You Make Me Feel / Roger

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A/N- uh ha ha hey guys. This is rushed so sorry about that.

You awoke to a pair of arms around your waist in the middle of the night. Your eyes went wide. You tried to subtly pull away from them but they tightened. You began breathing erratically as you tried to move away from the strong hold.

"Will you get still," an impatient but familiar voice asked, "It's just me."

"Oh my god, Roger."

You finally pulled away from his grasp. You sat up and switched on the lamp beside your bed. You were greeted by a horrendous looking Roger.

He flinched away from the light but slowly turned back to face you. His hair was going in all different directions and he had circles under his eyes.

"You look like a train wreck."

"Thanks," Roger muttered.

He rubbed his eyes for a few seconds before sitting up beside you. He leaned against the headboard and let his head fall back.

"As much as I love your company, what exactly are you doing here?"

"Oh me," Roger said in a particularly high voice.

"No, the man under my bed."

"Ha ha, you're so funny," he sighed. "It's a long story."

"I'm wide awake."

"I was trying to sleep and I couldn't stop thinking about you. I'm not sure why. I was just feeling really anxious," He stopped to take a deep breath. "I started thinking about how you were probably by yourself here in this big house and all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I tried calling you but you didn't answer. The anxious feeling got worse because I thought something might've been wrong with you. So I drove here."

"And you got in bed with me?"

"You laying next to me helped calm me down."

You grabbed Roger's hand and held it tightly in yours. He smiled softly and kissed the side of your head.

Roger let go of your hand and instead pulled you close to him. "I can't believe this is happening to me."


He took in a long breath. "I don't know. You're not with me for a full day and I lose my mind. John said your name at our gig the other night and my hands started shaking. I can't make it stop."

"Make what stop?"

"This!" Roger put his hands out. They were trembling and he couldn't make them stay still. "I'm so nervous without you but then when I'm with you, it's even worse!"

Roger heaved for breath. He was absolutely losing it. He clutched your body to his tightly.

"Breathe, Roger! Look at me," you said softly. His head lifted up slowly to look into your eyes. "Tell me what's wrong."

"You. You're whats wrong," he whispered. "You make me feel. And I want it to stop."

Your heart hammered in your chest. "Why do you want it to stop?"

"Because I don't want go through this kind of panic every time we're apart."

You took his hand and held it against your cheek. "Then let's not be apart."

Roger's eyes shot wide open. "Do you mean that?"

"Yes," you whispered, tentatively.

Roger climbed out of the bed and held his arms out. You rolled your eyes and slowly got up. As soon as you were standing, Roger had you locked in his arms. He held you tightly and protectively, refusing to let you go.

You let your head rest against his chest. You contented yourself with listening to his heartbeat. After a while, a yawn that you couldn't hold back, escaped your mouth.

Roger chuckled and finally let you go but only for a moment. You jumped back into the bed and made room for him by your side. You faced each other while laying in one another's arms. Roger leaned forward and kissed your forehead.

"I think I love you."

"I know I love you," he whispered.


A/N- that was kind of trash but I can't sleep so here ya go. more chapters on their way

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