First / John

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A/N- This is kind of short. Sorry...

It hurt. You weren't sure how much longer you could sit there. Pain was the only word on the tip of your tongue. Watching John up at the alter was a whole different world of sorrow.

You were surprised when you even received an invitation to his wedding. The breakup was so bad that you didn't expect to even talk to John again at all.

You thought you could put up with it. As you got ready, you stared in the mirror and told yourself over and over again that you'd be fine. But now, sitting there, it was far more than what you could handle.

Holding back tears seemed to be all that you could do. Your nails were digging into your palms as John exchanged his vows with his new partner.

You thought that you'd gotten over him. The day you broke up felt like centuries ago. But hearing his voice again for the first time since he had ended it made the wound feel fresh.

You squeezed your eyes shut as John kissed his new spouse. You were so ready to go but everybody was staying for the reception so you knew you couldn't leave.

You sat at a table with people you didn't know. They chattered about how handsome John looked and you could only agree. They talked about how he was moving far away once he got back from the honeymoon.

You tuned everything out after a while. You couldn't hear the music or people talking anymore. You hoped nobody tried to speak to you because you had no idea what they would even be saying. Everything became numb. There was no feeling anymore. Until a hand tapped your shoulder.

You slowly turned around and held back a cringe when you saw the man you'd been moping over for the past couple of hours.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you could make it!" John said cheerily.

You forced a smile. "I'm glad I could be here." You lied straight through your teeth.

John held out his hand for you and looked you in the eyes. "Dance with me. For old time sakes." He said quietly.

You swallowed and took his hand. He squeezed it before leading you to the dance floor. You had no clue what song was on. All that you knew was that John was holding you close for what could be the last time.

You clutched him tightly as you danced. You were sure that people were staring. They were probably wondering how you would dare even dance with him after he had just gotten married.

"Your new wife," you began, "She'll take care of you. You'll be ok with her."

"Y/N-" John tried to cut you off.

"No listen. I'm ok. I'll get over you." You took a deep breath to calm yourself. John wanted to stop you but he wanted to hear what you had to say so he stayed quiet.

"She can do whatever you'd want her to do. To be whatever you'd want her to be. She can give you so much. She can give you everything I never could. She'll love you."

John let out a shakey breath. He didn't know why your words were effecting him so much. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. He still loved you. He still wanted you. But he was married now. It was too little, too late.

"But Y/N-"

"She's going to give you your first kid. You'll have your first shared home with her. She'll be the first thing you see every morning. She's going to be the first thing to come to your mind when making a decision. She's going to be the beginning for many things."

You leaned closer and whispered what you knew would be your last words to John.

"But I loved you first."

A/N- that was different... more chapters soon

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