More Than Anyting pt. 2 / Brian

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"I love you." Brian whispered.

You gasped. Your hand automatically flew to cover your mouth. Brian looked down at his legs. His face flushed. He wasn't sure what to say or how to console you.

Tears quickly filled Brian's eyes when you didn't say anything back. You knew that you loved him but you were shocked into silence. Brian stood up and didn't look at you. He walked out of your flat as fast as he could and closed the door. He ran to his car and drove away.


Brian tried driving safely but he soon realized he couldn't see. He pulled over to the side of the road and parked. His heart was broken. The love of his life hadn't responded when he confessed his feelings.

Tears streamed down his cheeks and sobs wracked his body. He laid his head against the steering wheel and cried until there weren't any tears left. After he felt like he had cried out all of the fluids in his body, he sat up. He quickly wiped his eyes and drove to John's. He couldn't come face to face with Roger.

When Brian pulled up to Deaky's house, he tentatively walked up to the door and knocked. After just a few moments, John answered the door with a gasp. "Brian! What happened to you? Have you been crying?"

Brian could only nod, answering the last question. John motioned for him to come inside. He walked in and made his way to the couch and sat down. "I'll make you some tea." John said quietly.

While the water for the tea was boiling, John called Roger. "Hello?" Roger's raspy voice answered. "Rog, I'm worried about Bri. He came over here in tears. He hasn't said a word. I don't know what to do..."

John's fear became even worse when Roger gasped.
"Oh no. Deaky... he was supposed to tell Y/N about his feelings." John instantly understood. Y/N must have rejected him or something along those lines. "Well, we've got to do something." John murmured. The line was silent for a few moments until Roger said, "There's no way Y/N would reject him. Bri must have taken something the wrong way. I know for a fact that Y/N has been in love with him for years. What went wrong?" Deaky was lost in thought for a minute. "I don't know but I intend to find out."

With that the boys hung up and John finished Brian's tea just the way he liked it. He gave Brian his tea and sat silently. He wasn't sure what to do. He knew that Y/N loved Brian, so what happened?

After minutes of the uncomfortable silence, John stood up. "I've got to go. You can stay if you'd like." Brian nodded but stood up with fresh tears in his eyes. "I should go home." He mumbled. Without another word he left. Deaky felt terrible but he was going to solve this mess.


John drove over to your place and knocked on the door. You opened the door slowly, and then sighed. You were afraid it was going to be Brian. John wasted no time and got right to the heart of the problem. "What happened? What did you do to Brian?"

"What? I didn't do anything. I-It's just that he..."

"What? Come on, Y/N."

"He told me he loved me! I-I was just so surprised that I didn't say anything. Then he walked out."

John sighed. He knew that it must've been something like this. At least it was fixable. "Well, how do you feel about him?"

You hesitated. The only person you'd ever told your feelings was Roger. "I l-love him." You whispered. John only nodded. Now that he was sure that your feelings were mutual with Brian's he knew he could fix it. "Y/N... you hurt him."

"I didn't mean to! He caught me off guard. Then he just left before I could say anything back." You ran your hands through your hair, feeling very exasperated. "You have to talk to him. He's completely broken."

Sadness filled your heart at Deaky's words. It was your fault that Brian was in pain, but you were going to make everything better. "Ok, ok... I'll talk to him." You hugged John tightly.

As soon as he left, you ran to your room and looked for something decent to wear. After a long time of searching, you found something acceptable and drove to Brian's.


When you finally got there, you were terrified. You knew that he loved you back, but you weren't sure what to do. After a long time of arguing with yourself, you got out of your car and walked to the front door. You hesitated before doing anything. You knocked your hand against the door and waited.

"Go away, Roger!" A voice yelled. You almost laughed. Almost. You knocked again. You heard footsteps approaching you. "I said go awa-" Brian stuttered when he saw you. "Hi." You mumbled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize, Bri."

"I don't want your sympathy. Can you leave? You've caused me enough pain..." He muttered the last part.

You stepped forward and put your hand on Brian's shoulder. "Let me talk to you." He didn't say anything but he stepped aside and let you in. You walked right past him and into his living room. You sat down on his uncomfortable couch and waited. He hesitantly came and sat down. "What is it?"

You sat silently. He was being rude and you knew that he had every right to be, but you were hoping he would listen for just a moment. "Come on, Y/N. I don't have time for this."

"Why are you being like this?"

"I'm hurting, Y/N. This is painful. I don't want to hear you apologize! I don't want to hear it!" Brian huffed. Tears came to his eyes. He began to cry all over again. Agony was ripping through him.

You put your hand on his shoulder and pulled him towards you. You held him against you, tightly. You rubbed his back while he cried. Brian stayed there with his head on your shoulder even after he stopped crying. You put your hand under his chin and lifted his head so that you could look into his eyes. 

"Do you want to be with me, Bri?"

"More than anything," he whimpered.

"Then be with me."

You smiled up at him. "You mean it?" He asked. You hit his shoulder playfully. "Of course I mean it." Brian smiled and pulled you to him. Then he hugged you. He held you for a long time. He'd always wanted this and now it was happening. You leaned away from him and said, "I love you."

Brian was silent. Then he whispered, "You don't know how long I've waited for this moment." You smiled. "I think I have an idea."

Then Brian feverishly pressed his lips to yours.

A/N- Well, that was awful. Don't try and tell me it wasn't. I'm sorry. I just didn't have very much inspiration. I take requests. ❤️

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