"Why would I ever leave you?"

Roger looked down at his lap.

"Roger Meddows Taylor. Why would I leave you?"

"Because I'm not good enough! I'm not good enough for you!"

You sucked in a breath. Roger snatched his hand away from yours. His breathing picked up within seconds. It was getting erratic. He ran his hands through his hair and tried to stop his tears. "I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough." He repeatedly told himself.

You kneeled down in front of him and took his hands in yours. "Look at me." Roger slowly let his eyes meet yours.

"You're my everything. Stop berating yourself. You are good enough and I love you."

Roger let out a small sob. "I love you too." He took his time to stand up and took you into his arms gently. He held you against him while he let out everything he was feeling. You rubbed his back and whispered soothing things in his ear.

"I love you and it hurts when you hide this stuff."

"I'm sorry." Roger said as he stared at the floor.

"Promise me you'll tell me when you're feeling like this."

"I promise."

A/N- I have no idea what that was. I had no motivation at all so I'm sorry if it sucked. School started so that means chapters will be coming in a lot more slowly.

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